When did your former ATF fall "out of favorite" with you?
For me, it was a recent visit in which the private dances turned out to be much less than I previously had enjoyed. The thread about on from a club got me thinking - when is it time to move on to another favorite?
I've often noted, that the men who tend most often to declare something along the lines of "Every woman has something beautiful about her" or "I think all women are sexy each in her own way" or (as is said here) "I am a TRUE BELIEVER in eroticism of each individual woman!" ... the guys who say all that blather never happen to be sitting with a butt-ugly trailer-trash skank. Their girlfriends are young and gorgeous, so it's easy enough for them to think of all women as young and gorgeous, inside and out.
That depends, because I've considered 3 different women my ATF, whose "names" are Lily, Dusty and Olivia. (Actually, Olivia really is her name.) I don't know if Dusty could ever be my ATF again, because while I enjoyed 95% of my experiences with her, at the end, she went all flaky on me and blew me off entirely, and then moved far enough away where I can avoid her if I want to. As for Olivia, she just simply quit the business. So I guess I say Lily is my ATF now, but just because a girl quits the business doesn't mean she can't still be your ATF. It's not like she went flaky too. But considering I don't see Lily much anymore, and probably would most likely see her by accident, it seems like either I don't have one, or anyone else could be it. I sometimes wonder whether the concept of the ATF is worth it.
I guess after the seventh or eighth statement I was given that I was unable to rationalise (and I can rationalise ANYTHING) I figgered it was time to kick my addiction. It wasn't easy but to avoid a sit like that in the future I hope never to have an ATF again. I have a girl I see frequently at Cheetahs who treats me fab and isn't counting the minutes (or hours she's with me) but I wouldn't designate her an ATF.
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