TUSCL is a great tool, especially since I travel a lot to new areas. However, When I call up nearby clubs on the map, the map doesn’t show where I am located. Am I doing something wrong or is this part of the design? And if it is part of the design, can it be changed?
I have the same issue, have to always click on strip club list and find the city where I'm at. Nearby strip clubs always goes a couple hundred or few hundred miles away. While in Charlotte, one time said nearby club was follies in Atlanta. I stopped using the feature since it rarely works right for me.
Nearby strip clubs just checked asked for location and correctly worked in South Carolina where I already know all the nearby strip clubs. If something changes, it would be nice if the street address for each club would be listed on the list so I can search locations on my phone easier. Have to type in every address to see how far away each club is on my phone. It would be nice if I could search nearby strip clubs on my iPhone and they all popped up.
Papi for the reasons stated above. When traveling to a new area, I want to know where I am in relation to the clubs in the area.
If I am heading south, I don’t want to backtrack 20 miles north to go to a club with a good rating. Or if I am going to use Uber, at least I will have some idea how far away I am from the club.
I've noticed this too but it used to work great it would actually show the nearest club to you I assume from your phone GPS but lately it hasn't been working I don't know what's up with that
I see your point - I guess you mean something like a Google Maps type functionality - you can obviously work around it by looking at the clubs on the TUSCL list then looking at a particular club on Google maps but obviously not as efficient
Hmm - a while ago at home using my home WiFi I used the "Strip Clubs Near Me" function and it listed the correct clubs - I'm outta the house now and used the function again using my phone's data connection and it gave me a list of clubs in freaking Kansas.
last commentIf something changes, it would be nice if the street address for each club would be listed on the list so I can search locations on my phone easier. Have to type in every address to see how far away each club is on my phone. It would be nice if I could search nearby strip clubs on my iPhone and they all popped up.
If I am heading south, I don’t want to backtrack 20 miles north to go to a club with a good rating. Or if I am going to use Uber, at least I will have some idea how far away I am from the club.