Stripper Ranking List

avatar for NJBalla
It may be a fun practice for anyone has been in the game for some time or clubs often. Also having good memory doesnt hurt. Simply list all the dancers you have been with and rank them from best to worst. The critera I use to rank mine area
* Girl Friend Experience
* Value
* Lap Dance Experience
*Bar Side Manner (Is she easy to talk to barside? Good with conversation? Does she maintain eye contact with you or is easily distracted)
* Looks
* Intangibles (Sends you casual texts, isnt using your money on things like drugs and jewlry)

You may be surprised which girls rank at the top of your list.


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avatar for SCPandit
6 years ago
Syd , Little redbone spinner from Baltimore. She was 19 when I first began hooking up with her, She had this innocence look that the pornstar Megan Rain has, GFE, Very Enthusiastic performance, she was a lesbian in the biz for the money. Even hooked up with her and 2 of her friends on separate occasions. Not 3 on 1 but, 2 on 1 twice. Had to wear a hat for the freinds though, I tried to slip it off but she felt it right away ( sadly ) . As far as the club stuff, after i hooked up with this girl at the club on the block it was all OTC stuff. Very good service for 7 months from July 2017 to mid 2018. Hooked up with her twice a week for exactly $800/Month.
avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

SCPandit - this account is almost certainly a troll and posts incredibly deplorable content about intentionally infecting sex workers with HIV, this account is universally considered offensive by the tuscl community
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I would have a subdivision to my rankings, best dancer, best extras dancer, and best bargirl.

Best dancer:

Natalie at Satin Topless COI, while the club is non extras, she always manages to provide a super fun experience.

She is my image of the perfect dancer, think PS Lela Star but natural rather man mades.

I don't repeat FS with dancers but I've LD and VIP her 3 times (for me that's practically a relationship).

Best Extras Dancer:

She no longer dances there so I think it's safe to name her: Emma at Paradise.

Paradise has plenty of good talent: Sky, Vikki, Bobbi, Foxy, and Ashley but Emma rocked my world.

Even though it's been four months since I met her, I get excited recollecting about our fun in the LD and VIP room.

Best Bargirl:

Kristen at HK, she was a 9 (I don't believe 10s exist) and gave me the best GFE.

From the moment I saw her on Halloween night dressed as a goddess to the moment we kissed good bye, it was the most memorable arriba experience, she ended the evening by saying "even if we never see each other again, we have this memory to share with our grandchildren" corny yes, but so memorable.

Also my biggest regret, we exchanged numbers but I didn't revisit her because I was more interested in being with as many bargirls as possible, I recently learned she decided not to return to TJ.
avatar for JohnTitor
6 years ago
Just added paradise to my faves list. Must get to city of industry one of these days.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
The best stripper ever was my DS. Teen, red hair, gorgeous, new to stripping, perfect GFE including everything completely uncovered. There was no sex act that she would not enthusiastically perform according to my exact instructions. At least none that I ever wanted.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
I met my best stripper early in my mongering days. She was an early 30s brazilian, natural medium rack, natural curves. Best GFE styled lapdance. We'd DFK to the point of suffocating each other. When most girls dance it's all a show, but she really enjoyed it. She vanished one day and its funny because although she hasnt been seen for 5 years people still ask about her on other boards.
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