
If u guys hate voting for liberal candidates that waste $$, then why vote for so

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Talk about hypocrisy ?

Even if u argue stronger border security is needed..that doesn't change the fact that the cost of one billion far exceeds the need to justify that one billion .

Rmbr in elementary economics = costs should not outweigh benefit .hence, through extent to which we need stronger border security is less than the cost of a one billion dollar wall..there are bigget problems in this country than Mexican drug dealers lmao.


  • Icey
    6 years ago
    The same reason they oppose EBT for poor families yet support corporate bailouts. Or claim there isn't money for universal healthcare or subsidized college tuition yet think funding decades long wars is doable.

    They're brainwashed idiots.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Conservatives don't actually give a shit about balancing the budget. They will overspend on the military for days. Budgets only matter to Republicans when a Democrat controls the White House.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    We know that the more illegals that flock here the quicker the country fails. Without strong borders countries fail. Ltes face it; the Democratic base is useless freeloaders and Government "workers".
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    One part of this debate I really enjoy is the fact the majority of undocumented immigrants now come from visa overstays, not physical border crossings. But visa reform is a much more dull and less visceral topic than a wall.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Neither party will ever pay more than lip service to balancing the budget. Neither party wants to give up their favorite entitlements and lobbyist bribes.
  • We know that the more illegals that flock here the quicker the country fails...

    Idk where u got those "facts" from Skibum...lol..
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This about balancing the budget reminds me of an overheard conversation between a husband and his wife in the elevator at the Bellagio
    It goes like this
    Her) honey I need some more money
    Him) what happened to the $200. I gave you this morning
    Her) I lost it, so what, you lost over $10,000.
    Him) but I know how to gamble.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    It's a hell of a lot more than $1B.

    How much do illegal immigrants cost us each year? I really don't know. I look at this as both a tool in helping enforce law and an investment.

    How effective will it be? I really don't know. The experts in ICE seem to think it will be very helpful and they know more than I do.
  • The question isn't necessarily will the one billion be effective .but is one billion needed for a wall as opposed to beinf allocating to other, more pressing domestic issues..

    One bill for a wall over investing it other policies to help Americans in other areas ?? Lmao seriously y'all?
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Nicole the sum of 1 billion dollars runs the Federal government for exactly 3 hours. Facts to a progressive are like a wooden stake to a vampire.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Here's a quick course in economics. The demos what to address the crisis with technology, many more agents, etc. You know the talking points. President Trump wishes to build a wall, barrier, whatever you call the physical structure. I think we can agree on these two points.

    Now, Say the wall will cost $100 BILLION. You tell me what the cost will be to allow some continued illegal invaders, the cost of "technology", the cost of border agents, etc. Now mind you, the wall is a one time cost with minimal upkeep. I can guarandamntee you the upkeep on technology, the salaries of the new agents, the agent's working career benefits, the agent's LIFETIME benefits,etc will be much greater than $100 billion and it never ends.

    There is no economic equivalence.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ +1

    You made that point a lot better than I did.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Illegal immigrants are economically net positive. If you're a poor citizen they undercut your wages. But having a pool of unskilled workers who will never need social security, never qualify for Medicare is the gift that keeps on giving. It's why GWB and the establishment Republicans really wanted an asylum path until Trump came along, and part of how Trump won the nomination.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Walls have upkeep costs far beyond the initial construction cost. That's basic econimics
  • No no and no.

    We don't need to talk about the negativity or positivity of illegal immigrants . we need to prioritize what policies we allocate money too, and make sure that the money that is allocated IS PROPORTIONATE TO THE NEED .LOL THE NEED TO EVEN ADDRESS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IS FAR LESS THAN ONE BILLION DOLLARS ..THERE ARE OTHER THINGS GOING ON THAT JUSITFY ONE BILLION..BUT ILLEGALS ARE NOT ONE OF THEN BC THEY DONT POSE AS GREAT OF A THREAT AS OTHER THINGS LOL
  • Border security is important. But strengthening our current border security is statistically less of an issue for our country than other policy priorities .
  • Border security is important. But strengthening our current border security is statistically less of an issue for our country than other policy priorities .
  • Border security is important. But strengthening our current border security is statistically less of an issue for our country than other policy priorities .
  • Border security is important. But strengthening our current border security is statistically less of an issue for our country than other policy priorities .
  • Ok guys homework time I'll ttyl..have fun baking cookies ppl
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    The best border security strategy Trump has is making this a country no one wants to live in
  • ButterMan
    6 years ago
    Impeach that motherfucker! As somebody said.. LoL
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Icey nailed it.
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    Simple way to solve the issue. Send the US military to the US mexico border with shoot to kill orders.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Let's face it: losers want more company so they love the useless criminal illegals.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    In this time, the ignorance of the youth of this nation in this area is asstounding. I just recently took a look at K-12 curriculum in the US. Of course this varies, but 10 to 1, it is pretty much across the board for the most part.

    In the years of K-12 there is a single year of American Government/Economics and it is in the 11th grade. A single year out of 13! Also strategically placed long after the liberal foundation is set. They were never taught what we were and have no idea how either works or doesn't.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Lets face it. An America based on our european heritage was a success. Base it on the failed heritage from lands in the spouthern hemisphere and America fails.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Skibum609. When was America "based" on a European heritage and whose European heritage??? Are you saying that the founding fathers who created a society based on slavery where only land owning Protestant males voted was the ideal? Do you support the anti German hysteria during the world wars? The anti Semitism? Anti Catholic sentiment that labeled Italians and Irish and to a lesser degree Germans as not fully white??? Are you alluding to the ludicrous assumption that non whites have not contributed to the formation of the nation??? Do you ascertain that the genocide of Native Americans and African slavery were great institutions as they were based on an ideology of white supremacy?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    It is the Right that wastes money, mostly just using it to help inflate the real estate and stock markets, instead of for the things we need to be doing.

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