Was there ever a time when NYC was a great SC city?

avatar for Muddy
I think it’s still good compared to a lot of places but not what it should. It should be No.1 hands down. All those foreign girls, it should be Europe west with how the sex industry is treated there. It’s not we all know that. But It’s not an SC wasteland by any means,although I don’t make enough to play in Manhattan but I still have a lot fun in Queens and even the Bronx.

However in the 70’s, 80’s,90’s was it better back in the day? A lot of New York City’s lameness can be blamed on Rudy Giuliani’s quality of life laws in the late 90’s. Some of guys go way back, do you have any experiences/stories before that nonsense happened you could share? I’d imagine it was a lot better.


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avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
NYC is grate homie! Last time I waz at startlets I made it rain 10k!
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I’ve never found Manhattan clubs to be worth the money. I’ve been to clubs there in the late 1980’s and 1990’s - and it was too much money for too little action.

The dancers are ok. Some are very pretty, but overall they are similar quality to non-Manhattan girls - just more expensive.

I’m not a fan of Russians or Eastern Europeans - as I’ve not gotten the extras they would promise in the front room.

I’ve enjoyed some decent Manhattan escorts/whores. In my view - those girls get used up very quickly. The volume of cock they take ages them in double-dog years. It’s best to get a girl who is new to escorting - if you are in the mood for a sweet hottie.
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