Getting Snipped?

Deez Nutz
Yo, im thinking about getting snipped. the guys that have done it, do you get erections on demand because your jiz stays in your ball sack, or do you still have a refactory period after you pop one?
Yo, im thinking about getting snipped. the guys that have done it, do you get erections on demand because your jiz stays in your ball sack, or do you still have a refactory period after you pop one?
last commentI have a vasectomy. I still get erections like normal. It sounds like you might not understand what a vasectomy is. You still ejaculate semen it just has no sperm. From the woman's POV, it all works exactly the same as it did before the vasectomy, except she can't get pregnant. So the statement "because your jiz stays in your ball sack" isn't true, unless you just mean the sperm (little swimmers). You still cum, you still shoot your load, the volume of it is still normal. The recovery period for your second (or third) pop is still the same before and after the vasectomy and even years later. Depending on how often I have sex (or no fap) I might even retain the erection between first and second pop (mostly because the system is still primed and ready to go again). But that's more of a health, wellness, diet, and fitness question than a vasectomy question IMO.
The unused sperm in the testicles are just reabsorbed by the body thru normal processes. You still cum and ejaculate. It's not like you run around in a permanent 24/365 start of "blue balls" if that's what you are asking.
Thanks, i was thinking more testosterone = more boners.
Yes, I feel my testosterone levels are just as high if not higher. Yep, still lots of boners. Really no downsides (unless you want more child support payments or more children).
No change from before getting snipped.
I've heard bad things about the Lorena Bobbitt Vasectomy Clinics though. They are cut rate, but I understand they throw you for a loop when dealing with them after the procedure. Caveat Emptor
Still works the exact same. My suggestion, consult with a few urologists to find someone you're comfortable with and make sure they don't have heavy hands.
when they shave your balls before the procedure is it a smooth shave with cream and razor. My balls are wrinkly and i have nipped them before with a trimmer. it will be nice to know how to properly shave my balls.
It's been on my to-do list for a few-years but I'm a natural procrastinator and also very squimish about being worked-on on my private-parts - but I gotta getter-done - I'm approaching 50 and don't wanna be a daddy at this stage in life and particularly not a stripper's baby-daddy
I'm sorry that you have the only computer that can't access Google.
I'm V safe. Nothing changes at all.
Mine was done almost exactly three years ago. It was in response to an episode where a stripper took the condom off and I went for it in the heat of the moment.
No, orgasms are exactly the same post-op. Mine was done the arthroscopic way and I didn't feel much of anything beyond the original application of the local anesthetic. I remember the procedure taking about a half-hour and going cycling the next day.
Keep your surgical notes to show future sex partners and it will give them peace-of-mind.
The world thanks you @Fagooner for sterilizing yourself. Guessing you did the job yourself with a Wallmart razor blade.
I've had it, and I recommend it. Just harder to explain to the SO why I have condoms in my travel bag.
I have never heard of any improvement in erection ability due to vasectomy. If anyone has any links about such, please post them. But I doubt it seriously. I think most of the time now, they try to leave the tube from the testicles open. Medical name for this, but it escapes me. So there is no autoimmune problem likely due to back pressure and sperm getting forced into the blood system. Something like this.
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