How do you tolerate rotten tuna smell?
I went to a place where your reviews recommended a list of dancers. I met one of them and got a few dances. I could not tolerate the smell when she danced. I literally gagged a few times. I begged her to turn back around and just do a slow grind but even then my clothes reek. They smell like I wiped them on my ass after getting diarrhea from bad fish then doused them in expired tuna water. Do you guys just not care? Another dancer even said the other girl smells bad.
Been_There_Already what smell do you like? I like no smell
Good smell and hygiene are musts on my list. I'll sacrifice looks for a woman with an intoxicating aroma. Love the smell of a great perfume. Enhances the experience so much.
It's not just bad pussy smell that turns me off, just rotten BO in general. An absolute non-starter for me.
You might have gotten her late in the day. Or she might have just let someone nut in her pussy. Or it could be a recent infection.
Personally, I wouldn’t care how good she is if she smelled so bad it made me gag.
Either way no way people on here didn't notice