
Hong Kong TJ question thread

Hey all. I want to make a thread where any random question you've thought about the Hong Kong club in Tijuana could asked about and answered.

I'll start first with two questions:
1) Is Mondays and Tuesdays dead? I understand you can get 80% off, but I feel that there is likely a reason for this. How many girls are there are prime hours on Mon/Tues? Are there 8/9s or are you working with the 3rd string team?
2) My understanding is that girls who work here come from all over Mexico for a couple weeks at a time on average, hence the high turnover of girls. Do you have a strategy for finding the new girls to the business? What are the identifiers or things that you look out for, or things they might do or say that clues you in on this?
I feel that the meseros will tell you anything that you want to hear, like that the girl is new and only has been working for x number of days.



  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    Round two of questions:

    1) is it up to the girl to determine the amount of time she stays with you at cascadas? i know she has to check in at the front, so im wondering if there is any additional pressure from the front staff to keep to her time limit.

    2) can you take street girls back to cascadas? i notice they stand outside certain bars/hotels so im not sure if they are working for those places and if you have to use their rooms or not?

    3) are there street girls you can pick up on av. revolucion? i'm thinking about staying somewhere a little nicer like Hotel Caesars or Hotel Ticuán.

    4) also, can you bring HK girls or CC girls from zona norte back to these hotels? if so, what are the details to be aware of?
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Nothing like legal pussy right
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Do you want answers ? Or is this just a thread to post eternal questions ?
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    There's a website for all TJ info and photos called chicabow google it.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Don’t get caught smoking loser leaf in Mexico that’s all I can tell you.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    1. It is never dead in tj although some of the 9 and 10s only work weekends. There will still be 8 and ups on monday and tuesday. There is no strategy for finding chicas new to the business except by asking them. I always walk around hk and tip and pick my chicas. Yes you can take sg back to cascadas but reception might ask for their i.d but not all sg will come to cascada. Prostitution isn't legal on revolution only in zona norte but their are tons of escorts agencies in tijuana. I never let merseros pick my chica.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    If you gave your own room at cascada you do not get the cum boys knock. But anything over an hour and they we will you to buy a bucket of ficha. Bye the way a tip to cascada receptionists goes along way on rether they enforce this because i like to do multiple hours with my chicas. Hk tropical las chaveas and some sg go to cascada. Cc has thier own hotel as does adelitas their chicas will not go to cascada during their shifts and hk chicas will only go to cascasda during their shifts. No bg will leave zona during their shifts. Now i answered all your questions i should charge for this info.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    @Countryman5434 thanks man, appreciate the answers.

    @twentyfive what's the part you can't tell me?

    @anislee thanks man, ill check it out.

    @nemesisk7 amen
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    hk IS a stripclub.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ funloving dumbass please keep all posts here. Thank you https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php…
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ funloving fella please post here. Thanks.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    any thoughts on how safe Coahuila actually is? we see TJ through the lens of a tourist and haven't even scratched the surface. i know there is a police station right there next to HK, but surely the cartels have a piece of each pie in that area so i'd assume they are protecting the revenue, ie. the tourists.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    It's not any more dangerous than any other u.s.city. hell the shithole where i unfortunately live have shootings everyday.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    homicide rates has tripled since 2016 due to a new cartel (that i wont name) taking over chapo's territory (he's in prison now) and slinging meth. they are now the biggest cartel in mexico, and TJ is now the most dangerous city in the world as of 2019. That's what worries me
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Not in the zona. They do not go after tourists. You stay in zona centro or zona norte you will be fine. Hell i have seen mexican marines in the zona i have no fear in tj. I just make sure i watch my wallet
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Just make sure you wear the aluminum foil hat like @cuntryman. It identifies you as a tourist.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ fagoneer please post there thanks
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    looking for other sites, so far tuscl and chicabow are good. any others?
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    You might like 90min.com
    I get a lot of my news/intel there.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    Anyone wear some funny shit to the club before? No need to dress nice if the girl is guaranteed to go arriba with you for a price lol. I bet you'd get a laugh walking in with one of these on:
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    Also, can you take a SG in for a drink at one of the bars? Im guessing it would be a good way to see if there's any chemistry.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    $ shoetodrop clubs will charge you or 300 hundred to bring a sg in if they will go
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Founder set up this feature just for this kind of discussion. Why not use it?

  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @shoedrop I can’t tell you anything about Tijuana I’ve never been there I have traveled and worked throughout Mexico. Don’t get caught smoking loser leaf in Mexico, the justice system there is not kind to Americanos that break Mexican laws.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    @shadowcat because there are only 163 comments for a place like HK? a discussion thread is different than a comment wall.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @shoeto drop shadowcat don't like tj because by his words his exwife is mexican
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And thanks to shoetodrop for asking some very reasonable questions.

    And thanks to Countryman and Misterwonderful for providing some answers.

  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    thanks @san_jose_guy, do you have any resources for me or saved discussion threads you could share? im trying to aggregate everything into a guide myself.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    There are lots of discussion threads. Start with this detailed girl by girl account:

    Then follow the links, and then the links from the links.

    And you might start with this too:



    The Police - Roxanne (Official Music Video) do people like this song? I always have.

    above is not really live. Unclear how many people it would take. But this, 2008, is live

    Clever song, kind of extreme vocal style. Think about what it would be like to try and imitate.

    Could be transcribed various ways, but probably would use pick up notes.

    Most rock music uses sharp keys C through E. But this is different, Bb and Gm chord.


    use zoom on browser to be able to read:

    Brother Beware

    Heiress pleads guilty in NXIVM sex slave case

    Paul Tillich Symposium: John Caputo Lecture

    Lecture on Frantz Fanon (Decolonizing the earth)
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    1. The party never stops at HK, there are less bargirls on Monday and Tuesday compared to the weekend but I've had great experiences regardless of the day or time.

    2. The strategy to finding out about a bargirl is called: conversation.

    I only trust the maseros to bring me a drink, I find my own company.

    1. YEMV. My experience is that it is up to the bargirl, I've had plenty of bgs stay in my room for much more than 30 minutes.

    I have yet to experience the staff, bg, or anyone else ask me to buy a ficha bucket if she stays more than an hour, my CFBG stays her entire shift in my room.

    2. No expectations with SGs.

    3. See 2.

    4. This question has been asked of me a few times: if a bg is agreeable to go, you will have to pay a barfee and her fee.

    For example, I was joking with a bargirl asking her to spend the afternoon with me, she agreed and told me it would be $80 per hour plus $300 for HK (I passed).

    While, I think you could get a bg to go to the other hotels, it would be extremely challenging to do it on the first or second meeting as they would have to really trust you (not impossible but not probable).
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I've been there twice and I'd say I have high standards. There are way more girls than customers during the last Tuesday I was there. For $10, you can buy any girl you're remotely interested in a drink and have her sit with you while you grope her and talk to her. Even after her drink is done, she'll probably stick around because she wants to make a sale. The girls I weren't interested in after buying them a drink still seemed grateful that I bought a drink from them. On that Tuesday morning, there were a few girls that I would have happily taken upstairs, and the girl I did take up was pretty awesome too.

    There are more hotter girls at night, but there are also a ton more customers.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    Anyone have some insight that's not common knowledge? that's the interesting stuff.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    does anyone have experience with street girls on av. revolucion? can you take them back to a nicer hotel like hotel caesars or ticuan? what are the prices like and the logistics? is it sketchy because its outside of the legal zona norte? cops? etc?
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    —>@shoetodrop: "Also, can you take a SG in for a drink at one of the bars?”

    A more compelling question might be: Also, can anyone take an SJG in for a drink at one of the strip clubs?” The answer is no because he doesn’t go to strip clubs. Or give advice that should be relied on. But answers are irrelevant because it’s a rhetorical question
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    SJC whats your reply to that? can i take you for a drink at one of the strip clubs?
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    "Anyone have some insight that's not common knowledge? that's the interesting stuff"

    Your question sounds a condescending and unappreciative of the information shared.

    From some of your questions and definitely from your review, it seems you don't have common knowledge so maybe a little less condescension and a little appreciation will motivate the community to share with you.

    I on the other hand will not anymore.
  • radboyle
    5 years ago
    sorry @Cristobal, I didn't mean to sound unappreciative.

    "1. The party never stops at HK, there are less bargirls on Monday and Tuesday compared to the weekend but I've had great experiences regardless of the day or time."

    This is good to know, it seems that they give high incentive to visit on these days. I guess I assumed they would be a lot slower.

    "2. The strategy to finding out about a bargirl is called: conversation."

    Since you can't really trust the info a BG gives you as people have pointed out to me, I was hoping to learn some things from you veterans that would tip you off that a girl is new to the game (ie. how they talk, act, dress, etc).

    "1. YEMV. My experience is that it is up to the bargirl, I've had plenty of bgs stay in my room for much more than 30 minutes. I have yet to experience the staff, bg, or anyone else ask me to buy a ficha bucket if she stays more than an hour, my CFBG stays her entire shift in my room."

    Also good to know, I was wondering if mgmt is keeping tabs on how long a girl stays with you, etc. especially since there are so many cameras in the place.

    "4. This question has been asked of me a few times: if a bg is agreeable to go, you will have to pay a barfee and her fee. For example, I was joking with a bargirl asking her to spend the afternoon with me, she agreed and told me it would be $80 per hour plus $300 for HK (I passed). While, I think you could get a bg to go to the other hotels, it would be extremely challenging to do it on the first or second meeting as they would have to really trust you (not impossible but not probable)."

    Wow that's quite a fee. i think i'd end up finding a different option at that point. thanks for the info.
  • Nixur68
    5 years ago
    I can’t find this chicabow website.. any ideas?
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
  • Nixur68
    5 years ago
    I don’t see many photos but thanks.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago

    Not sure how much this site really has. Idea looks good.

    Is TJ Amigos gone? Why?

    I think there were serious problems with the people who ran TJA.

  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    tja site owner got ‘cold feet’ a year ago with the new law. shame because tja was good.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Chicabow is fantastic sjg you have to introduce yourself to have access
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ thanks

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