I’ve brought my vape into VIP at a local club and smoked with one of my local favorites. Got pretty high with her and everything is better including the mileage. The rooms are far enough away from the floor and the bouncer for them to pick up on the smoke Plus the vape doesn’t smell like weed
If marijuana was legal everywhere strip clubs would be a lot more fun. I have had the chance to dance with a girl high on edibles and she performed like a rockstar.
I'm pretty sure I've either vaped or been given a blut/joint to go home with from customers 6/7 last shifts I've worked at the new club I am at. So many stoners lol.
The vaping was fun though, especially with this one table to guys who just kept passing it to me, I probably hit it like 20+ times (the guy had to refill it), and every time I got called on stage I would be up there just smiling away.
Am I the only one here that doesn't like marijuana? I know it's wildly popular with most people, but I have tried it out many times and I could never get into it. The feeling of being high isn't very enjoyable imo
That's how I feel about it too. It slows my reaction time and it makes me feel sluggish. I always have to be in the right state of mind in case a situation or emergency arises. I can't function at full capacity when under the influence
I’m not a fan of marijuana either. I’ve tried it and it’s not a satisfying high.
However, I’ve tried to stay away from chemicals for several years now. I’ll drink about 12 beers a year - but that’s about all the stuff I’ll get into nowadays.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the constant pain in my neck from three burst discs lessens considerably, and different strains of weed do give me a sluggish feeling others seem to have no effect on feeling high, but all relieve that chronic pain. BTW I only tried it for the first time before the this past summer at the urging of a medical doctor.
@Nina that sounds fun. I guess it’s the recent legislating allowing the clubs to be more fun?
I don’t like smoking weed, but some vape setups are pretty nice. A few weeks ago, some customer offered me a pen and I asked “this flavor is very mild, is this a cantaloupe?”...yes I’m a dweeb lol
As for getting high, It’s not something I’d go out of the way for. (Though some classmates and I talked about making a Denver road trip at some point. :p)
I think for me it’s fun but I also need to already be in a good mood for it. If I’m feeling stressed, it can cause paranoia. If I’m already in a good mood enjoying something, then I will just allow it to help me enjoy something even more.
So one thing we learned here is that 25 would not appreciate that thing where you tap someone on one shoulder and stand behind their other shoulder unless weed was previously provided.
We also learned what makes Nina smiley and that Spice is gullible. Miami could be a hoot.
DC9428, you recite a doctrine which all weed users recite. All it shows it that their entire psyche is defined by weed, no matter how infrequently they use it.
Right now, weed is being promoted by commercial interests. It is becoming the next tobacco, and the arguments used to push it are essentially the same.
As to the reason people actually use it, it would seem to be that they have have so little to live for, that their lives are so bleak, that the most they have to look forward to is a chemical high.
A chemical high enhances your life? What absolute nonsense!
In the organization I am working to build, it will never be like this, not even for one second.
Steppenwolf - The Pusher https://www.youtube.com/watch?… Does this apply to Donald Trump? Germany already has War Crimes indictments against George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld?
" Universal jurisdiction is the principle that some crimes are so heinous that the courts of any country can and in certain cases must take jurisdiction over them. Universal jurisdiction is international law’s response to the spectacle of tyrants and torturers who cover themselves at home with immunity and impunity. It is the principle that led to the arrest, for instance, of Chilean General Augusto Pinochet when he traveled to London. It’s the principle under which the former dictator of Chad, Hissène Habré, was prosecuted in Senegal. "
Well in a perfect world they would have both, but alcohol generally does a way better job in lowering inhibitions than weed (which could heighten them, depending on the strain) so alcohol is a good choice in the club.
I just enjoy clubs that are relaxed on their weed policy. The club I'm working at now really doesn't care, especially with vapes. People just vape openly.
DC, the only way that you could think weed gives you some kind of enhancement, is if your entire psyche was defined by week. No different from the people who think they are improved by alcohol. You don't respect mind-body integration, you seek dissociation.
If we have justice, then no one will ever be without what they need.
If we do not have justice, then money will never be a reliable substitute.
But you are still committed to the idea that weed can be good for you. So even if you never smoke it again, you resist the idea of living in your own skin. Mind body integration is a life's work. It takes continual effort.
Even if you are now making this effort now, you are still committed to the fallacy that drugs are somehow good for you.
I know marijuana is not heroin. But if someone is really pushing the idea that it is somehow good for you, then they have a serious defect in their thinking, as they oppose the hard work of mind-body integration.
Some people believe that boring a hole in the top of their head gives them higher consciousness, and of course no one who has not done such can say anything about it.
There is such a wide variety of strains that are tailored to the mood you want to achieve, it is my humble opinion that everyone should try to find the right blend for themselves. There will always be stoners (abusers) and drinkers (alcoholics), but I can achieve the mood/alertness I want by monitoring dosage and strain. You can't do that with alcohol.
You can smoke strains that make you alert, but not high. I do a small amount every morning before work. The only effect I feel is that I am alert and focused. Much, much better than coffee.
To the naysayers, all I can say is your are misinformed, about its many positives.
You strike me as the typical uptight narrow minded individual that would stick to his beliefs regardless of evidence to the contrary. Your labeling of pot users as losers only reinforces your lack of awareness of the issue.
I am far from a loser. I am in my mid-sixties, Controller of a multi-national company, and could run circles around you athletically.
I am relatively new to the board, but it is my guess your are either a bored loser trolling TUSCL, or low IQ.
2. You get offended by an anonymous poster on a discussion board created for strip club enthusiasts when that person calls you a loser.
3. You attempt to justify your recreational use of Loser Leaf (I just came up with that one :-), maybe it will catch on) when called a loser by that same anonymous poster.
4. You try to impress people that you don't even know by listing a bunch of unverifiable accomplishments as if that will blind them to the fact that you are indeed a loser.
Note: This one just further cements oneself as a loser of epic proportions
5. You opt to choose a username that contains any variant of 4/20 because you think that will make other losers mistakenly think you are as cool as Arthur Fonzarelli.
I am not trying to fight "creeping legalization". I am simply saying that weed is not a good thing. And then I will also say that I think it does negatively effect people who use it, even if only occasionally. And I also say that in the organization I am building, we will only work with people who have decided that they do not want to use it ever again.
We will not ever work with people who believe in Recovery.
We will be more lenient with the women, giving them time to see how our organization works first hand. But with the men, we will be expecting them to show that they have decided that they do not wish to use it ever again, before they get very far at all.
last comment^^
I thought that was romaine?
I thought that was romaine?
Anyways, here is an offer to flag. Snow up to Miami in January, and consume 5mg of edibles in front of all the TUSCLers. First lap dance is free.
Plus the vape doesn’t smell like weed
Just the thought of having you grind in my lap is enticing, but I would have to decline that offer.
click on Look Inside.
Chemical mood alterants are a hindrance, not a help. And after enough time thes mood alterants will eat you alive.
The Jeff Healey Band - Live In Belgium (Full Concert 1993)
The vaping was fun though, especially with this one table to guys who just kept passing it to me, I probably hit it like 20+ times (the guy had to refill it), and every time I got called on stage I would be up there just smiling away.
If you put weed, a ratty sofa, and an Xbox in the champagne room - you will basically turn a profitable pl into a stripper boyfriend.
There’d be no reason to leave, and after a few days, he’d have no job....
That's how I feel about it too. It slows my reaction time and it makes me feel sluggish. I always have to be in the right state of mind in case a situation or emergency arises. I can't function at full capacity when under the influence
However, I’ve tried to stay away from chemicals for several years now. I’ll drink about 12 beers a year - but that’s about all the stuff I’ll get into nowadays.
BTW I only tried it for the first time before the this past summer at the urging of a medical doctor.
I don’t like smoking weed, but some vape setups are pretty nice. A few weeks ago, some customer offered me a pen and I asked “this flavor is very mild, is this a cantaloupe?”...yes I’m a dweeb lol
As for getting high, It’s not something I’d go out of the way for. (Though some classmates and I talked about making a Denver road trip at some point. :p)
I think for me it’s fun but I also need to already be in a good mood for it. If I’m feeling stressed, it can cause paranoia. If I’m already in a good mood enjoying something, then I will just allow it to help me enjoy something even more.
We also learned what makes Nina smiley and that Spice is gullible. Miami could be a hoot.
Right now, weed is being promoted by commercial interests. It is becoming the next tobacco, and the arguments used to push it are essentially the same.
As to the reason people actually use it, it would seem to be that they have have so little to live for, that their lives are so bleak, that the most they have to look forward to is a chemical high.
A chemical high enhances your life? What absolute nonsense!
In the organization I am working to build, it will never be like this, not even for one second.
In a Historic First, Senate Advances Bill to End U.S. Support for Illegal War in Yemen
Dec 7th 1941, a date which will live in infamy
Frijid Pink - House of the Rising Sun
April Wine - I Like to Rock (Official Music Video) ( Couple of little snippets from other songs in this )
Rare Earth - I Know I'm Losing You (full version) ( first White act signed by Motown.
Sugarloaf - Green-Eyed Lady (Original Song HQ) 1970
The Guess Who - No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature (Audio)
Deep Purple - Child In Time - 1970
Rare Earth - Get Ready - complete track -1970
Steppenwolf - The Pusher
Does this apply to Donald Trump? Germany already has War Crimes indictments against George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld?
Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride (Version 1969)
"Lola"- The Kinks ( curious video )
Eric Burdon & War - Spill The Wine ( live, Beat Club )
Paint It Black ( quite good )
A Horse With No Name - America (Lyrics) ( hot girl in white )
Chicago ~ I'm a Man [studio version]
Humble Pie-30 Days In The Hole
Universal jurisdiction is the principle that some crimes are so heinous that the courts of any country can and in certain cases must take jurisdiction over them. Universal jurisdiction is international law’s response to the spectacle of tyrants and torturers who cover themselves at home with immunity and impunity. It is the principle that led to the arrest, for instance, of Chilean General Augusto Pinochet when he traveled to London. It’s the principle under which the former dictator of Chad, Hissène Habré, was prosecuted in Senegal.
I just enjoy clubs that are relaxed on their weed policy. The club I'm working at now really doesn't care, especially with vapes. People just vape openly.
I should have remembered that some posters have a remedial education and wouldn't be able to put 1 and 1 together to get 2.
Lol she is a loser.
What makes you think I'm not serious?
I've been nothing but consistent on this topic.
If we have justice, then no one will ever be without what they need.
If we do not have justice, then money will never be a reliable substitute.
Medicare For All
Bernie Sanders, Economic Justice
Even if you are now making this effort now, you are still committed to the fallacy that drugs are somehow good for you.
Why I Left an Evangelical Cult | Dawn Smith | TEDxNatick
The Broken Scales Of Wendy Carlos
Wendy Carlos Alpha Scale
Music Revolutionaries - Robert Moog & Wendy Carlos
Equal Temperament vs Just Intonation
Why Not Admit There is a Problem With Math and Music? Dan Formosa at TEDxDrexelU
Serious Earthquakes In Alaska
If we have justice, then no one will ever be without what they need.
If we do not have justice, then money will never be a reliable substitute.
Medicare For All
Bernie Sanders, Economic Justice
Is this woman nuts? I say yes!
First, that makes no sense. It means nobody knows anything about drugs.
In any event, I think I know what you are trying to say, but your drug damaged brain can't express it coherently.
Are you implying that I don't know that meth, crack, heroin,... are bad for me because I've never used it?
You are a retard and a loser.
Some people believe that boring a hole in the top of their head gives them higher consciousness, and of course no one who has not done such can say anything about it.
America's forced marriage problem | Fraidy Reiss | TEDxFoggyBottom
You can smoke strains that make you alert, but not high. I do a small amount every morning before work. The only effect I feel is that I am alert and focused. Much, much better than coffee.
To the naysayers, all I can say is your are misinformed, about its many positives.
You strike me as the typical uptight narrow minded individual that would stick to his beliefs regardless of evidence to the contrary.
Your labeling of pot users as losers only reinforces your lack of awareness of the issue.
I am far from a loser. I am in my mid-sixties, Controller of a multi-national company, and could run circles around you athletically.
I am relatively new to the board, but it is my guess your are either a bored loser trolling TUSCL, or low IQ.
1. You smoke the Devil's Lettuce recreationally
2. You get offended by an anonymous poster on a discussion board created for strip club enthusiasts when that person calls you a loser.
3. You attempt to justify your recreational use of Loser Leaf (I just came up with that one :-), maybe it will catch on) when called a loser by that same anonymous poster.
4. You try to impress people that you don't even know by listing a bunch of unverifiable accomplishments as if that will blind them to the fact that you are indeed a loser.
Note: This one just further cements oneself as a loser of epic proportions
5. You opt to choose a username that contains any variant of 4/20 because you think that will make other losers mistakenly think you are as cool as Arthur Fonzarelli.
We will not ever work with people who believe in Recovery.
We will be more lenient with the women, giving them time to see how our organization works first hand. But with the men, we will be expecting them to show that they have decided that they do not wish to use it ever again, before they get very far at all.
Highest gender wage gap in the Bay Area:
TJ Street
The Cube oF Space and the 22 Paths Of initiation
⚡️ Arcanum 1⚡️ The Magician ⚡️ Tarot & Alchemy And Kabbalah