
New Years Goals

Tuesday, January 1, 2019 9:21 AM
Do you guys have any New Years resolutions? Mine are: 1. Pay off credit card debt I’ve been not focused on. 2. Make strides into breaking into ghostwriting. If that doesn’t work out, then copywriting. 3. Dance in four different cities this year for fun.


  • Lovelyeast
    6 years ago
    Your 1. and 3. Are definitely on my goal list as well. I also want to buy a condo and keep contributing to my ira
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oooh nice. A condo would be exciting.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Aww, a vacation would be good!
  • MissDevonshire
    6 years ago
    @Nicespice I currently work at The Lodge in Dallas but would love to come check out Palazio and meet you. You're quite famous on here and you have a lot of fans. :) Other than that, I create a vision board every year and my focus in 2019 is in learning more about the stock market and taking more investment risks. My money is all in CDs now which is safe but not making me much interest. I also want to focus on creating ASMR content and dirty storytelling for sale online as I've been doing well with it in the club.:)
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