Funny though, in all the gin joints I've frequented across the country, never once have I been part of one. I'm guessing that most other guys haven't either and those that did see one didn't get carted off in cuffs. Kinda' makes me wonder why you keep pushing these goofy story lines, but it's your time I suppose.
i paid for a ld and this is what we ended up doing. it was consensual and i didn't pay for it. many legal experts think this would get you out of it if you never say you are paying extra for extra services. if i pay my maid to clean and she starts flirting with me and we fuck i paid a maid to clean my house.
@Willysgotawoman, I don't think that would cut it. The inference of prostitution is enough to get arrested. Then you have other charges added on to and gross lewdness, indecent exposure, breaking fondling ordinances, solicitation, etc If you're caught in the act, a smart DA would focus on indecent exposure charges and go for the maximum penalty. Otherwise just go for everything and even if it gets thrown out, they made your life hell for a little while and hurt your wallet.
last commentLooking on the bright side... that's still one more than SJG.
She's not a hooker, she's a sex therapist