
Military concessions

Breathe, breathe in the air
Any clubs over there routinely offer free entrance to serving or ex-serving members of the military? A bouncer at a Vegas club overheard me talking about my service and waived me through. Nice.


  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Many do.
    Mondays are military appreciation day at my go to club.
    $2.50 beers and bourbon (any brand that they have)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    From reading reviews seems like a good # of clubs do (I'm not militar so no firsthand experience) - always good to ask at the door but IDK if it applies to service men from other countries
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    Papi, I was talking about how I worked with the USAF at a USAF cruise missile base, maybe that did it.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Yeah actually a lot. It’s all over too. I’m not duochey enough to ask for the military discount but I’ll show my military ID instead of my drivers license and see what happens. I would say about half the clubs I go to have something.
    What I’ve been to in the past month
    Curves (Tucson) no cover and 3$ drinks
    Raider Reef (Tucson) no cover 3$ drinks
    Venom (Tucson) No cover
    Red Parrot (El Paso) No cover
    Yellow Rose (Austin) No Cover
    Perfect Ten Men’s Club (Austin) 6$ cover
    Perfect 10 Men’s Club (San Antonio) I want to say no cover, can’t totally remember.
    Always get a pat on the back from the bouncers, these clubs don’t have to do it but it’s really nice they do and definitly helps when I’m traveling and my incentive to check out new clubs. Soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors have always been notoriously some of the biggest PLs. RILs are common thing in the ranks.

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Maybe it'd be a good idea for info like this to be added to a club's TUSCL page as one of its descriptors
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Also you can add
    Palazzio (Austin) No cover
    Knockouts (Albuquerque) No cover
    Gossip (Long Island) No cover

    Do not expect it at BYOB places IME but if they serve alcohol, then yeah there is a good chance they might have something going on.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Very common, although not universal. I would guess at least 50% waive or discount the cover for military. Rarely you will see a sign posted announcing a military discount. Most of the time there is no sign but the discount might be available if you show a mil ID or ask. Often they will have you sign in on sheet which lists a couple of other categories that get free entry, like airline employees, first responders, service employees, etc., so it’s clear it’s a club policy and not just the bouncer giving you a freebie. Sometimes it seems like it is just the bouncer giving a freebie. Mollie Browns in Daytona Beach used to waive the cover and give you your first drink for free, although they stopped dong that a while ago. Now I believe they just waive the cover a certain night. I don’t think it’s douchey to ask. A lot of places don’t even ask for an ID, so you won’t know unless you ask.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I've noticed lots of clubs giving free admission by showing your ticket stub from a local sporting event.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Clubs should give a TUSCL discount - we're in the strip club frontlines
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I know the Cheetah WPB Nd Pompano clubs offer military and retired specials , first responders, and are staffed by many ex military, ask and you shall receive if you can show ID, also I have noticed in the biz for restaurant and bar workers at many places, Vixens in Davie comes to mind.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    "What I’ve been to in the past month
    Curves (Tucson) no cover and 3$ drinks
    Raider Reef (Tucson) no cover 3$ drinks
    Venom (Tucson) No cover
    Red Parrot (El Paso) No cover
    Yellow Rose (Austin) No Cover...
    Perfect 10 Men’s Club (San Antonio) I want to say no cover, can’t totally remember....
    Palazzio (Austin) No cover
    Knockouts (Albuquerque) No cover
    Gossip (Long Island) No cover"

    Are you saying they let you go bareback at all those clubs just for having served in the military?

    No homo
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