
Fighting city hall over the rights for strip clubs to exist.

Atlanta suburb
Just about every TUSCL member and the general public seem to like going to strip clubs. They are mainstream. They are in our music, TV and movies. They make the news quite often but mostly in a negative way. Cities and other governmental agencies seem to be constantly trying to put them out of business.

But nobody wants to stand up for them. Most of us try to hide the fact that we go to them. Even though they are main stream everyone doesn't want to publicly acknowledge that we want them and go to them. Most of us are afraid of what others will think.

So how can we openly support them and keep government from shutting them down? Can they exist under socialism? Food for thought.


  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Nothing fun exists under socialism. Pure socialism is Venezuela. Welfare socialism is Europe. You know, where their citizens get a lot fo Government money, that the Government used to pay for their defense, until we decided to give Europe welfare starting in 1945 and continuing daily, including today. Nato is the largest welfare expense in the budget, well if Congress ever actually passed one.
  • joewebber
    5 years ago
    it is a byproduct of a good economy. any time the economy is good, the religious zealot politicians attack the so-called 'sins' because it makes them look good to their prudish hypocritical neighbors.
    when the economy is bad, the recession proof strip club or bar is relied on by the city for revenue.
    one of the best examples of this is the forest park GA city council. they agreed to issue an additional license to GSE for Pink Pony South (because the Crazy Horse Saloon had been there for 18 years with no problems).
    After about a year, the city council passed an ordinance outlawing nude dancing and alcohol. both clubs suffered financially and eventually closed. when forest park realized that they were in heavy debt without that revenue, they offered the licenses again.
    too little too late sometimes
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    Where is SJG demanding that the 400 pound stripper make the same money as the spinner.... the hustler makes the same as the prude.....
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Nothing fun exists under socialism.” Only partially true. Nothing fun exists under socialism for the proletariat. But the ruling class lives in luxury and decadence. Do you thing Maduro in Venezuela is deprived of anything?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    America is still sorta in the dark-ages when it comes to sex and seems part of the American fabric that expressing one's sexuality outside of traditional means is unacceptable - e.g. traditionally for example if a politician had an affair he was often done, where in Europe it'd be no big deal.

    It's similar to porn, millions of people watch it but it's still something most people feel they gotta do in secret.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    That's what sc is saying, but why? Were our founders puritans? Well somewhat. If you look at our history, the French in search of religious freedom settled up near Jacksonville in the 1500's. And we have the pilgrims, both religious groups. Doesn't seem they came for land rather freedom , and that included religion.

    That said, I believe the resistance to strip clubs and such is just in out heritage. Will it change? Not in the rest of my lifetime! BTW, I hit 70 just a week ago on Friday. :)
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Shadowcat visiting strip clubs regularly, is showing that we support them, and the American way is, as always if there's a way to make a buck, someone will do it. : )
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Around here it's the religious zealots who want to shut down strip clubs, not the socialists. Socialists are more about regulating and taxing, which can also ruin an industry for a different reason.

    Here's the thing: overall glorified go go dancers who get naked on stage are pretty well protected by the first amendment. But we all know that's not how dancers make bank.

    Depending on how far Kamala Harris makes it in the Democratic primary, sex work may become an issue, as her treatment and aggressive prosecution of sex workers as a DA is not popular at all with the far left, who support sex workers rights.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    I doubt kamala harris will make it very far, even her base is meh towards her, she comes iff as very phony. Just a hunch.
    As fir the op, in my area many towns are constantly trying to shut down scs and are usually successful after violent episodes. But a club can go many years without any episodes and still be fighting the municipslity for survival. I think it mostly comes down to “Bad optics”. A sc in town will lead to bad pr, potential incidents and lower property values. Nobody in nj is crying about the religious aspect, its all about the benjis (or potential lack of due to hosting a titty bar) - a fact the city councils and strippers should drink to.
    An interesting statistic would be to see whether there really is more violent episodes at scs compared to regular bars. Every barfight and most streetfights ive been in happened at or outside a regular bar, not an sc.
  • K
    5 years ago
    Strip clubs that are good neighbors or are in industrial zones are left alone in NJ. I know one club that borders a little league baseball field. For decades no one bothered with them until the dancers started blowing customers in the parking lot. Another was in an industrial zone for 30 years and was left alone until dock workers next door started stepping on used condoms every morning.

    There is no way I am going to risk embarrassing my brother the minster or my brother the local politician or risk having one of my clients tell me I am no longer welcome to bid on jobs because some idiot strip club manager can't get his girls to use a hotel

    "An interesting statistic would …" one of the strip clubs in NJ introduce some studies at trial that showed strip clubs in general have fewer incidents. The problem is the incidents are more newsworthy because they occur in a strip club. Fewer but more publicized incidents hurt property values more than more unpublicized incidents.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    w.r.r. Kamala Harris, she was being interviewed by some young AA guy and he was asking her if she liked hiphop and if she had smoked reefer in college - trying to be down she said she would get high in college listening to Tupac and some other rappers - problem was those rappers released their first album years after she was in college, LOL - no big deal but she kinda got caught in a white-lie trying to be down, LOL.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I mean... I think Nevermind came out while I was in middle school. I remember us blasting it on repeat one year at summer camp. Ten likely was in middle school too. I know Pretty Hate Machine came out while I was in HS, and I think Downward Spiral did too? Black Hole Sun was definitely high school.

    It's funny I have more clear memories of HS music than college. Internet culture wasn't as far along then and I guess I was more focused on classes and getting laid than music?
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    Unfortunately, the people of the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave....which is supposed to be about individual liberties.....like to stick their noses in other people's business. The right wants everyone to live by the good book as they see it. The left wants everyone to follow their good book as they see it. NOBODY is just out there saying, live your life like you want as long as you're of age and not infringing upon the rights of others. When the country was founded, the government was tiny. It had to fight to even stay alive....now, it's huge and we have to fight to keep it from eating us all alive. They want to tell us how we should be educated, what we should drive, what kind of work we can do, who we can marry, etc. etc. etc.

    I blame the people on both sides that think they are the elite and think they know what is good for everyone. But they promise free shit to people and the people are dumb enough to think it's really going to be free. Free healthcare for all.....because who want's people dying of illness because they can't afford insurance. But then, down the road, they tell you that you can't smoke, can't drink soda, can't eat fatty food, etc. etc. etc.

    If the country had stuck to individual freedom and natural consequences, we would be fine. We could have our SCs, massage parlors, bordellos, churches of all kinds, gay marriage, polygamy, and anything else you wanted with just a few restrictions needed where age, danger, and infringement on the rights of others would exist. But nope....do gooders doing good for others have outlawed everything from alcohol to the oldest business in the world at one point or another.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ good breakdown
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "It's similar to porn, millions of people watch it but it's still something most people feel they gotta do in secret."

    This might be a generational thing because everyone I know is very open about watching porn. I think I met one person who claimed to not watch porn and everybody accused her of lying.
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