Patience being a virtue
New York
Ever have your mind set on going clubbing, only to check the scheduleto find out your fav took the day off? I used to use these nights to explore other clubs for new talent, but now I just take the day off and check back in after a few days. After you are used to great service a bad or mediocre night usually leaves me depressed.
IME - that was from a comedy sketch that Larry the Cable Guy did years ago. He was talking about how weird he felt sitting in his underwear in front of a computer waiting for a nudie photo to load while sitting on a folding chair. Then he couldn’t understand why he was getting all these strange looks while doing it at Kinkos.
shailynn +1.
1. One fav I just saw last week. She's more of a see once a month type of girl.
2. The second fav seems to have transitioned from ITC to OTC. Im not an OTC guy, but Im planning to wade into those waters next week.
3. The third never gives out numbers. She's extremely good at her job and the club she dances at is notorious for stalkers/clingy guys.It's a pretty quirky regulars place. Some of thier regulars come twice a day while others stop in 3 times a week and stand in the same position.
4. I have a 4th girl's number's but I have found it far more reliable to just check the schedule rather than play phone tag.
In a perfect world strippers would all be professional and respond within an hour, but its not a job that seems to call for attentiveness and reliability
You got it!
FWIW, in the organization I am building, you'd be perpetually sex saturated just by going to your local temple.
how much?