
Well for one thing it has Strip Club Listings for the entire world, but especially for the United States and Northern Mexico. That tells you a lot about a place, how many strip clubs it has. And it has reviews too.

But there is something else here too. That is, it is just about the only place where I can really speak freely.

So yesterday we were talking about toilet bidets. Could talk about that anywhere on the Internet. But then I related an experience, girl who climbed up on a bathroom sink to wash herself. She was wearing nothing ( except for her high heels ), and she was sitting on one back corner of the sink, with her back to the wall, her front side facing me, one knee kind of over the faucet. She washed herself. See completely ignored my admonishion that the sink, mounted on the wall with no front legs, was not designed to take her weight. She knew what she was doing.

If I tried to tell that story in most places on the Internet, there would be trouble. I would have had to invent a cover story container telling what the relationship between the girl and I was.

And on other sites, I never could have just told the truth that I'd just picked her up off the side walk, and that she was sharing that motel room with another hooker.

I liked her. She told me that she had worked in the NV legal houses, and that now she was having problems with her husband.

But mostly why I stopped to pick her up and session, when I was not really planning that, was that I liked how she was dressed.

Most any other online place I would get pummeled and ostracized over that.

And as I have often posted here, replying to scenes people describe, "I like to keep women in high heels and makeup."

Its the truth, it plays a big factor in how I look at situations.

A good portion of the female population goes asexual early on. Or they go Lesbian, or Religious Fundamentalism, or Anti-Sex Feminist. And then many so called males will go along with them and back them up with lectures and what not.

So where is it safe to talk about simple things like bidets, or anything else?



Mexico City looks to have its pluses, but TJ's Zona has so many in a concentrated area, just a few steps from suitable accommodations. Yes, I guess its obvious, I like looking at street hookers, and how they are dressed and the fact that it is in public in full daylight is a big part of it.


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last comment
Avatar for san_jose_guy


Its also just that I like looking at sexy girls, and I like it when they are in high heels and make up. Its not just the moderators on other boards, its the members too. They would freak out. And you could never talk about sessioning with a hooker there.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

I think obesity would be an issue, but i think it is more just how the girls think and how they dress. So puritanism and the puritanism influenced strains of feminism will be factors. Also just the average outdoor temperatures.

Mexico is to me looking like a very cool place.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Well I think mostly it is about how they dress. In the US, most college age girls are not overweight. But most of the time and in most places they do not dress sexy. That is of course their right. But that does not endear me to a place. I like to have women in high heels and makeup, and in skirts or dresses. That shows that they are ready for sex.

I believe that is what is intended with the map.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

all the maps

original source

Not seeing any explanation, but I think the way they are typically dressed, and out in public, is going to be the main thing which influences the scoring. May guys are oblivious to how they are effected by how girls dress.

As I see it, the show starts in jr. high school.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Iran, well it might be different in the big cities and in fancy restaurants. Guys have posted about chatting up girls in Algeria and spending lots of time at a bar talking to them, only later to find out that they are on duty hookers.

Things are not always how they look, and things do change. Notice that Afghanistan and Iraq are of the very lowest.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

txtittyfag, back down that manhole in the parking lot, back into the Circle Jerk VIP Room for you!

In a place like Iran, things might not always be as they seem. And the religious revolution was along time ago. Rich people never did go along with that.

And as far as other places, I believe it is just what guys say about the place. I believe that that will have a lot to do with how they girls dress.

Persian Models

American girls dress real casual, like sweats. So is their right. But I like to see them in high heels and makeup.

Escorts of Mexico says that you cannot distinguish the pros from the civvies by how they dress. In Mexico "All girls dress sexy" and "All girls wear high heels".


Avatar for BoringLoser

Speaking of circlejerks, has anyone read this thread lately?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Its the mystique, even with the veil, they can go for eye makeup.

Thanks for your pictures. While interesting, that is not really what I like. And it does look like college girls, a kind of sexiness which is conformist but not radical.

Consider this:



Very different to live in a place where girls dressed like that.

A lot of women's sexy dressing is actually led by street hookers, in Paris. The fashion industry just tones it down and expensivises it.

I believe that that is what the map is indicating. Its just a visceral reaction when you are in the place.

Suburbs suck, cities are much better. Viet Coffee is awesome.


George Duke Trio "It's On" Live at Java Jazz Festival 2010


Avatar for BoringLoser

You’re rigt, it’s not a circlejerk. You need at least 3 people to make it a circle.

I’m not sure what you call this. Mutual masturbation?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

BoringLoser, back down that manhole in the parking lot, back to the Circle Jerk VIP Room, and stay there.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ txtitty, that's what you guys are doing in the Underground Circle Jerk VIP Room. What, is it closed for Clorox mopping now, so you have to come out?


Avatar for BoringLoser

No your posts are just so fascinating that we can’t stay away

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I meant I agree with DC, and those kinds of repeated topics are Pathetic Loser topics, for people who take the offerings at strip clubs at face value, and who seem the women as FemBots and Vending Machines.


Avatar for Mate27


LloydSchoene/SJG and DC are getting to be pretty good buddies. I see they have similar tastes in women.

Avatar for BoringLoser

DC I think you should talk to your therapist about this board? I think there would be a lot to talk about even just in this thread.

Avatar for lopaw

For the record, we ladies do not "go lesbian". We are either born with that persuasion, or we aren't. It's not a choice. Never has been and never will be.

Avatar for flagooner

"SJG and I just get each other."
That is reason enough to seek therapy.

Avatar for nicespice

“I for one will not discriminate against these type of women, and feel emboldened to not be like all of the rest of these middle aged Tepublicans, white men, who go for those Barbie types all dolled up and proportionate.

DC, you disappoint me, because I thought you said you were all about diversity? Smh...”

Ahahah hahah Ahahaha.

Smash that like button.

Avatar for twentyfive

There’s no diversity here, this is mind numbing.

Avatar for Countryman5434

I love tuscl because i can say what i want and it is not censored. The reviews and articles are priceless and i have met some really cool people from here in tj!

Avatar for Mate27

I like the diversity of opinions, because everyone has them. The issue is they’re like assholes, they all stink except we tend to like the smell of our own farts.

I like how righteous guys like SJG and DC, even Icey, think they are. It’s almost that their whole world is tied to their opinions being right. Similar to the liberals in politics. Somebody said it best, the right drives the cart and the left is along for the ride.

I see most of the conservative posts from guys that have decent income, well educated with a bunch of life experience to draw upon that they tend to share objectively through reviews and valuable discussions. These guys help improve the value, where as the liberal posters (DC and SJG) tend to rabble on about how righteous their humanitarian views are about women and minorities, yet also are devout p4p members of society and contribute little to no reviews. Mostly their opinions and input are criticisms of other people who don’t go along with their ideology, similar to the liberals you see in the media(politicians and Hollywood celebrities). They are the party of the dumb trying to tear our country apart and are ungrateful of white older people.

Avatar for Mate27

Before DC comments about his contributions I’d like to point out he has over 4,000 discussion comments and 4 reviews. SJG has over 12,000 comments and 0 reviews.

I have over 52 reviews and the same amount of discussion comments as DC9428, and I’ve been on this site for 5 years, when DC has been here less than 1 year. # Facts

Avatar for BoringLoser

Meat, give DC some credit. He doesn’t always argue

Avatar for Rxeza

@SJG, the story about the girl washing in the sink is hot. I like when they do things like that. Or when they pee in public.

I don't know about the map though. It seems to be based on the "red pill" crowd's stereotypes of women.

Some aspects don't even make sense. Why are the women in the Republic of Congo more sexy than those in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Or why is Zimbabwe sexier than Zambia when they have the same ethnic make up? I also don't get why Iraq is less sexy than Oman. Or Macedonia sexier than Bulgaria when they're essentially the same, even linguistically.

My list of sexy women, divided up by continents. In no particular order.

1- Tunisia
2- Ethiopia
3- Somalia
4- Eritrea
5- D.R. Congo

1- Lebanon
2- Uzbekistan
3- Iran
4- Afghanistan
5- Israel

1- Armenia
2- Bulgaria
3- Ukraine
4- Azerbaijan
5- Albania

1- Honduras
2- Mexico
3- Dominican Republic
4- United States
5- Colombia

Avatar for Rxeza

The big problem I'm seeing on this board, much like in the real world, is a specific group trying to limit the diversity of members and members' opinions. Much like that group has been doing to this country since its very inception.

Avatar for twentyfive

founder has stated that the more reviews the better,your not writing reviews is just one more way that your lack of motivation is apparent to everyone here, and parroting the same bullshit as our least respected posters ( I wouldn't call them contributors at all) make you another person trying to rewrite things to favor the narrative you have going on in your head.

Avatar for Rxeza

"Founder" hath stated thus thou shalt do! LMFAO That's some real Children of the Corn shit

Avatar for BoringLoser

I think it’s more like field of dreams. If you build it they will cum

Avatar for twentyfive

@Rx another dumbass post by our newest dim witted troll, what a stupid twat you are

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

"'Diversity'... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

-- Inigo Montoya

Avatar for Mate27

Hence your contributions to the forum. Pointless. ^^^

You provide a different perspective, but it needs to add to the value of a Mongering mind. Most of your posts are opining your views instead of sharing life experiences.

Avatar for Rxeza

@Meat72. In what ways do you contribute to the forum? By cyberbullying anyone who you disagree with? Harassing anyone who isn't a far right extremist? You mention having a "mongering" mind. You mean your contribution is that of a man who has had to spend his life paying prostitutes for sex and companionship? That's a very sad contribution.

Avatar for flagooner

Every village needs an idiot. That's @Rxeza's contribution to TUSCL.

Avatar for Mate27

Rxeza, when have I said that I pay prostutues for sex and companionship? I’ve stayed many times I’m married for sex and companionship along with children, so that throws your attacks out the door as baseless. Plus, give an example of me being a far extreme right winger? You can’t because I belong to no political party, other than to abolish the stupid extreme left wing liberals who are trying to rip apart this country with their fascist and socialistic agenda, which you seem to favor.

Avatar for Icey

Meat's contribution to the forum is him fapping his meat to the fact that he's the most ignored member on the site.... and to spread right wing extremist propaganda. What next? The evils of the Hollywood Jew and the Liberal agenda?

Avatar for Mate27

Really? You pay a lot of attention to me contradicting yourself as me being the most ignored member. Why don’t you go over to the VIP and pick some fights befor Founder has to ban your ass, pussy?

Avatar for flagooner


Meat 30 - 7 IceyDickhead

Avatar for BoringLoser

God damn it, IceyDickhead has more trusts than me

Avatar for flagooner

Your profile name must be accurate.

Avatar for nicespice

You fucking white tricks are just being lapdogs of meth head spice. Did her pimp give you boys a good discount?!?!?!?!?!

Avatar for nicespice

Oh shit...wrong account :(

Avatar for Icey

Meat, you yourself admitted to being the most ignored member.

Avatar for Mate27

So Icey, I in jest commented that I “may” be the most ignored person in the context that it doesn’t matter of somebody creates an ignore list and publishes as a topic for discussion(aka Rick Dugan and SJG). By the way, that was nearly 3 years ago so that only goes to show that your account IceyLoco is definitely an alias/troll account from another current/past member. This should only prove to all what a hoax IceyLoco is.

I bet you can’t prove your not SJG/LoydSchoene!

Avatar for Icey

Meat, you said Founder told you that you are the most ignored person. You mentioned it not so long ago.

Avatar for Mate27

That “not so long ago” was a long time before your alias was ever formed, you left wing nut job Nancy Pelosi/Elizabeth Warren loving freak!

Obsess over me much? Got a lot of time on your hands do you ? You and SJG should have a bath house party together instead of bringing your homo loving thoughts on here!

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^ Meat72, it is like watching a horror movie to consider that our country has people who think like you do.


Avatar for flagooner

Let's be a little more accepting of other ideas.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ flagooner's nicer side starting to show more often.


Avatar for Icey

The good thing about "people" like Flagooner and Meat et al is that they very seldom express such antisocial bs in public...

Avatar for san_jose_guy

No, expressing antisocial beliefs is why they like TUSCL.

If they said such things in public, they would not last long.

So now, we try to keep them in that Underground Circle Jerk VIP Room.


Avatar for Mate27

^^^ How do you justify wiping all of that man cum off your face after sucking major liberal dick??

You should kill yourself SJG, but you don’t have the balls to follow through on anything! You’ve been saying for 5 years your building an organization where stripper grade hotties will be draining g your members dry 24/7, but yet you’re still spending 3-4 hours a day posting crap in tuscl! I thought you said you are involved in local politics 24-7? How do you have time to troll the board if you’re involved so much in local politics?

You do see why everybody thinks your a big liar and full of Crazy Joe’s shit! Right SJG?

Avatar for Icey

The funny is, they're not as anonymous as they think they are. Its not that hard for someone to dox them on this site if they really want to. LE can certainly do it...

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Lopaw, I want to apologize for what I posted. You wrote, "For the record, we ladies do not "go lesbian". We are either born with that persuasion, or we aren't. It's not a choice. Never has been and never will be."

Yes, I do understand that, and I understand the problem with what I posted.

I had not intended to offend or to undermine the standing of LGBTQ persons.

If I may explain a bit further my intended meaning. I was thinking about how it is much easier to talk about certain types of things here on TUSCL than it is most other places.

And then I had been reading something a woman wrote on another forum. She was saying that there are a large number of people, a large percentage of the population, who are asexual. And she says it is way more women than men.

So do women "go asexual"?

I do not really know the answer. But ignorantly I also decided to add gay women in there two. My meaning was that I don't know if Lesbian Women or Asexual Women would really allow conversations from men who chase after young women and who like strippers and who generally prefer to relate to women as sex objects. That was my only meaning. Truth is, I do not no. So please believe me, no offense intended. And yes, there is much I need to learn.

But there is another reason I am making this post. As there is much I still need to learn I have taken note of the following article:

Generation Q

Perhaps some would like to read it and comment. Seems to be some local institution for those who think they might be Queer, but have not really developed their sexuality so much yet.

Now, the article emphasizes those who pull back from sex, until they feel more sure of what they want.

Okay, but I still want to comment. I think about this as it could also be for heterosexuals, and even back to when I was their age, just turning 18. There is no way in the world anyone could have run such an institution. For heterosexuals the girls are highly guarded, they would never have been open socially for discussions about the sorts of things they talk about. Social access to girls is entirely bound up with normative standards about gender, social class, and compliance with social expectations. Gender is very much controlled and prescribed. No 'respectable' girls from 'good families' could ever be in such a place, because there is a built in presumption that sex is plausible.

We may not realize that we are living like the characters in a Jane Austen novel, talking about dowries and all, but we are. It all is predicated on the presumption of Matrimony, Maternity, and Mortgages. Though I have so much to learn, I know that LGBTQ's have been leading the way for over a century. But I still do not understand it.

That article blows me away, and I am taken by just how impossible something like that would be with heterosexuals, and especially back when I was their age.


Love For Sale

Just like this with Trump's wall

Avatar for san_jose_guy

In a strip club you can look women over, approach them, sometimes even feel them up.

Can't do that other places.

Well, on most online forums you cannot talk about women in a sexualized way. But on TUSCL you can.


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Pablo Sender - The Secret Doctrine: Part 1 - How to Study The Secret Doctrine

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House Votes to Block Trump National Emergency Declaration ( tally means this must have been bipartisan, so it then could pass the Senate. Walls take time to build. So the idea that you build it by declaring a National Emergency is preposterous.)

Avatar for san_jose_guy

No place else on the Internet can you talk about having lots of women.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Where else can you talk about desire for women in an unrestricted and sexually objectifying manner?


Kenneth Grant & Typhonian References

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Sen. Rand Paul Likely to Oppose Nat’l Emergency in Decisive Vote


Metallica - Ain't My Bitch

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Thin Lizzy Full Concert U K 1983

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Where else could on develop their stripper fucking plans?


Ocasio-Cortez hopes to 'break this fourth wall' by responding to 'bad-faith attacks'

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Need to have a place where raw sexual desire and the desire for lots of partners and for fast results are welcome. Most of the Internet is not this way.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Need to have threads able to stay open. Too hard to keep making posts to keep many threads open.

Need to let threads stay open.

This forum has to evolve beyond PL only type topics.


Avatar for NJBalla

You ever wonder who creates spam emails or bullshit texts? I used to think it was a computer, but wouldnt be surprised if they all came from SJG after reading the utter nonsense in this thread.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ spam is probably the sort of thing NJBalla would see as a huge business opportunity.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

We need to have it so that threads stay open. Others might want to talk about this. Others might want to suggest other books.

As it is today, very difficult to keep topical threads open. So if you use just throw away threads, then it is very hard to find anything, just a big mishmash.

Lots of people have a broader range of stuff to talk about, outside of the basic PL envelope.

As it is now, this forum loses people who would be outstanding contributors.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Most of the things we talk about would be impermissible in most places, even online.


Avatar for Liwet

People would take you more seriously if you stopped adding off-topic links to the bottom of your posts.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

And Liwet, you would come across better if you actually posted some content.

TUSCL is one of very few places where people can talk about women in an openly sexualized way.


Republican Anti-Abortion Crusade, a new Culture War for 2020 Election


Decriminalizing prostitution

Avatar for Mate27

^^ I believe you just contradicted yourself. Just before that you stated how you liked it that openly gay dudes are on this site. I’m assuming you like to interact with them.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Careful Meat, you shove you're head up your ass that far, might not be able to get it back out.


Avatar for Mate27

^^^ WTF r u talking about, SJG?

I only repeated what you wrote. And you seem obsessed with promoting AAMPs! What the fuck is up with that which makes you so in love with the AAMP scene?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ You are hallucinating there Meat.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Still today, most of what is posted here, the like for strip clubs and for womanizing and objectification, no place else would allow it.

TUSCL is Good!


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Can't talk about women in a sexualized and objectified way anywhere else.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

TUSCL is a cool place cause you can talk about lots of different things!

Thank you Founder!


Avatar for san_jose_guy

The kinds of stuff I post about, keeping women in high heels and makeup, AMP sessions, sex slave initiations, and DFKing strippers, would get me banished from 98% of the internet.

Most of these places are either Right Wing, or of the National Public Radio sentiment. Either way, I'd be deleted.

Our Founder has shown brilliance in just letting people post, and not being himself intimidated by bullies or the herd.



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