
Political Prejudice

The Atlantic recently conducted research on the issue of political prejudice to discover where in America, the least politcally tolerant people reside. The small community of Watertown NY was found to be the most politically tolerant. As you can guess both Utah and South Carolina were found to be politically intolerant. As with anything on earth, there has to be a "worst" and luckily this study discovered that one state was so politically intolerant, that it was clearly and irrefutably the worst of the worst, by far. The winner or biggest loser among the states? Good old Massachusetts. Now, while the study was unbiased and neither of the states mentioned before the peoples republic are liberal, the clear leader in intolerance is ultra blue, ultra liberal Massachusetts, where Republicans are less than 10% of the registered voters. The intolerant bigots are progressives, you know the diversity people, the tolerance people, the live and let live people. Suffolk (Boston); Middlesex (Cambridge); Norfolk (Suburbs of Boston); Franklin and Hampshire counties (Ultra liberal pioneer valley, think Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Amherst and Umass), Berkshire (tanglewood), Nantucket and Dukes county (Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard), are all ranked in the top 100% of intolerance, meaning the 8 most biased, intolerant bigoted counties in America are ultra Blue, progressive, Democratic strong holds. The worst of the worst are all progressive Democratic bastions. Plymouth, Barnstable, Essex, Worcester and Hamden Counties? Well not every county can be among the 8 most bigoted counties, so they had to settle for being 9,10, 11, 12 and 13th, all falling in the 99th percentile This meaning only 1% of the rest of America is less intolerant and bigoted than they are and that 1% are their neighbors in Progressive Massachusetts. The 13 most bigoted places in America are the 13 progressive counties of Massachusetts.

I live in the land of multi-culturalism and diveristy; progressive style. That means hate, bigotry and intolerance in practice. Next time any progressive here wonders how and why am so conservative, just remember progressives, I live with you, I work with you, I know you and I know how you think. You are the worst people in America, and down deep all you assholes know it.


  • JohnTitor
    6 years ago
    Don't forget SJW stronghold and fucking sanctuary city Seattle!!!!

    This place is a dump.

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Skibum, intolerance of racism, homophobia, misogyny, islamophobia xenophobia etc isn't bigotry. social justice isn't hate. I guess you often wish you were born in Nazi Germany....

    I bet you approve of these hate groups

  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Ski bum, the least politically intolerant counties as well as the Commonwealth of Mass., are also among the best educated areas in the country. On test after test, measure after measure Mass. or Conn. comes in #1 or #2 year after year. I can’t say with any certainty that there’s a direct correlation, but it may well be.
    As well as the illogical assumptions you put forth as pointed out by Icey, I began to wonder why this allegedly well educated man of laws would attack those who surround him. Then I remembered: he’s not well educated; he’s a lawyer. He doesn’t have to use logic; he’s an attorney; he needn’t look ahead; he’s only capable of looking back.
    I haven’t read this article published in the liberal magazine but your synopsis appears to be generalizing across the board. If it’s so bad in Mass. why stay and suffer. Housing prices in the western towns of South Carolina would welcome you I’m sure. There’s a few towns in the Ozarks in need of lawyering,too.
    Interestingly I live in a town in MA which has the highest percentage of registered Republicans of any town in the state and interestingly has the highest percentage of residents holding concealed carry permits.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Gee whiz Gawker, why don't you become a minion of Icey the dope. Bigotry and intolerance is prevalent among the wealthy and you can piss and whine about facts anyway you like, but the simple fact is that the l;argest groiup of bigots in America are Progressives. Unlike people like you I don't cut and run like a pussy. I succeed in the face of adbversity. The highest percentage of republicans in massachusetts live in Lynnfield and I seriously doubt you live there. As far as attacking those around me? I attack the enemy whereever located. I see you focus on money, so no way could youy understand a person who doesn't and I won't try to explain anything to an intolerant bigot. Icey I have only lived in Massachusetts for 59 years so I have yet to hear of the "hate groups" posted by the losers at Masslive. I did notice a huge amount of black separatist hate groups, which of course is a result of progressive politics and wonder why you would denigrate groups you support. Racism lol; homophobia fake word; misogyny lol from a little bitch who calls women bitches lol; islamaphobia is a fake word; social justice is a word similar to "final solution" in that it seems benign but means killing off a group in favor of a lesser group(s). You and other progressives fixate on Nazis a lot and other than showing your biigotry and hatred towards Jews also shows that you hate others who are like you. In my office those who claim the other is cheating are the cheaters 99% of the time, while those who cry nazi are really confessing.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    ^^^^Noted shoe-shine enthusiast Uncle Tom Carson approves of this study!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Skibum, quit playing with semantics. Opposing bigotry ie islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, classism, racism, homophobia, etc and being active about opposing such forms of bigotry does not make one a "bigot"...your argument is inane. You want your personal hatred of anyone unlike you to be legitimated, its not going to happen. And there's a very real reason why you spout this bs anonymously online.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Islamaphobiais a fake hate speech word used to cut off debate regarding islamic terrorism and the fact Islam is based on bigotry. It is used by the jew hating left to justify their vile bigotry. Homophobia is a fake, hate speech word used by those who hate christians and want to cut off debate on any issue they consider unsupportive of a lifestyle many oppose. You're a dirty, fucking bigot, with just different targets than the bigots you hate. Progressives are hypoctrites, lioars and frauds and I am happy to say this to your face you little pussy, who spouts your bigotry on line fucktard anonymous asshole.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    The starting point for hate and bigotry is defining people by their categories rather than treating everyone as an individual. The Atlantic article, as described, seems to divide people into categories then label them. That’s bigotry. It causes people to point fingers at others while claiming moral superiority for themselves and their group. That’s hate.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Not only is Massachusetts intolerant of different political views...

    I've lived in the south (Alabama, Virginia, and Florida) but Massachusetts is the most racist I've encountered.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Mark94, to dovetail off what you wrote, progressives are the ones who have been playing identity politics the past 10 years. Coincidence I think not. The so called progressives want to divide the country so it is easier to conquer. I travel around and find most people who reside in large metropolitan areas and coastal elites are the most ignorant and least aware of how the world actually runs.

    You put a progressive outside of its comfort zone, and he or she wouldn’t survive in the sea of red that colored the electoral college during Trump’s presidential victory. They don’t know how to hunt, farm, or take care of shit if it wasn’t for the fruits of American capitalism that they so frown upon, like SJG does. SJG is the prototypical modern day progressive, which is way different than when I grew up. A progressive used to be fiscally conservative and socially acceptable as long as it didn’t interfere with your life. Now the progressives state of you don’t go along with our way of thinking you are a racist and a xenophobic human being. Not true, because today’s progressives as are the party of stupid!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The simple fact is that Democrats are infecting the government of this country with Islam. They hate Christians, but love Islam. Mind boggling. If you listen to Rashida' Tlaib's speech to CAIR you will understand that the progressives are a bigger enemy to normal americans than the chinese, russians, iranians, nazis and Isis combined.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    In the meantime the North Koreans appear to be getting ready to launch a missile or rocket, you guys need to look past the smoke, and mirrors and start paying attention to the world as it is, tensions between India and Pakistan are still high, and now, the EU is preparing to end visa free entry for Americans to the Eurozone.
    It seems to me that this would be more important than the bullsit you guys are paying attention to.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    6 years ago
    What if they draft me to the army? I might pee my pants
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    There’s too many places to see in the USA as I’ve had many trips to Europe to feel refreshed and happy to be back. Fuck them if they want to make it harder to spend my money over there. I’ll just make my return fewer and farther between instead. By the way, my wife can cook just as good as them foreigners, which is one of the better reasons to travel, experiencing different cuisine. With the Travel channel and other programs you can still catch most of the worldly things. You can’t see it all anyway.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Skibum Then you must agree that anti Semitism is a fake hate speech word used to quell any criticism of Israel's genocidal apartheid policies.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Political intolerance and political prejudice are not the same thing. My intolerance for both ends of the current US political spectrum are entirely rational and based on facts. There’s no prejudice involved at all.
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