Agreed. SJG is by far more self absorbed but Nichole hits the shrill annoying button far more than the pathetic self proclaimed God of his annoying little persons world.
Is reality such a good thing???? I like being high every day. Ever go to the mall with a bottle of vodka/gatorade? To the beach to smoke some weed??? Ever let daddy put some coke on your pussy and fuck it as hard as he wants???
I would say that except for maybe 250 days I have smoked weed daily since the fall of 1975 and randomly for 5 years prior to that. The most significant change in reality for me is that 3 weeks ago I stopped mowing my own lawn and hired a service.
@TrapBaby304 How does weed keep you out of touch with reality? All it does is very much relax you. Otherwise, why bother even going outside if you're so high on drugs you forget where you are momentarily. Not like you'll talk to anyone anyway your so drugged out.
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