Farting... Love/Hate

avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers

What is it about farting?

If you don't like someone it can be fun to fsrt on them. Nothing quite like the reaction from someone when you drop an air biscuit right by them and they can't figure out who did it.

Bit then again, I have heard that you know it is true love if you are willing to fart in front of someone...

I can't figure this one out. Is farting love or hate?

We need some smart talk


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

I am wondering how dancers take it when I fart on them

avatar for Longball300
5 yrs ago

Everyone farts....

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Midgets hate it when someone farts in an elevator.

There are certain rules applicable to farting.

  1. Don’t fart on an elevator, but if you must do so, immediately after you fart you should stare accusingly at any ethnic in the elevator. That’s what they’re for.

  2. If you fart in any public space, just keep moving so you won’t be around to bear the blame when your fart is detected.

  3. Its always OK to fart in certain countries, even if you’re in a crowded elevator. I used to spend lots of time in Pakistan. If I farted on a crowded elevator in Pakistan most people just assumed it was air freshener.

  4. If someone else fouls the air first, launching an retaliatory “air biscuit” is always fair play.

avatar for FatherofNicole94
5 yrs ago

Father ask what question kind is this? Is from #1 American idiot.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

^^^ you jealous you didn't think of that question?

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

I think fatherofnicole is fantasizing about getting it hot and heavy from MackTruck under the sheets...

...the Dutch Oven kind.

avatar for Daddillac
5 yrs ago

I ripped a bad one, the kind that makes your eyes water and then cough, you can taste it a little. I was in the elevator last night, my kids were choking and I said, the air that used to be in my butt is the air in your nose and mouth. My youngest, 13, threw up when we got off the elevator. This morning I just came down for breakfast, I could still smell it in t.f he elevator.

avatar for crazyjoe
5 yrs ago

^ wow, that is impressive! What did you eat?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Seriously

avatar for pistola
5 yrs ago

Mack is always talking about more girls in here.... fart threads will be sure to attract them.. #captaindumbazz

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

AOC says that farting causes global warming. So don't you guys care about the environment ?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ you’re really hung up on this AOC aren’t you, why don’t you get a room ;)

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

^ A room with AOC ? Only if I can put tape over her mouth.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ lol but then you can’t get a blow job ;)

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

^ Not worth the risk of hearing her talk. And have you seen those teeth ?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago


avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

The older you get the more carefull you gotta be when you fart.

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