Today was one for the ages. I noticed a guy in full army uniform getting a handshake at the bar in the strip club. Im not the kind of guy to take pictures, but this did seem odd. Why would someone do that? Did he expect to get more respect from the patrons in the bar? Was he drunk? I figure the army would frown on that and did not want to ask him as he probably has more experience with a firearm that I. Has anyone seen a guy in uniform at a club?
How old was he? I could see some fucking private trying that shit. The Army absolutely frowns on that. There is also a chance that wasn’t a soldier (phony)
SMH, you should have taken his pic. The only time I can tell you that it is okay to go into a strip club in uniform was back in the early nineties during lunch. Fort Brag strip clubs had cheap food and the Soldiers would pour in there to get a burger and a peak. No one ever said a thing. In today's Army you would definitely be looking at a counseling statement at minimum.
Many years ago during the day shift at the Columbia Platinum Plus I saw a female soldier in uniform sitting with a club dancer that was in street clothes. The 2 of them were drinking a lot, tipping the dancers on stage and then after awhile there were doing some heavy kissing and groping each other right in plain view of everyone. The dancer I was sitting with told me the soldiers name and said that she was a regular customer of the dancer. After awhile the 2 of them left together.
@ebony, it looked weird to me, but my attention is usually 98% on women, the only reason he kept coming into my field of vision was because he was hogging the girl i wanted a dance with. Sadly I had to go back with a girl who kept me company for 30 minutes. I should have taken his picture out of spite.
Reminds me of that It’s Always Sunny early episode where Charlie dresses up like a disabled war veteran in a wheelchair to score some free dances at the titty club...
I’m sure that would cause issues for a soldier if photos were taken and seen. He was either very hard up for pussy - or he was a fake. Either way it’s a bad idea.
I saw a soldier in uniform at a strip club once ten years ago. I have not seen it since. Based on the city I was in, I'd guess he was National Guard or a Reserve. Many times I've been in strip clubs with soldiers who were in street clothes.
@Liwet, *all* of the US services have moderately strict regulations about when and where you’re allowed to wear the uniform. And often, local base commanders have their own regulations.
For example, at one time it was against refs to even get out of the car on a service member’s way to an off base home except when he or she got there. Then they relaxed it a bit and made it ok to stop for gas. Not go into the store to buy cigarettes or anything, just gas.
Many years ago a few members of my Civil War reenacting unit went to a strip club in our wool, Union, enlisted men's uniforms. Dances were had, pictures were taken (polaroid's back then) with the featured porn star and other girls, including one with a naked performer wearing the sergeant's frock coat. When said evidence fell into the wrong hands, we were admonished to avoid soiling the memory of those brave boys with our lecherous hijinks. We argued that the "old boys" would have done the same had it been available (as the plethora of bordellos and VD during the war attests). There was once a "retirement" plan for our last event that would have us set up a large tent in the camp, hire several fair maidens to dance, and collect a small entry fee from our fellow reenactors to get a glimpse of (then) 20th century joy. I am still in the hobby and so far it has not been done, thought we are suspicious of units with large numbers of women in uniform...
Several months after 911, I saw a young Marine in uniform at Bare Elegance- LAX. That was probably after GMD's time. If it were a slip up, I'd suspect that he may have been traveling, and wanted to kill some time prior to his flight. I've seen several in camouflage in grocery stores, eateries,etc. Saw Navy khakis in a McDonalds, Air Force air crew in a hotel lobby in flight suits (aka "green bags") checking in. Probably transport crew that flew into civilian airport, or else BOQ was full at nearby AFB. Then some of those cases may have been guard/reserves which may be more lenient versus active duty counterparts.
People are on short leaves, I think they are expected to wear their uniforms. Sometimes they come to Viet Coffee. Seen bombshell waitresses want to get their pictures taken wearing Marine Corps dress caps.
Mexico City, has so many people and cars on the streets, that if one is interested in hookers, likely best to find a bar, or you would really have to know that area.
Funny how the world changes.... I've talked with men that were in the services back in the 1960's and early 1970's, Vietnam era, although the several I remember explaining these rules we never sent there. They weren't allowed to have civilian clothes with them on a ship or assigned to certain places. Navy shore leave, they were required to go everywhere in uniform. And, I think I might have seen some in uniform recently during the local "fleet week" when several ships show up in town for tours, etc., but memory is kinda fuzzy, and maybe they just stood out that much with groups of guys in that age range with that haircut, etc.
Honestly if they got the the sparkly medals in the club it's a reasonable chance they are stolen valor fakers. It's a big deal if you get busted shaming the US uniform by being in a strip club. Girls take that note....
last commentFor example, at one time it was against refs to even get out of the car on a service member’s way to an off base home except when he or she got there. Then they relaxed it a bit and made it ok to stop for gas. Not go into the store to buy cigarettes or anything, just gas.
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Mexico City, has so many people and cars on the streets, that if one is interested in hookers, likely best to find a bar, or you would really have to know that area.…………………
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But he could also just be a fraud looking for some free pussy since he might die tomorrow...
I've talked with men that were in the services back in the 1960's and early 1970's, Vietnam era, although the several I remember explaining these rules we never sent there.
They weren't allowed to have civilian clothes with them on a ship or assigned to certain places. Navy shore leave, they were required to go everywhere in uniform.
And, I think I might have seen some in uniform recently during the local "fleet week" when several ships show up in town for tours, etc., but memory is kinda fuzzy, and maybe they just stood out that much with groups of guys in that age range with that haircut, etc.
You could be a little more sympathetic for the wounded military men, by buying them lap dances when you see them In the club.