Hiding in the Shadows

avatar for reverendhornibastard
I live in a large metropolitan area that is home to over 6 million people and is anywhere from 55 to 95 miles across depending on which axis you measure it. When I go clubbing with my pants bulging with cash and bad intentions, I select my club destination based on the following 3 criteria:

1) high mileage reputation;
2) quality of the eye candy; and
3) remoteness from areas where I am likely to encounter anyone who knows me.

On my most recent foray into one of my favorite dens of depravity I was comfortably esconced in a dark corner enjoying a prolonged stripper handshake when a spotted a colleague tipping the dancer on the stage. The fellow in question, while well known to me, is really just a professional colleague rather than a close friend.

I might have approached him since he would be in no better position to blab about where he saw me than I would be to blab about him. But I didn’t. I kept my eyes on him, verifying that he had not spotted me and was unaware of my presence.

I tipped my stripper handshake girl and told her I was leaving shortly.

As soon as this guy disappeared into the men’s room I shot out of there like a bat out of hell.

I am now debating whether I can ever feel comfortable going back to that club again.


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While your debating check your mangina. :)
I would probably avoid it in the future. I have little faith in most other guys' ability to keep their mouths shut, which is why I rarely club with anyone else. You can't assume that anyone else values his own reputation as much as you value yours.
The answer to that depends on where you work and what your position is. When I lived in that same large metro area, I actually went to clubs with fellow colleagues. There were a group of us that got into trouble together. But now, I am the boss. I actually think it might damage my reputation a little if co-workers, or in my case, employees saw me. I do not talk about any of my experiences with my employees, nor do any of them know that I ever go into such a place.

But now, all of my mongering is when I travel to other cities. So no one knows me in those cities.
I have, years ago, went into a SC that I frequented from time to time and ran into not only a dancer I worked with during the day and my son’s girlriend working as a cocktail waitress. They both saw me. It was unsettling but I survived with no ill effects in the long run.
It’s always a risk every time you go out mongering. If you’re in a profession where a high premium is placed on decorum and a reputation for rectitude, the risks are so much higher (to say nothing of the enormous risks to relationships with your wife, your children and your non-dancing girlfriends)!
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Sorry guys but I find it a bit funny that it seems many of you are ashamed to be seen in a club or try to keep your clubbing secret. For whatever reasons if you're so concerned about getting stressed over if someone sees you or not perhaps you should find another hobby, say stamp collecting. "A nod to Shailyn wherever he is" :D
To me it's no problem if I run into someone I know at a club, sometimes I even joke about it to friends and associates.
TheeOSU, not all of us work in environments that are so hon-judgmental. What reverend posted immediately before you is right on point - in some professions, reputation and decorum still matter a great deal. I happen to be in one of those.
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
No problem Rick, you guys gave your perspective, I gave mine.
If you think that your actions at a club would not be judged by some, mostly negative but some might even judge positively, then you're ridiculously naive. In some cases, even your level of income can and will be affected, but definitely you're standing with non-clubbing friends and other vanilla life acquaintances.

The only person I will club with is my wife and the only person we know who we share our stories with is a friend from overseas, who is equally into the lifestyle and other mongering pursuits.

Many times while clubbing in Las Vegas you will see guys with poofy hair colored wigs and ridiculous sunglass disguises. They may be minor celebrities or think they are, but they are just being careful.

You just can't be too careful because it can take decades to build a reputation and a short time to damage or destroy one.
I future times I'll be appearing with strippers in public. So the people I meet at a strip club who might know me will be strippers and their customers.

Not that way yet, but it will be.

TheOSU posted: "No problem Rick, you guys gave your perspective, I gave mine."

You sure did, which was to imply that we were being silly for worrying about it. It's cool that you work in an environment that is so laid back, but sadly some of us work in places where it could cause stigma and permanent career damage. Shit, in some of the offices I deal with, employees were only recently allowed to stop wearing full suits to work every day, but even still must fully suit up on days when visitors are coming. In some industries, reputation and character still matter a great deal. I'm not trying to argue with you, just point out that some of us are not being as silly as you might think.
@623 - You hit the nail on the head! Only Queen Victoria said it better when she wrote, “A reputation for refinement and rectitude built over a lifetime can be demolished in seconds by carelessly leaving turd skidmarks in the crapper.”

At least I think it was Queen Victoria.

Might have been Gandhi.
Ran into a married coworker once in a club. He was coming out of the VIP room with a known extras girl while I was sitting at the bar. He nodded my way, I nodded back, and he walked out.

He never spoke directly to me again in the entire 5 years after that. Not even in meetings.
And then there was time I encountered one of my son’s former girlfriends naked on stage.

Being the douchebag that I am, my first thought was on the order of “damn, how the hell did he lose *her*!”
I saw colleagues in clubs three times. Two of those colleagues were at a higher pay grade than me. So, I figured I had the advantage.
avatar for pawnrob69
6 years ago
Unless you are a pastor of some sort or a politican who has been elected based on “moral values” what are you scared of? It’s not illegal to be in a strip club. I agree with shadow wipe your mangina and turn in your man card. You don’t belong in the clubs.
I read this in Ron Swanson's voice in my head and it worked pretty well.
Some of us live in places where the holier than thou hypocrite crowd is very influential. Where, despite what the *law* says, if you don’t suck god’s dick well enough, you’re the spawn of Satan and don’t deserve any consideration, much less a job.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I remember once the EX BF (before he left me for a pack of hombres) told me about how he was having lunch one day and a coworker went up to him and told him awkwardly that he found me on OKCupid.

I remember I was very confused, because I’ve never had a profile from that site.

He clarified that he was pretty sure the coworker was actually trying to warn him about me being a dancer. And that was why he was so shifty and awkward with how he led the conversation.

It was weird.
@nicespice. He left you for some Hombres? I don’t speak Spanish, but that sounds like he may be GAY! You seem Like a girl who actually has her head is m very straight. Not certain why some dude would leave you for some dudes unless that dude was .... well ..... GAY!
Damn this vodka infused wine !
glad i’m single and retired now. the skeletons have removed from the closet.
Pawnrob69 - I was a high school principal and my interests in strip clues could and would have been misconstrued by parents, superintendent & school board members so I limited visits to time when I was far away from home. My pension maxed out at age 57 so I retired and took a job which had me on the road 100 days a year. When I left that job I had begun visiting clubs nearer home. The only problem I’ve had was when a former student recognized me before I saw her. The nude spread legs 16 inches from my nose sent me home that night and I stayed a2ay from that club for several years.
When I was much younger I ran into a peer level colleague at what turned out to be an extras club. At the time I still believed Chris Rock. He gave me a "hey, look who's here having fun" kind of comment as he passed me and a girl at a table. Let's call her Swallow. This was on a Saturday. Monday afternoon a higher level manager who I knew of but barely knew caught me in the hall and said "I heard you met Swallow. Was that the best blowjob you ever had or what!"

So obviously the guy I ran into had a big mouth. I don't know if he told that guy because they were clubbing buddies or if that asshole was telling everybody. I left there for unrelated reasons a few months later.
You have to be careful when you're worried about your employment and your reputation in the community. I'm retired and don't have a reputation to protect.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I remember seeing a waitress I knew from Twin Peaks in a club as a customer. She smiled at the time and did not seem bothered. I saw her a couple weeks later at her job and she was acting like business as usual. It may have come up in conversation, I can't remember for sure. I may have asked her if she was thinking of dancing.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
My first SC experience was with the boss, so... not worried about it. Co-workers can probably figure it out, so as long as I don’t blab about it it’s all good.
avatar for Prim0
6 years ago
If someone called me out on being in an SC, I'd just tell them I was trying to save the girls from the Debil! Why was I coming out of the VIP room with her....I was sprinkling her with holy water!

I've run into a colleague once. We hit clubs together from time to time but then he moved on to another job. It can worry me sometimes as I tend to stand out in a crowd and can be easily noticed. But what the hell....If my wife finds out and gets pissed off, she can fuck off because I wouldn't be at a club if she was doing anything at all to take care of my physical needs.
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