LDQ Stain Etiquette

avatar for GeneraI
I’m guessing you married guys don’t like this, and you lucky FS guys don’t care, but I love seeing my pants the morning after a SC visit covered in dried up stripper juices (the juices are dried up, not the stripper). My CF was grinding me the other night, and all the sudden she goes silent, then she gives me the heavy breathing, along with a “holly shit, I just came from rubbing on your cock” We were back there a while, (I dropped a lot of money...don’t judge me!) but she tells me the next time it was about to happen, she says “hold on, I’m about to cum again.” Then as we’re wrapping up for the night, I’m doing the end of the night sweet talk, saying something along the lines of, her having fun at least twice, and she says with a smile, “actually, it was 3 times.”

I’m walking out of the club as the lights are coming on and a few different hosts looking right at my crotch, and I’m like, fuck, did I leave my zipper down? Next morning, 3 distinct, dry, creamy, smeared, grindage areas on my crotch. I can assure you, none of it was mine. Even though she’s doing somewhere between 99 and 100% of the work, it still feels like a badge of honor the next morning.

I’ve found stains before, and a sometimes had that concern that the girl was just grinding her loser boyfriend, or previous customers cum onto my lap, but last Friday I was her only customer all night, and we were txting a good part of the day, she stuck at an appointment with her kid most of the day, so unless someone dumped a load in her at 8am and she grinded it onto me at 11pm, this was all her.

Surely there’s another perv on here that loves the snail trail as much as I do, right?

And just to troll my own discussion, at this point, I should assume she's in love with me and not my money, right? Should I just propose to her next time she's on stage or maybe have the DJ give me the mic and sing "I'm in love with a stripper" so the whole club knows what true love looks like. I assume nothing could go wrong there. I mean, after all, I'm different from the rest of you losers, I'm at least boyfriend material, and only I can help her escape this torturous life she's living. Seriously, what's the etiquette here?


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IDK - but this smells like a humble PL-brag
I wish I had your problem. Mine is worse. Trying to get the smell off my fingers.
Papi, totally a PL brag, but I am giving her basically all the credit for getting off. I feel like she could grind on a couch cushion or pile of laundry and acheive the same results. I'm just happy the next morning she (in more ways than one) used me.
And for the record, I'm pretty sure I'm more humble than any of you PL's that post here. I might actually be the most humble person in the whole world.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Good story bro
humility is code for low self esteem

when i brag all i tell is the truth about myself homie
I had one girl do a line of coke while her and I were in VIP. She spilled some on me, but I didn't notice until the morning after.
Great story. Hope it comes true some day.
cumming on you is nothing...she could come on a dildo....But it is enjoyable to see a hot stripper cum for sure..Love? LMAO
When Harry met Sally is part of every stripper's education and every guy falls for it.
I understand the moaning bs, and that doesn't phase me, but unless shes got a bottle of whiteout hidden up her snatch, she's got something going on that I assume is pleasure. I'm definitely just the object she's using to rub up against, so I'm not trying to fool myself that my "huge cock" is what's doing it for her. I simply enjoy the aftermath. If it's not your thing, I could give a shit, I was simply assuming I wasnt the only guy that enjoyed finding this the next morning. So far it seems like I am.
i understand what youre saying OP, thats why its a little hard for me to believe strippers dont do extras like FIV or DFK. At "clean" clubs its happened to me before,, my dick is not that big but i think nature takes over when they are grinding on a rock hard dick. super hard though, where they can feel your pulse on your cock
Yeast infection. UTI.
“The juice is dried up not the stripper” I lol’d
Marriage Counselors and Divorce Lawyers are the ones who can help with such problems.

So we need to set up a fund and start sending some of these girls to school.


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Not stains, but sometimes on sweaters I like the lingering scent of her perfume the next day at work. Most of clothing I soak and launder immediately after clubbing as soon as I enter the house. The dancer body spray scents trigger my wife into acting irrationally or at least irritate her, that and cheap scents just smell "cheap", so this is our compromise.
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