SC Etiquette Question

On a recent visit to Hong Kong, I was at a wall seat sharing a drink and talking to a dancer, after 15 minutes she decides we should move to the more comfortable balcony sofas.
She sits down closer to the ledge and as I am about to get cozy next to her a PL comes up to me and asks if he could tip her, I'm not about to stop her from making a few extra bucks, and he tips and in typical HK fashion gripes her.
Neither of us mentioned the incident, continued our conversation, and had a good time Arriba.
As a newbie, I was wondering if tipping
a dancer who is talking with another PL proper SC (even in HK) etiquette?
I haven't done it as the most I have done is make good eye contact to let her know if the PL you are with does not work out, come see this PL.
last commentI would say another dude, or female/dancer for that matter, should never intrude - but it could have been slightly worse - I've seen dudes not even ask and just go up and tip the dancer as if if the other PL was not even there.
I totally agree that is not proper etiquette. But Hong Kong is a different kind of place. I have seen grown men act like teenage boys there. I have seen guys walk to a girl that are standing in the middle of the club in full view of everyone, pull down the girls top and start sucking on their tits and rubbing the girls clit like they were in a VIP room. Then tip the girl a single dollar. It's just a different mindset there.
Omg. Are they local natives? Us tourists would probably get ass kicked.
I don't understand what he's griping about. He interrupted you, not the other way around.
It would have not been so-bad if he just tipped her, even though IMO he should not intrude, but then to grope her while she's sitting w/ you is a douche fucking move.
Damn autocorrect, should be "gropes"
He was polite and apologetic, plus I'm not going to jail, die, or get my ass kicked for I don't care how hot Mexican Arriba chica.
I thought groping her was a douche move but like Warrior15 said it's different rules of conduct in HK.
It was a douche move. Its not like she is the only girl in the room. It was your turn. He should have let you have it. HK is wilder than most, but basic boundaries should be respected.
That said, I had a dancer's ex-boyfriend push past me to try to kiss her. She told him to shove off, but he was drunk and persistent. I let her handle it, as he was tatted up, lean, half my age, and clearly a local.
I've tipped a busy dancer before, but only in a more of a bar club setting (more social), and only on my way out. I don't believe I actually interrupted, set it in front of her or tucked it in the side. Maybe I'm just an inconsiderate dick though
Conversely, being polite and courteous sometimes reaps unexpected benefits.
One time this baller made it rain at his table and I decided to help pick up the money and hand it to the dancer, he called me over and bought me some vodka shots to say thanks.
OMG a rookie in Hong Kong. Talk about Christiantothe lions...
I treat every dancer as if she's a regular: I respect she making a living but I also will not stand for abject ignorance when she knows I'm an easy mark because I like her. Let the other PLs tip your girl, as long as she shows appropirate reciprocation for your $$$.
BTW, if this were an OTC regular different rules apply.If you're going to fuck her after her shift, I don't care so much if I'm temporarily ignored. That's where I'm at now in fact...I'm taking her to a hotel so ITC shit with other PL's is of no concern to me.
^ So let me get this right...
You are posting on the TUSCL discussion board while driving a stripper ho to a hotel?
With all due respect, I'm no rookie though I am a newbie to TUSCL.
There was no issue with the dancer, she was respectful of me, she didn't mention the incident, afterwards we had a good conversation and a very good time upstairs.
The issue was with a possibly drunk, hormone raging, unable to contain himself douche bag PL, who wanted to tip (and grope) the dancer who was drinking with me because in his words "she is too beautiful."
It's a douche move, deserving of a knock down. But not in the club - don't want to get banned from a pussy heaven!
It's a douche move, but "manning up" and causing a scene about it is even more so.
He deserved a knock down but I didn't want to go to jail, die, or get beat up for anyone.
But I didn't even consider the greatest consequence to a bad decision, banishment from heaven.
No matter how hot the dancer, she is not worth being banned from Hong Kong.
Thanks for the advice.
I've often seen a guy getting a lap dance on the floor in front of me and as the dancer straddles him cowgirl style and while leaning over the PL, she inevitably will make eye contact and flash a nice smile. If they're hot I'll reciprocate with a nod and smile. I've also had a dancer reach out and stroke my leg or otherwise make contact. I think at that point It's ok to tip or say "hey I'd like a dance after." Sometimes I'll be walking by and a dancer I want is doing a lap dance and I'll wonder if I can tip her especially if they smile or otherwise acknowledge my presence. Hmmm...
In your situation, I would just wait until she was done with the other PL and then try to get her attention, I don't think it's worth the drama if the PL feels slighted or disrespected.
I remember one time this dancer was stand grinding a PL and grabbed me and was trying to get me join a clothed threesome.
I decided to walk away because I thought she was dancing for him and not knowing the other PL I didn't want the potential drama.
—>@LDK82: “I believe that a quick walk-by touch would be acceptable.”
^This and make eye contact is exactly what I do
at least he asked.
That girl sounds real nice. The couches she wanted to move to, probably better for a preliminary makeout session and getting to know each other.
Completely douche move. Like Tahoe said, the place is full of women, so it's a complete tool-shed move for that dick-licker to want to tip and grope the girl you're with.
That said. You did the right thing by not doing anything.
First off, the last thing you want to do there is get into any kind of physical altercation, regardless of who's bigger. It can only lead to more bad things.
You could have denied permission, but then again, I think that's her call. It was also a douche move by her to allow it when engaged with another customer, especially if it was for a lousy buck, or even a five.
With all that said, if I was in that situation, I wouldn't really care who gropes her, as long as I'm getting mine. Not like she's going to be my girlfriend.
JA. you get it. they ain’t loyal.
That TJ custom of tip+feel up sounds great. Fantastic way of getting something going with a girl.
So Cristobal, tell us more. Did you approach her first or did she approach you?
You did a basic arriba, so the question is, are you going to see her again? Outside the Zona? Extended time, TLN?
Headstone Circus
I think the tip & feel is just a cheap thrill and rarely leads to socializing with the girl, as most will immediately hit you up to go arriba.
It's as if they are calling you out: let's fuck or move on, which if you're not ready or interested can be intimidating.
I prefer to introduce myself, ask her name, compliment her, and ask her to drink with me and if I'm feeling a good vibe and she interviews well, we go arriba.
In this case, I approached her and she spoke decent English so I invited her for a drink, she was conversational, flirty and I enjoyed her vibe.
My MO is "one and done" as I'm not interested in seeing someone again no matter how hot they look or how great the experience, I just want to move onto to the next person.
So even though we had a good time, I'm not planning to see her again as time is short as there are many more women to experience.
Happy Mongering.
Thanks for that info. I have not been there, but it certainly sounds like selecting the girl yourself is best.
And I understand about calling you out, "let's fuck or move on". What is widely reported about the Playboy Bar is that after approaching from behind and pulling your head back and ramming her tongue into your mouth for about 30 seconds, she will look you in the eyes and say, "Arriba O Fiche". So yes, calling you out makes sense.
I still think there would be other ways to play it. You can make an excuse and hand her money. Or you can approach yourself with the feel up and of course handing her money.
Then from the feel up you can keep talking to her and try to move her someplace where you can back up against a wall, for safety. Then probably you can continue getting to know her and get a standing makeout session going. That will have good effect. Then from there to to the ficha and the sitting makeout session. Then finally arriba, and try for TLN.
Mostly handing her money and contact info is just a way to get her to chill and allow things to develop some, with talk, and making out.
When your girl had you move to a different area sofa, was that for more ficha and makeout time?
Not been there yet, but I think that tip+feel up thing is good, you can learn to do it so that it really softens her up. I believe that it can be used for very good effect.
One and done? Why?
Your suggestions have validity, I can see how you could use the tip & feel to your advantage rather than it just being a cheap thrill.
I'm going to find a way to incorporate your suggestions on my next trip to HK (hopefully December 19th).
When we moved it was to get more comfortable, since the wall seats are cramped and she had a big booty, and the sofas allowed her to be more comfortable on my lap, play with junior, and allowed me to feel her up which sealed the deal and then it was Arriba.
Just for the record this was not my first visit to HK but it was the first time a PL made a douche move to tip and grope my dancer.
I remember another time when I approached a dancer and asked her to share a drink but she responded that she does not drink and only goes Arriba, so I started to walk away when a PL asked me if I asked if I found out how much she charged to go arriba and I told him to ask her because I don't ask.
Maybe he too lacked basic etiquette or was too intimated (she is one of hottest dancers at HK, she won the lingerie contest) to find out himself.
I'm a "one and done" because I just want to experience as many women as possible and I don't want the drama of a relationship in my life right now.
If you are dealing with the hottest girl in the bar this can be fairly common. I dont take it personally. Its like if you have a hot wife. If guys gaze when you walk past take it as a compliment. Just focus on treating your girl well at the bar and in the back and she won't have a wandering eye or disappear for long periods of time every-time a customer appears. And if you treat her well and she she loses focuses get a dance with another girl. She wont make the same mistake again.
If i bought a lady a fischa drink and someone asked to grope tip her i would say no. If he persisted i would knock the shit out of him! But after he left i would make sure i tipped the chica! But 9 times out of ten if i am sitting with a hk chica there will be front room makeout session going on that would never happen! When a chica is sitting with a monger she is off limits to all other mongers at that time! For someone not to respect that i would take that personally! There are tons of available chicas at all times in the zona norte! There is never reason to bother a monger and his chica
Wow, that's quite macho. Impressed the hell out of me.
I do not care if someone thinks i am macho are not i am telling you how it is. Fuck with a hk chica while she is sitting with me and see what happens to you! I do not care who likes or dislikes anything i have to say
@flagooner just eat a fruitcup lol
When the PL asked to tip her in my naivety I didn't think he would grope her.
We were moving from a wall table to the balcony sofas, so he caught me before I sat next to her possibly not realizing she was sharing a drink with me.
It was a douche move to bother us but I didn't bother me at the time because she never mention it, jumped on my lap, and diverted my attention to her, thereby defusing the situation.
The thought of a confrontation over this incident did not cross my mind because I do not think it is worth whatever the outcome would have been for a chica I would be done with in an hour or so.
It really was about SC etiquette, if I was looking at this incident correctly or was I overacting because of the attitude at Hong Kong.
^ and I'm quite certain that if you had already been sitting down you would have kicked the guy's ass.
Why are you so territorial or possessive of a Mexican whore?
The more I read these reactions the more I realise what fucking losers you are.
Sounds like in TJ, tipping means feel up. Better not to allow it, but if it happen, oh well.
If the girls does not drink good. Steer her to a no alcohol drink. But you don't have to offer a ficha. Just keep handing her money and getting to know her and letting your makeout session intensify.
Buying dances is a chump's game.
Front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.
Best if you select and approach the girl yourself. Select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with. Start handing her front room money as your very first move. It shows good intent, and likely she will follow your lead from then on.
If it is she who moves first, can still be okay. But you will have to decide fast and find ways of taking the lead yourself.
The very best is to first approach the girl when she is on her feet. Okay if she is taller than you, especially in her high heels.
But in clubs where lap sitting is common, that indicates that probably you can steer it the way you want. Few enforceable limits when girls are sitting on laps.
Keep feeding her money and keep getting to know her and keep getting friendly with her. Odds are good that the makeout session will ensue and that you'll soon be waking up with her in the mornings.
Just because strip clubs do things certain ways, that does not mean that you always have to go along with it.
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Save the above info some safe places, like in emails to yourself and on paper.
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I got interrupted making the above post.
I would say that you don't want to go arriba with the girl until you are ready, and that means getting to her and the front room makeout session.
So if she is pushing arriba, just keep handing her money and telling her you want to get to know her and telling her about yourself, and probably feeling her up and making out with her.
This guy who cut in may be undesirable, but it should not define your visit.
If you can steer the girl away from alcohol, all the better. And if you have a girl who does not drink, great!
I would say that it best if you really get to know the girl well, and get an intense makeout session going. Might still be able to further this up on the balcony.
Have to ask our experts, but probably you can take her to eat, before taking her to an extended or TLN arriba.
Select the girl you want to be doing TLN's with regularly. And if TJ is too far from home, find a home girl.
Lots of my best AMP sessions started with a nice feel up session, before going to DFKing. So I feel that that TJ custom is great.
Drunvalo Melchizedek : Why Living in the Heart ? ( part1/3)
I don't think we are being territorial but rather appalled at the lack of respect and etiquette.
I think some of the emotion is based on putting themselves in that circumstance and imagining how it would feel to be disrespected similarly.
Thing is in a place like that, nearly anything could happen. Guy could hand a girl big money and look into her eyes and say, "Arriba", and she is gone. That kind of place works because the women make the rules, all of the rules. If you try to fight it, I believe that you will get carried out the door.
I would suggest that before you approach any girls, make sure you have gone to the bathroom and that you are ready for action. You can't let go of her until you have her in your suite.
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TJ Street
That is the point, anything, good or bad, can happen.
I've had a couple of experiences where I was just about to talk to a dancer and another PL gets to her first or she takes off and sits with another PL.
Gotta make your choice and act. And to do that, you've gotta know what you really want.
Enjoy, and keep letting us know about it.
Front room makeout sessions?
Ever try that Miami VIP Room?
Extended sessions, TLN?
Seeing a girl by appointment, and outside of the zona?
Street girls?
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TJ Street
I'm curious about the street girls.
On my last visit to TJ I saw that about 5or 6 were attractive and worth a second look.
What insight do you have on SGs?
I have never been there, not yet.
But my feelings are that once again, you need to decide what you want and make it happen. I say that a girl away from smoke and alcohol is an improvement.
More likely she lives in TJ too. Better. Also, as with street women everywhere, she is her own boss, and that is a huge benefit.
So the deficiency is just in that the sidewalk is not a good place for preliminary DFK + FIV makeout sessions.
So talk her up, if she gives you a price, ask if she has had lunch yet. If no, hand her the money she quoted and tell her, "I'm taking you to lunch". Then maybe take her to LC or BT and dance with her. Then get your makeout session going. If you play it right and passout money, you could well be waking up with her in the morning.
People say that these girls do FleshLight super fast service, and cheap.
Well, you can steer it another way and you can keep handing her money like you would an HK Bar girl.
You don't have to explain this to her directly, but you let her see that you are making her into your mistress.
Maybe she cannot fully accomdate that night. Might have other obligations, and you do need to respect those. But on TJA and Escorts of Mexico they talk about Street Girls doing first timer TLN's often.
If things work between you and see, try and see her again by appointment ASAP. And then continue to see her regularly.
Best if it is not sex tourism or consumer recreation, but if you have other need to be in TJ. This is how it will be for me.
If TJ is just for the women for you, then I would suggest making things happen with local girls. More practical.
TJ Street
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