Acceptin/Rejecting Reviews and VIP status.
Everything written by this member is a fact.
When evaluating reviews, I often find myself torn because there isn't much said about the club, but there is some info that would be nice to have shared. There is just so much lacking.
My thought is to have a much lower bar to publish the review, but not immediately grant VIP status.
After the review is published the members can click a "Was this Review Helpful" button.
The member would then get the VIP status when the submission receives enough endorsements (maybe 5).
I think this would create more posted content while not rewarding half-assed reviews.
@founder, would this be feasible?
My thought is to have a much lower bar to publish the review, but not immediately grant VIP status.
After the review is published the members can click a "Was this Review Helpful" button.
The member would then get the VIP status when the submission receives enough endorsements (maybe 5).
I think this would create more posted content while not rewarding half-assed reviews.
@founder, would this be feasible?
It just seems like reviews are now tailored to meet the standards of a small number of active judges, each with seemingly arbitrary checklists, rather than adding value in a concise fashion.
I think a clear statement about what we look for in reviews might fix this. For example:
“ the purpose of reviews is to either provide new information that improves members ability to enjoy future visits or to update members on the current aspects of the club if there hasn’t been a recent report on club basics.
Reviews will be approved if the information is likely to make for a more enjoyable club experience. There is a wide range of info that would accomplish this, including specific dancer recommendations, or warnings, recent security or LE activity, overall dance quality or value, dancer to customer ratio on different times and days.
Reviews do not need to be lengthy to gain approval but they do need to have significant and worthwhile content. “
Next time put some cost numbers, a bit of info about the dancer crew in there and a little bit about how the visit went and you should be fine. Plenty of short reviews get approved as long as they are useful. The review standards are not exactly earth shattering around here. If your review was rejected, then it must have been pretty bad.…
I am interested in what the veterans think of my latest (as yet unpublished) review of Gogo rama (GGR) in NJ
I ask again, has anyone been harmed by a bad review? All of this pettiness over reviews will only tend to reduce the population of reviewers. Then we will be left with fewer reviewers and reviewed clubs. When that happens, I imagine the topic will turn to "what can be done to get more reviewers?"
If all you can do is obsess about reviews and ratings, you need to get a life outside of TUSCL.
LOL! yep!
Under that scenario the review would probably get posted. Then as more people read it for intel it would have more opportunity to gain votes for VIP
I think the general consensus is to provide details to prove you went to the club and to be helpful. Simply stating you went, had a good time and bambi is hot proves nothing, adds nothing and should not be rewarded.
As for the accuracy of my reviews, there are some other members that can speak to that.
not so humble brag... I have a young hot Baltic blonde waiting in the next room for me to take her to lunch. I hope you all have a day at least half as good as I think mine will be.
"Then, with no guarantee of VIP status, many would stop posting them altogether. "
There is no guarantee now, but at least a higher percentage could get posted. That could enable more to get VIP. Once posted it wouldn't get removed so if a few people don't think it is worthy it wouldn't prevent others from saying yes.
Thnnk outside the box.
And again, who has been harmed by a bad review?
I agree with Warrior in that offering free VIP is a major reason for half-ass/shitty reviews, when you give stuff for free many people are gonna abuse-it/milk-it (writing a review bc you get free VIP will often not be as good as writting a review bc you want to write a review, and yes this is not universal but a big part of the problem IMO).
But - since reviews aren't free to read there needs to be an incentive o/w the rwview section would IMO die bc most people probably don't want to pay to read stuff on the internet (or don't wsnt the paper trail although one can get around that using a gift csrd).
IMO a review should be written from the POV of someone who's never been there and doesn't know anything about the club - saying things like prices is not a big deal bc "it's been covered b/f" or not needed bc "you've already read it a 100-times", is lame IMO - someone unfamiliar with the club shouldn't have to read 5+ reviews to be able to verify the dance-cost bc most that write reviews will then just say "it's been covered b/f" and just kick the can down the road - also most people reading TUSCL are not on TUSCL all the time for them to already know the details (they're either infrequent users, or there are new readera all the time).
A review is to provide pertinent info to those that don't know, not to say go dig for it in other/previous reviews - and providing pertinent info should probably just take a measly paragraph - just bc you know the club inside out and been clubbing for years doesn't mean mean the bulk of the readers are in the same-boat and likely they aren't - reviews should be to help those not in the know.
IMO a review should always cover the basics of the club:
- cover
- dancer-crew (not just the chick you hung out with)
- dance price
- overall dance mileage (and don't be a smartass and say "hey my fave likes me better so I get better-mileage so it's subjective")
- VIP cost if u did VIP (at least state what the club charges for using VIP)
- drink costs
- layout and parking are nice to know particularly for clubs where it's an issue but these 2 are IMO not as important
Other than that, I approved everything because a review is a subjective personal experience... the number of details or lack of is a personal choice. Some people may be bad writers, whatever.
I don't think making it harder to get VIP status is beneficial to the website at all... For one, anyone can get it if they pay. Secondly, making people wait or jump through hoops to get it will just turn people off.
I think OPs intent is to just keep VIP a private little club for a certain clique on here.
1. You are all a bunch of fucktards.
2. My proposal would not make it harder to get VIP status.
The bar to be published would be significantly lowered creating more content.
Once posted any VIP member can view it and provide an endorsement if they see value giving that post even more potential to earn VIP
3. You all are a bunch of fucktards.
4. This suggestion will probably never get implemented because it is just too brilliant.
The VIP thing is pathetic as is, very few are taking what little incentive there is to write reviews. Changing or complicating it is stupid.
I do think there is value in some sort ability to rate reviews as helpful/accurate/good/whatever beyond simply publishing them or not. Even if that rating has nothing to do with VIP status/credit. I like the "top positive review" and "top critical review" function I've seen on other sites, most recent review / most relevant review kinda sorting is also useful. Maybe you could add bonus VIP time for positive feedback on a review. Also maybe not worth the effort.
I also think the signal to noise ratio is the thing we'd be best served trying to improve. That's where I think the value from the rating of stuff comes in; in the ability to filter/sort content to get to what I want. I know there's a fair amount of risk in that approach though, with the potential of a vocal minority controlling the ratings and skewing content to their way of thinking. There's also the mechanics of making the site simple to use.
IMO there is absolutely nothing wrong with the current system.