Saving for SC

So when I go to a club, I like to have between 400 and a $1000 it has probably been done ad nauseum, but my way of saving to club is to take any number on an expense report, paycheck, dividend, or bonus that I receive, round it down and take whatever is left as money for savings, example, $4950 bonus check becomes 4900 to my savings account 50 to my fun account. If I'm saving for something big I'll just round another digit. Thus the 4950 becomes 4500 and 450 goes into my fun account. How do you save up? Normally, this means I can club 1 to 2 times a month without really impacting my normal income at all
My method does probably lead to overspending but I have more fun that way and for me SCing is about enjoying myself.
I don't have a family to support and have fairly low expenses, so I usually don't have to save up to SC but when I SC very regularly it can have my savings account thin whereas o/w I could use some of that $$$ for extra investing beyond my retirement accounts or to just have a fatter savings account.
now i save up denero and visit clubs that are much more reasonable in costs.
Don’t SC much because lap dances are poor value and I’m not into extras or ITC or OTC and don’t want to risk anything illegal. But to each his own.
My mongering consists or 2-3 total trips per year to TJ and/or Toronto. $3,000 total budget.
Once I turn 59 1/2, I’ll probably increase that to $10,000 annually.
This assumes:
1. Mortgage paid off.
2. Kids’ student loans paid off.
3. Still working and earning my current salary or close to it.
Hell, if I check all those boxes, and I’m pretty sure I will, i might even spend $20,000 a year on mongering.
I will NEVER get married again and no desire to go through the dating game or deal with the noise and drama of another relationship. I covet female companionship, but now view it as a business transaction.
I literally exactly the same thing that steeldog65 does. However there are other hobbies out there that require a lot more funds ;)
^^not the most responsible. but w/e. I do also get 2 extra paychecks a year as I try to live on 48 weeks pay instead of 52. so that helps.
I've been trying to make the most of my unemployment to find better paying and meaningful work . So I can save and do more of this.
With two kids in private high schools - and one getting ready to attend a private university - and paying for them to travel internationally (with my ex) - my recent credit card bills have been a bit crazy.
I generally just go when I’m in the mood. I doubt that will change, even with my current expenses.