Asian Dancers

avatar for Cristobal
I'm originally from OC California and the Asian dancers at the OC SC were a disappointing, lots of air dances, no nudity, low, low mileage. Now I'm visiting SGV/COI SC and looking for any Intel on Asian dancers. Are there any worth visiting? Any high mileage/FS?


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I appreciate the input but I was hoping to get some information on Asian dancers in the COI /SGV clubs.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Are you perhaps in the market for a sugar baby? Quite a few Asian SBs, and you can filter by ethnicity, if that's your thing.
They have to be dancers? Or any kinda ho? I got lots of them!
They don't love you long time
They the full service has station in China town
If you are not white do not bother. This demo graphic is the worst, they are racist and think they are smarter then everyone else. They even hate Asian men, if you are white go for it.
i've had a fling or two with HOT asian girls. muy bueno!!!
^^^if youre white i would believe it, light skinned Native American girls pretending to be asian dont count.

I've heard the same thing about Asian dancers when I first started clubbing. However, at the OC clubs I received (weak, LM) dances and way too expensive offers for extras.

I enjoy the challenge, so I approach GPS Asian dancers just to recon their skills and services and most are weak.

So I'm looking for any good Asian dancers in COI at Synn, DV, SR, or Paradise. I've met Suki, Katherine, and Kimora at Synn.

Suki, GPS, way over priced herself for even LM VIP sessions.

Katherine, wouldn't discuss the happenings of the VIP room until we were in there. I passed, I need to know before we go in what to expect.

Kimora was a weak dancer (barely went topless) and did a bad job of upselling the VIP room.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“If you are not white do not bother. This demo graphic is the worst, they are racist and think they are smarter then everyone else. They even hate Asian men, if you are white go for it.”

This explains a lot. LMAO

I’ve been accused multiple times of only liking white customers, and I thought maybe I actually said something. Nope it’s just salty being the racist one the whole time. Hah!

(Btw I have personally dated a Chinese guy and a black guy in the past. And had a brief fling with a Mexican.)
@cristobal, well im not familar with the COI SC scene. my experiences has been limited to only the asian dancers that could not make it in california. nothing but complaints from those California rejects, i avoid them. the juice isnt worth the squeeze.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^RACIST. Salty.nutz is RACIST

@cristobal Maybe you could sent a PM to TUSCL user lopaw. She’s really familiar with the COI scene, and has specifically talked about Asian dancers she’s done VIP with before.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
I've met several hot Asian dancers in COI and OC clubs but their schedules are so random that it's rare to ever see them again.

Lol yeah Suki is a real piece of work. Her pimp must be a real class act too.
Why not make a visit to Mamisan’s parlor?

She has run several specials. I’m
Not sure what her October special is - but I’m guessing it includes a coupon for her cousin’s buffet.

I agree schedules make it difficult.

Do you have any Info on any the other COI dancers? Extras? Milage?

Suki was piece of work. She gave me the attitude and she seemed like she made up the prices for the extras just to scare me off. I was, thanks but no

I haven't tried massage parlors yet, not really my thing. I prefer FS compared to all the extras the massage places offer.

But if you know a FS massage parlor, I'm down to try it... Lol
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