Solider in Uniform at a Strip Club
New York
Today was one for the ages. I noticed a guy in full army uniform getting a handshake at the bar in the strip club. Im not the kind of guy to take pictures, but this did seem odd. Why would someone do that? Did he expect to get more respect from the patrons in the bar? Was he drunk? I figure the army would frown on that and did not want to ask him as he probably has more experience with a firearm that I. Has anyone seen a guy in uniform at a club?
For example, at one time it was against refs to even get out of the car on a service member’s way to an off base home except when he or she got there. Then they relaxed it a bit and made it ok to stop for gas. Not go into the store to buy cigarettes or anything, just gas.
Lee Atwater teaching us how we can still say "N.... N.... N...." in a post 1954 world…
Mexico City, has so many people and cars on the streets, that if one is interested in hookers, likely best to find a bar, or you would really have to know that area.
Richard Smoley, Inner Christianity…
Business Law Today, 10th and 11th Edition, Roger LeRoy Miller…
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But he could also just be a fraud looking for some free pussy since he might die tomorrow...
I've talked with men that were in the services back in the 1960's and early 1970's, Vietnam era, although the several I remember explaining these rules we never sent there.
They weren't allowed to have civilian clothes with them on a ship or assigned to certain places. Navy shore leave, they were required to go everywhere in uniform.
And, I think I might have seen some in uniform recently during the local "fleet week" when several ships show up in town for tours, etc., but memory is kinda fuzzy, and maybe they just stood out that much with groups of guys in that age range with that haircut, etc.
You could be a little more sympathetic for the wounded military men, by buying them lap dances when you see them In the club.