
What do you think when you see a PL in a front room makeout session?

Saturday, November 24, 2018 10:37 AM
Just curious what you guys think when you see a PL and stripper together like that in the front room.


  • bruno0639
    6 years ago
    That he learned from the master.... SJG.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    6 years ago
    Women don't like sex so this will never happen. just stay home and jack off
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I fucking NEVER see that shit. I used to do it with one dancer I was dating. She was all about it. Other than that no. Y’all talk like that is an every day thing.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I wonder how long ago it was since she last swallowed another guys spunk.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Order some French fries and enjoy watching the other dancers beat her up
  • -me
    6 years ago
    @flagooner, hopefully a while lol
  • -me
    6 years ago
    Was wondering how I look to other PLs. Started doing that with a girl in the club, and got a couple comments last time. Thought it was pretty funny. As far as SJG is concerned, I tip the girl.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    What do I think? I dunno. I’ve never seen it happen
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Such always loosens up everyone else. SJG
  • SuperDude
    6 years ago
    In most Detroit clubs, bouncers will stop that kind of action. It's a way of cooperating with LE and forcing the PL to go to pay up and go to VIP.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ spoils the choreography with the girl though. Only way to get her opened up is when it is free form unstructured fraternizing, not she performing a service. Kissing is not illegal. SJG
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    If its the beginning of her shift I feel happy for the both of them. If its toward the end of her shift I quietly wonder how many guys she made out with that day. Also, I pay attention to whether or not she freshens up between making out with guys. Some girls think its ok to DFK and perform extras and then quickly make way back to the entertain other guys. Major buzzkill. I like a girl who takes 5-10 minutes to take care of hygiene.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    Have yet to see it happen.
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    Well when there is no VIP, what choices are there. I've had that happen to me a few times (unwillingly). I always have to try to pull away knowing if she does this with me, she does it with everyone. I never felt people staring though as there were too many hot girls around to worry about me.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    If it happens before the chloroform kicks in - it’s a bit odd - as it is a rare sight. After the chloroform takes effect - it’s a sex crime - and it is creepy as fuck!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    front room session? heck yeah!!!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    (especially if it’s with me!)
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I do it with my bitches. There's nothing hotter than that a strip club. I love it when my bitches call me daddy and makes sure everyone knows they're mine. Weirdest part of it how some tricks get offended by it and won't approach the chicks after or will walk away from them. Like one time my main bitch was with a trick and left him to give me a hug and a kiss when I walked in and he threw a fit
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    SuperDude, you say that in Detroit the bouncers would stop a front room makeout session. Well, are these clubs owned by a large nation wide chain? And know also that that chain keeps lots of its clubs unbranded. So it is very hard to know that they own them. Is this what you are talking about, the bouncers in that nationwide chain? SJG
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    If the bouncers aren't stopping anything, try and join them probably lol!
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    SJG acting like he knows all about the strip clubs in Detroit, even though he knows abosolutely nothing about them. What else is new?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    s275ironman, I asked if SuperDude's observation about the bouncers pertained to a well known nation wide chain, one which I take exception to. LEARN TO READ! SJG The Jeff Healey Band - Live In Belgium (Full Concert 1993) [view link] TJ Street [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] The Jeff Healy Band Hell To Pay (FULL ALBUM) HQ (good!) [view link] The Jeff Healey Band - I Can't Get My Hands On You [view link] Border crossing times: [view link]
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    SJG, I know which nationwide chain you are talking about, and they only own 2 clubs in the Detroit area, and neither one is a popular choice. However, clubs in the city of Detroit do get raided. Tickets do get issued whenever contact between a customer and a dancer is observed while a raid is taking place. Allowing a front room make out session to take place is only asking for the club to rack up fines if vice shows up to do a raid. I hope that explanation is good enough for you.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    That chain owns lots more clubs which it keeps unbranded, hard to know that they own them. I believe this also includes more in Detroit. Kissing is not illegal. If they are saying that any contact is illegal, well... They are making something illegal in a strip club, which is not illegal anywhere else. Front room makeout sessions are how you get a girl off script and into a completely civilian mode, so that she is not rendering a service, but is just letting it happen. There are posts about dives all across the country, where such occurs regularly. If we left things up to what the authorities wanted, strip clubs would not even exist. SJG The Jeff Healey Band - Live In Belgium (Full Concert 1993) [view link] TJ Street [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] The Jeff Healy Band Hell To Pay (FULL ALBUM) HQ (good!) [view link] The Jeff Healey Band - I Can't Get My Hands On You [view link] Border crossing times: [view link] Joe Bonamassa - "Sloe Gin" - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks [view link]
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    SJG, Deja Vu only owns 2 clubs in the Detroit area. If you think they own more, go ahead and believe it, because you’re the only one crazy enough to actually think such a thing is true. This just goes back to the statement I made earlier. You know absolutely nothing about Detroit strip clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    They own lots of clubs which they keep unbranded. Overall it lets them run the club more lossely. The DV brand draws tourists. But their unbranded clubs are a bit more loose, but not loose enough. I am pretty sure they have such in Detroit, as well as lots of other places. Where the law suit was going on over dancer employee status, there was talk about it being more than just two clubs. SJG
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    SJG, Deja Vu owns clubs across the state of Michigan, but only 2 in the Detroit area. And, AFAIK, all clubs owned by Deja Vu are listed on their website, even the “unbranded” ones you speak of. If it isn’t listed on their site, they don’t own it. But, of course, you’re going to believe whatever you want regardless of what the facts really are.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No, the unbranded ones are not listed on their web site. And those in the lawsuit were more than 2, and it was just Metro Detroit. They use unbranding when they don't want the club to be as attractive a target for LE. They are completely into market segmentation, different business models. SJG
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    SJG, you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about. But, go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe, you’re entitled to your opinion just as much as everyone else. Until you can actually provide any evidence that backs up what you claim to be truth, I am of the opinion that you are full of shit.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    They have unbranded clubs, lots of them in lots of places and not listed on their corporate site. I have discussed this with them and they are proud of it. It actually is better for us PL's. SJG
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