
Truly dangerous gangs and strip clubs

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
When I was travelling for work, i was warned away from a couple of clubs in El Paso and Phoenix because they were in bed with or heavily frequented by MS13. Earlier this week, a TV in the club was tuned to the news when they ran a story on a 40 person brawl involving the Outlaws MC and the Eternals MC at a popular nightclub in next door Cape Coral. Almost on cue, we heard the rumbling of at least a dozen Harleys passing outside. You could see the bartenders stiffen as the bouncers opened the door and looked out to ensure the bikes weren't stopping. Another regular and I began talking about it, and the bouncer shut us down. A dancer clued me in later that the entire staff had talked about quitting in one form or another if the Outlaws began showing up. A quick internet search shows they are in the Top 4 most dangerous outlaw MCs in the nation, and one of the clubs involved in the waco shootout.

Has anyone ever seen what happens when a criminal gang moves into a club?


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I assume it may be more of an issue in certain areas/cities
  • Studme53
    6 years ago
    I used to see 2 or 3 Pagans wearing their colors at one of my favorite strip clubs in Philly. They're the preeminent outlaw club in the area and are total gangsters who kill. I wouldn't hang around when they were there because I like to relax and I'm there for the women - not to be tense or on guard - plus there are plenty of alternatives close by. That being said, I never saw them cause problems.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I guess that's one of the benefits of higher-end clubs. In addition to dress codes that would prevent many urban gang members coming in, absolutely no patch-wearing MC members.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    @Gammanu95 ,

    Gangs play a huge role in strip clubs out west. Especially Mexican gangs. For example, Nortenno gangs control a lot of prostitution rings in Nevada and northern California. A lot of the girls recruited in the gangs between San Francisco and Reno are groomed into being strippers, mostly in Reno and Bay Area clubs. Then work as escorts a certain number of days per month and the money goes to the gang. Same with setting them up in clubs to deal drugs for the gang.

    I also know some Blood sets and biker gangs do the same thing.

    The Sureno gangs in Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, etc do it too but aren't nearly as organized in prostitution as the Norteno gangs. You even get Norteno girls working clubs in Sureno territory. But they can be more violent... a lot of times girls are used to set tricks up to get robbed. To set up other gang members, shit like that. Fake IDs to underage girls wanting to work, then have them hoe or sell drugs in the club. A lot of pimping is gang affiliated but not centrally organized like with Nortenos.
  • Corvus
    6 years ago
    Well, now I'm interested in the names of the clubs in El Paso and Phoenix you have been warned away from?

    I club in both those cities and while I haven't been to every club in either, I've never seen any sign of gangs in any SC in either town.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    It has nothing to do with how expensive the club is. Gang members don't always dress as such.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    There was a group of Outlaws at IR one night. They kept to themselves and there were no issues.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I noticed a motorcycle group @ Tootsies one Sunday afternoon - they were in the back sportsbar watching the Dolphins game - as others have mentioned, they pretty-much kept a low-profile but a lot of them were tatted-up and intimidating-looking - there were a good # women in the motorcycle group - I assume they are aware they are looked as potential trouble-makers and thus keep a low-profile but one has to wonder what will happen if there is a misunderstanding.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ they were about 40 stong
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't think there is currently a big issue in Miami where I live w.r.t. large street-gangs - seemed it was a bigger issue in the 80s or maybe I was just more-aware of it being a young-person back-then (but I think it's more of the former as there not being as big a gang-problem as back then) - there def seem to be drug-gangs in the hood, and probably some Latino gangs that are into certain criminal activity - but for the most-part they just seem to focus on their biz (drugs, ID theft, car-theft, etc) vs causing trouble at establishments or violent fights among them (i.e. they seem to prefer to keep a low-profile and just worry about making their $$$) - I don't recall seeing what seemed like a big group of gang-members in a club although they can def be present but I assume prefer to just blend-in w/ the regular-custies.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Any halfway decent club will enforce a 'no colors' rule if it becomes a problem.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    From what I know, Black and Haitian gangs work the clubs.

    But a lot of gang related violence at clubs stems from unaffiliated pimps or dealers stepping on their territory. Its rare to get two enemy gangs showing up at a club unless you're in Reno, Phoenix or Vegas... at least from my experience.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    I don't think 1% biker gangs make a habit of frequenting strip clubs. They may occasionally hit one on a run, but they are just making themselves a target when a huge group huddles inside a single building and their hogs could be knocked over like dominos outside. Motorcycle clubs just bring the strippers to their clubhouse most of the time. I've only had one truly bad experience with a motorcycle club in all my years of clubbing. It was one of the Bandidos's support clubs. https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id…
    Keep in mind 99% of bikers are harmless.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    "Any halfway decent club will enforce a 'no colors' rule if it becomes a problem."

    racist lil piece of shit, i dare your old white ass to come to my mansion, try an' fuck with a real nigga. i'll have your ass beat on the curb.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    This thread shows how out of touch with reality some of you are. Gangstaz and strippers go hand in hand.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    I’ve been clubbing in Phoenix since forever.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    ....and I’ve never seen any sign of biker gangs.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    " i dare your old white ass to come to my mansion, try an' fuck with a real nigga. i'll have your ass beat on the curb"

    ^^^ lmao, lilballer cant do it himself. He has to have someone do his fighting for him
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You don't have to see actual gang members for a club to be gang affiliated. They can control the sale of drugs in the club and the girls working can be gang affiliated.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Any halfway decent club will enforce a 'no colors' rule if it becomes a problem"

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Not wearing obvious gang affiliated clothing doesn't mean they aren't affiliated. Also, do you really think they vet dancers to see who is or isn't gang affiliated? You're being way too naive.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    @IceyLoco, I read your comments on this thread. They are very interesting. I have not seen anything as far as pimping ladies as organized as what you are talking about. I would like to learn more so I did research on Norther California where it sounds like you are. One question after my research though is Who is Nuestra Familia? and do they play a role in the bigger picture?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I may have made a mistake on my posting earlier. The MC that was at IR may not have been Outlaws, they may have been Warlocks. It was a couple years ago.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    @DaddyTricks, Nuestra Familia is basically the prison gang that controls northern California gangs outside of prison. Pretty much all the gangs north of Bakersfield or so. They sort of macro manage gang activity in the area. The depth of involvement varies. But aligned gangs use N14 in their graffiti. When I stayed up in Reno NV, I had girlfriends who were heavily into that scene. Everything was controlled from the Bay Area. A lot of gang leaders were in Vacaville prison in CA. In southern California, its all much looser and less organized.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    Good info, Thanks IceyLoco. Were you workin these hoes in Reno? If so, that is badass.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    PAE bro
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Yeah, it was pretty hardcore up there.... drug dealers coming to the club with M16s in their trunks. The hoes were violent AF too. Lots of fights. Pimps telling their bitches to jump other pimps' bitches. I had one bitch so loyal she spent a year in jail for me. Another got my name tattooed on her wrist and my initials on her neck. They'll really hold you down up there. Reno is a sad depressing town though.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    Sounds like you got some good stories IceyLoco. You a true playa. Not often hoes have that kind of loyalty.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    On East Coast you have to watch out for 1%ers much more than you would gangbangers. Assuming the club has decent security and no guns gangbangers are a bunch of pussies who only have a shot to win a fight with more numbers. Saw a huge brawl years ago at hardcore show when some gang bangers tried to bum rush one dude 8 to 1 but the guy was part of a crew and when two of his buddies jumped in they kicked the shit out of the 8 gangbangers, was funny as fuck watching them limp out of the club. Hardcore bikers are a whole other deal, almost all those guys can fight and some are legit psychos. There were a bunch of them that use to go to shows at a venue i did security at in college and they lived the pussy outnumber a guy and try to stomp them tactic that all those bikers and gang bangers use but i saw way more bikers win fights squaring up and shooting the fair one then gang bangers. I'm on the East Coast, probably different on the west coast where it seems like they have to use guns because they are scared of squaring up.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    ^ keep talkin your shit
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Daddy Tricks, I have a lot of stories... I just don't post much on here coz of the trolling and the negative reactions everything non trick related gets. The girl was amazing, gorgeous, loyal, knew how to cook and just the right amount of crazy. I could have gotten a minimum of around 9 years. She threatened some supposed witnesses and something happened to one. She was identified by a witness but she never broke and never talked. Got a sentence for witness tampering. The witnesses realized they made a mistake about me and I got off though. After she got out her family pretty much kept us apart. She ended up in Colorado. But that hoe was a real ride or die bitch. That's the kind of woman every man needs. In a way everyone after her was always second best.

    Ime, I don't know, on the west coast its mostly just kids who fight like that. You get some adult hoodrats doing it too. Gangsters are more likely to just shoot someone.
  • ARagingFlamingGay
    6 years ago
    I'll bet you are a gangbanger aren't you iceyloco?

    I've been looking for a gangbang all my life.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^ are you a dirty faggor?

    fuck you jackie
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