
Farewell Friend

I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 11:04 PM
In my Vietnamese Bikini Coffee Shop days I befriended a beautiful, aspiring Cosplay model who introduced me to a group of amateur mongers who would later become my close friends. One of the mongers, who provided me solid advice on the coffee shop world, reintroduced me to strip clubs and took me to TJ, soon became my best friend. However, we were different types of mongers, I am an extras FS hound while he enjoys looking more feeling less; also, I visit clubs/brothels twice a week and he would visit once a month or less frequent. He convinced me a life changing experience was awaiting me in Thailand and Vietnam, he had business interests in Southeast Asia and invited me to join him for a trip. I accepted and started saving money by cutting down my visits to SCs and TJ, and then something strange happened: My civvie game improved. Then something stranger happened: My best friend canceled our Asia trip claiming I would become jaded explaining he was trying to be my moral compass. Needless to say I was upset but I respected his decision though I secretly planned to go by myself in a few months. So I was enjoying my mongering and civvie game, having the best time of my life, and on a return trip from TJ after missing several text messages to meet up for coffee something really strange happened: That night at the Cosplay model's birthday party my friend called me out in front of everyone as "the worst commincator" too concerned with chasing ass that I neglect my friends. I decided to leave the party early to take a coffee girl out to dinner and the next day my best friend texted that I was a "cocky bastard, an arrogant asshole" saying our friendship was over, blocked my number, blocked all social media, and removed his number from all group chats I partake in. Not sure why this happened but I accept it and move on: I've buried my mother, my cousin, my aunt, I lost the love of my life to divorce, I survived serious stomach surgery, so losing a two year friend is hardly a blip on the radar. Farwell friend.


  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    Go to Asia...get jaded :) Go to Macau and get spoiled sitting in a plush reclining chair while eating good food and getting massage. Then the manager brings the entire lineup of 25+ beautiful, scantily clad, young Asian women to stand in front of you so you can pick which women you want. Women are routinely tested for STD’s and FS is cheaper than US VIP fee. Thailand and Vietnam are cool too. Hey, where’d you go? Guess we’ll have to wait and see if you return stateside to find out if we’re still friends ;)
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    cristobal... this ‘friend’ surely is judgmental and unforgiving.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    “Not sure why this happened but I accept it and move on: I've buried my mother, my cousin, my aunt, I lost the love of my life to divorce, I survived serious stomach surgery, so losing a two year friend is hardly a blip on the radar. Farwell friend.” Good writing. The last part of it especially stuck out for me.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Ummm. Me thinks you stole his coffee girl.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Where is that violin?
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    There are 3 sides to every relationship story: yours, his, and the truth. Your side seems to be “ I did nothing wrong and my friend blindsided me”.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    I’m certainly not one to judge. However, is it possible that you are so truly focused upon getting into the next pussy that you do in fact neglect your friends? One needs balance in life. Instead of saying farewell, should you instead be saying I’m sorry?
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    Maybe he found Jesus? Maybe he was becoming attracted to you and became jealous? Who knows? It's water under the bridge. You only get a few real friends in a life time, most others are acquaintances just passing through.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @kajohnston I plan on going to Asia, not sure where and when. But Macau sounds like a good time too. If you had to choose one, Thailand or Vietnam?
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    I agree with JS that this is an opportunity to look in the mirror and ask yourself if any of what he said may be true. Maybe none of it is, or maybe some and even most of it is and you are okay with that. Regardless, if he really blindsided you with all this in public and without coming to you privately first, then farewell indeed. "With friends like that..."
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I'd try to ask whats going on. When you're an adult, friendships become rare... at least I'd wanna know I did all I could.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Your friend sounds like an emotional needy wimp - and IMO his monger game is weak - beyond responsibilities to family, an adult is entitled to live their own life and it isn't the place of someone else to tell you as an adult what you should be doing - obviously you two are not into the same thing and IMO is not right for him to expect for you to do things and live your life according to what he finds acceptable.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    Easy, I prefer Vietnamese women and food. Vietnam (VN) is a bit cheaper. 1 USD = 23,199 VND (dong), 1 USD = 31.73 THB (baht). Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand are close enough to do day trips. Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore are close enough to do 24 hour/overnight trips. Just do it, no regrets :) As for your “friend”, only you two know what happened from your own perspectives and what’s best for yourselves to achieve your goals and dreams. “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.”, Oprah.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @kajohnston Now I've seen it all, an Oprah quote on TUSCL... Lol Thanks for the insight on Asia, yes, I'm going to do it perhaps in June for my birthday.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @gammanu95 I agree with you, this is an opportunity to look at myself and see the truth in his words. Not only was a blindsided in public but the next day I received about 20 text messages enumerating all my faults and without a chance to discuss this man to man (I wouldn't talk about this through text messages) he completely blocks me.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @cristobal Enjoy! Common sense advice: Drink bottled water, bring flip flops and foot spray cause athletes foot is common. Learn a few phrases/ terms such as yes, no, how do you say...in..., etc to earn goodwill and reduce the probability of being taken advantage of. Use local currency, everything’s negotiable/haggle it’s expected, meeting local girls is easy and cheap since you’ll be an ”exotic foreigner.” Paid services are cheaper with local girls then progressively more expensive with girls from other provinces, countries, and continents. Vaccinations: [view link] Travel requirements & advisories: [view link] Send cool pics and stories!
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago
    @cristobal Oh, get a prepaid sim card so you can look up directions and translations as well as communicate. Install and setup most popular chat apps so you’re not fumbling last minute and losing opportunities to hangout, have fun and hookup with girls. Ex. Macau WeChat, QQ,/Thailand Line/Vietnam Messenger/WhatsApp.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @johnSmith69 Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to discuss and if needed, to apoligize. Our friendship was over in less than one day.
  • bullzeye
    5 years ago
    IMO, it’s kinda weird that your friendship dissolved so quickly. And, to me, that’s on your friend, not you. If guys have been friends for that long, I think he would have given you a chance to talk it out. Again, IMO. Sorry it ended like that for you.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @kajohnston Thanks for the very helpful tips.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @nidan111 It might have been about when I pursued a few coffee girls (civvies), my friend would tell me things like "they are out of your league" and "they only act nice to you because you hang out with me."
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Thanks for sharing that Cristobal. Can't really know what happened, but with your civvie game building up, maybe this friend could not stand that. You function in the outside world of Viet Coffee Girls, and as anyone who has tried that will know, it is not easy. Check your props. SJG AMLO: How Mexico’s New Leftist President Has Navigated Corruption, Inequality and Trump [view link] [view link] Zubin Mehta and Khatia Buniatishvili [view link] Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower (Live in the Central Park) [view link]
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @bullzeye It was strange for me too for us not to talk it out face to face but for him to just send about 20 messages and then block me.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo We all monger differently and I respect it. It's just went my civvie game changed then his attitude with me changed. It's kind of ironic I have less drama with dancers/bargirls/civvies than I do with my supposed best friend.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Was his sending text messages stranger than you posting this on a strip club forum ? Cuz, I think the answer is no.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @mark94 It was strange to end a two year friendship via text message. It was not strange to post it on a strip club forum as it was related somewhat to my mongering. Plus, I feel comfortable enough to write about my escapades in VIP rooms and Brothels, I feel comfortable enough to post about a farewell friend.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @cristobal if he was truly a friend he wouldn't judge you. He would accept you for who you are. You are better off without him. My best friend is not a monger but knows i am. It it makes no difference.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Countryman5434 I agree, true friends don't judge. The ironic part he was a monger too.
  • Sajrandom
    5 years ago
    This guy sounds like a real pussy; you're probably better off without him.
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