
What's one of the most amusing things a stripper or female has said or asked you

Friday, January 25, 2019 5:47 AM
I remember a dancer asked me if I ever worried about a bunch of females ganging up on me and having their way sexually. She asked if I was worried about it. Would you worry about a bunch of dancers having sex with you? Any other amusing questions or comments?


  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I had one out of the blue say she liked it up the butt.
  • szerbul
    5 years ago
  • steeldog65
    5 years ago
    When asked me if I would take the time to proof her paper that was due tomorrow.
  • max_starr
    5 years ago
    My atf said my dick was not the largest, but that it grew more than anyone elses! She also like to tell the other girls that I really knew how to fuck very well for a long time.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Granma... this old Asian stripper, she once said "we special friend, ok, you come every week, give granma money, ok?"
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Telling girl at regular club about our underground circuit and inviting her to come dance there. All of a sudden I was supposed to go to the Kentucky Fried Chicken and buy her lunch, and a certain expensive offering. Pulling her chain had a strange result. SJG
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    A very old, grandmotherly woman shuffled into the men’s room at Narita airport as I was taking a leak. I turned and saw her coming in and figured she’d be embarrassed when she realized her mistake. But she just slowly shuffled up until she was alongside my urinal and took a good long look. Then she shuffled back out. She never said a word but it was my oddest encounter with a woman.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    ^ she left disappointed?
  • Gabebj
    5 years ago
    "Do you feel my piercing?"
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    "Did you know eating pork makes your pussy smell?"
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    Who is Led Zeppelin ? She was 19.
  • -me
    5 years ago
    Went to Nicola's in Commerce, biggest dive club I've seen btw, and a mexican dancer tries to start talking to me in spanish. When I tell I don't know spanish, she gets offended and asks me why I'm coming in there looking all mexican. First time I've been accused of looking mexican.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I was at a high school reunion - a girl came up to me asking if I remembered her. We shared a laugh remembering how her top fell off at the pool when we were younger. I told her I didn’t remember her - but if she took her top off - it might help.... She didn’t take her top off. But it was the first time I’ve seen a human eat a t-bone steak with her hands!
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Funny to me anyway. The girl I used to call My Favorite Cocksucker came out of the VIP after servicing someone else and asked me "Do you have any of those breath things?" I told her I did, and asked why. She said, "I need to get the smell of cum off my breath before my boyfriend gets here."
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