
hooking up with another dancer?

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 1:52 PM
Me and another dancer I work with started sleeping together last week. Am I being dumb by doing this cause we do work together but I can't think of any reason why not?


  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    It happens a lot. Rarely works out but its really common.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Not at all if you just have an understanding not to poach each others customers. Hey you might even be able to leverage this with some $$$ duos inside or outside the club.
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    I hadn't thought of that but that's smart.
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    Have fun! That is what it is about !
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I'd go the opposite route and say its best to separate work from play. Another issue is if she's on friendly terms with bitches who don't like you, etc.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Can I come watch ?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Who paid who?
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    I like to make work feel as much like play as i can. i don't think any of the girls i work with dislike me but there's some who i never really talk to. LOL warrior!
  • 501traveler
    6 years ago
    People hook up with their coworkers all the time, why would strip clubs be any different? As some else mentioned try doing doubles. Most guys will go for it if they see the girls are into each other. As long as feelings don't start getting in the way, have fun with it. One of my favorites started seeing a fellow dancer, but then the other girl started getting an attitude and would try and cock block me when I came in to see her. So I moved on and she lost a regular over it. Don't let it affect your money.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    I see no problem here
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Have fun.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Can we make it a sandwich, you girls know it's not complete, without the meat ; )
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago
    Strippercutie404 Humans, men and women, have a natural and healthy desire to be sexual. Many young girls are well-informed and know to respect their bodies and understand that developing as a sexual woman is a natural and enjoyable part of becoming and being an adult. You are a good human being; you are just young and innocent, not involving evil intent or motive, I find that adorable and enduring. Please don’t change. Like you said you don’t see anything wrong with having sex with a coworker. In an ideal world, that would be the case, but in the modern civilization we live in there are a lot of things to consider: The worst case scenario, mixing business and pleasure could result in messy breakups, jealousy, backstabbing etc etc etc. That is going to affect your work and your personal life. This however might bring a good teamwork situation, you and her collaborating to do doubles at work, protect each other, help each other, mutually beneficial relationship... As long as you both are in the same page regarding your relationship and how you would relate to other people you should be OK, but if you start having issues/problems you should end up the relationship in good terms. Don't let a romantic relationship affect the quality and efficiency of your work or your income. The only reference/experience I have about your situation is what the sister of mi ATF once mentioned to me: “Some of the more experienced girls would take advantage of my ATF and would “confuse” her making her believe she was bisexual and just would take advantage of her, and would end up hurting her feelings and making her sad.” I hope you are being safe and have fun and hope no one hurts you. “Thrust but verify...”
  • PhatBoyHell
    6 years ago
    I'd go that route and say its best to fuck everyone at work from play. Another issue is everyone thinks I am a bitch. I said I was a girl in a previous thread
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    25 stop trolling.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    Dancers sleeping together can never be dumb, tho sleeping with me would be better, especially financially :)
  • PhatBoyHell
    6 years ago
    IceyLoco stop trolling
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    that is not a good idea. It will end in a very bad situation
  • yahtzee74
    6 years ago
    To give the proper advice on what you should do we would first need to see a video.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    if you want to avoid drama don't hook up with dancers, staff, or regular customers. especially not the club dealer or anyone that's ever been in a relationship with other dancers. that being said it happens all the time at every club so do whatever you want just don't whine afterwards that drama always follows you and you don't know why.. like a lot of girls do after they go around shitting where they eat and stirring the pot..
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