
Cuba Dave

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Supposedly he's a well-known social-media monger - he's an American guy in his 60s originally from Minnesota whom moved to Key-West, FL after he retired but he would visit Cuba as a monger and thus became known as "Cuba Dave" since he would post about his exploits in Cuba on social media - after Cuba he also spent a lot of time in Costa Rica and Dominican Republic (plus other places) - he was jailed in Costa Rica and kinda made an anti-human-trafficking sacrificial-lamb - basically, w/ the assistance of a US leftist anti-human-trafficking group that worked w/ the Costa Rican government, he was jailed "for promoting prostitution" - basically was jailed for talking about his P4P exploits in Costa Rica and posting about it online and they prosecuted him in Costa Rica for promoting prostitution just by posting about it (and he supposedly had a well-known internet presence), even though prostitution if legal in Costa Rica - his conviction was eventually overturned but not after he was in a Costa Rican prison for ~2 years since in countries like that you are jailed until proven innocent (this happened from 2015 - 2017).

Anyway I was not aware about him till yesterday when I was browsing some YouTube videos - after his Costa Rican issues it seems almost all his online presence has been removed - below is a vid of him talking about mongering in the Dominican Republic - the way he explained things seemed to fit like a glove the way many SC RILs fall-for and get suckered by strippers, i.e. many American guys go to the Dominican Republic where the chicas treat them like royalty but Cuba Dave kinda breaks it down how it really is vs how many of the TILs (tourists in love) think it is:



  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    LOL - preach
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I used to follow Cuba dave religiously after my first trip to the DR a decade ago. He did a good job of providing insight on mongering. His mistakes were in giving too much information about the girls he slept with. It was interesting as girls he slept with would always see a large increase in clients. The girls started to use him as a marketing tool and his facebook and website would be full of thier pics and I remember one girl got his name tatooed on her ass. Anyways long story short. The governments of DR and Costa Rica caught on quickly and started to close in on him. Sexual tourism while loved by locals is usually hated by the government. I know a lot of towns in the DR have closed down bars where escorts hung out to meet with clients. His time in jail was very saddering. He learned that while he became a celebrity due to mongering his "fans" provided no financial help when he spent his time in jail. he might not have even had a chance to attend a funeral of a close relative. Smart move for him to delete his digital footprint. Its not worth it. Especially now that there's youtube. There are so many channels that do a great job of providing advice. Cuba dave was great, but his feedback was usually limited to blog posts and pictures. I have posted a vlog that I usually follow which is much better than Cuba Dave. If I didnt live in an area where I have access to beautiful DR/Brazilian women I might have made a visit or 2 over the years.


  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    I think it's stupid to talking about mongering on video and/or using your real name, even when discussing places where it's legal. You never know who you'll piss off. Third-world law enforcement and government officials can make life miserable for mongers, especially gringos. Stay anonymous, like the people on this site and others.
    I wonder if Cuba Dave was sodomized in prison.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    He gave an interview that detailed his life in prison. Doesnt sound like rapes are a problem in latin america, but bribery is pretty rampant. He literally had to bribe his way to get a bed to sleep on. Sounds like he wrote a book. Dont think I'd buy it, but his story would make a great "Locked Up Abroad" episode.

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Below are 2 kinda-long articles from a few years ago of Cuba Dave:


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