Define random things in a sexual way

avatar for strippercutie404
This should be funny and fun!

For example...

Train: Cylinder shaped object that fits perfectly into tunnels.

Benjamin Franklin: A guy who liked to surprise his guests by bathing naked with French women!

Eating: The act of enjoying putting delicious objects in your mouth.

Shower heads: A masturbation tool.

Washing machine: A french kissing technique.

Candles: A last ditch effort to make your room smell good before your date comes in ;).

Computers: Used for watching porn.

Tinder: Random dick pic generator.

Bedroom drawer: Place to store condoms, sex toys and lube.

Garden sprinkler: What the end of sex should hopefully look like.

Corporate worker: A job that consists of pleasing your boss for money ;)

Lifeguarding: Making out with drowning victims.

Wine tasting: Where people spit, not swallow.


last comment
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Strippercutie404: Cum Dumpster
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Good ideas there strippercutie. I'm sure you really are lots and lots of fun. Glad you are posting on this forum.

Flagooner, go soak your head. May all the women you ever meet in your entire life be Born Again Christians.


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avatar for joesmama69
6 years ago
Go to your room strippercutie. I will be in therenin a minute to wash your mouth out with soap
avatar for loper
6 years ago
strippercuitie, you're awesome
avatar for joesmama69
6 years ago
You a nasty little hoe, we need to teach you some manors
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
:) :) :)

avatar for rickthelion
6 years ago
The rick agenda can only be defined in a sexual way. ROAR!!!
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
Airplane: a multi million dollar dildo that can fly
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
Submarine: an underwater dildo powered by nuclear energy that is capable of ending the world
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
@flagooner: A condition that occurs when one hasn't had sex in over a year ;)
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
You do realize his post could have been intended as a compliment?
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Earthquake: A strange coincidence that happens every time I have sex.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Clogged toilet: something that occurs each time CrazyJoe visits a McDonalds.

I’m still not getting this one!
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Chardonnay: a yellow fruity beverage that some enjoy warm?
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Goat ass: what SJG is dreaming about being elbow deep in right now!
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Paranoid butcher: likes having his meat delivered to the back door.
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
@flagooner: A condition that occurs when one hasn't had sex in over a year ;)
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
Earthquake: A strange coincidence that happens every time I have sex.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
C'mon guys, you can do better than that.

Walking: Something you hopefully shouldn't be able to do after sex ;)

Vans: A place to have uncomfortable, but kind of exciting sex in.

Racing to the finish: How some guys treat sex.

Sweatpants: Used to make boners more visible (I find it cute when you guys try to hide them but can't lol).
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
pregnancy: a financial promise to your girl of choice
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
@DC smash that like button!

Lol, this is an amusing thread.

Anime conventions: a free for all hookup place. Just be sure to check IDs before getting busy.
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
C'mon guys, you can do better than that.

Walking: Something you hopefully shouldn't be able to do after sex ;)

Vans: A place to have uncomfortable, but kind of exciting sex in.

Racing to the finish: How some guys treat sex.

Sweatpants: Used to make boners more visible (I find it cute when you guys try to hide them but can't lol).
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Female high school teachers: Likely to be a major porn category in ten years time.
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
Female high school teachers: Likely to be a major porn category in ten years time.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Roast beef: what pussy lips look like when I’m done with them...

SJG: a long winded, goat fucking, semen swallowing, non-strip club attending, tool.

PoleDancer83: the hottest stripper who posts here. Great roast beef on that honey!

Juice: a chacken fanger loving, bbq sauce swilling, four loko chugging, bible reading, stripper whisperer of the highest order!
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Brisket: A piece of meat that needs to be rubbed out before placing in the oven.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Headmaster: An authority on the student body
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
Brisket: A piece of meat that needs to be rubbed out before placing in the oven.
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
deep sea fishing: when she tries to empty your wallet by reaching down your pants

0-60-0 time: time from LDK to out the club door

going in sideways: when you rub pussy or nipples over the clothes while gradually sliding it over to see if she's down for more

avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
No, deep sea fishing is when you go deep in the pond to release those little swimmers.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Q) How is walking a high wire without a net like getting a blowjob from an ugly girl ?
A) You can't enjoy either one if you look down !
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Toys: Something adults can enjoy too.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
Q: Is the KKK really that racist?

A: I went to one of their meetings and there were a bunch of black guys just hanging around
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
The KKK are a bunch of sick fucks, as you Vanta, regardless of what your skin color may be, are turning out to be.

avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Church: A place to go to worship God.
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
cocaine: shit you snort out of a bad hoe's asshole.
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