Saving for SC

avatar for steeldog65
So when I go to a club, I like to have between 400 and a $1000 it has probably been done ad nauseum, but my way of saving to club is to take any number on an expense report, paycheck, dividend, or bonus that I receive, round it down and take whatever is left as money for savings, example, $4950 bonus check becomes 4900 to my savings account 50 to my fun account. If I'm saving for something big I'll just round another digit. Thus the 4950 becomes 4500 and 450 goes into my fun account. How do you save up? Normally, this means I can club 1 to 2 times a month without really impacting my normal income at all


Counting every dollar is probably the smart thing to do but for me that kinda takes the fun out of strip clubbing - I'm more of a "in the moment" SCer vs planning exactly when I'm going and planning exactly how much I'll spend - I have a ballpark amount I more or less stick to when SCing but I won't shut down a good SC visit bc I reached some hard limit.

My method does probably lead to overspending but I have more fun that way and for me SCing is about enjoying myself.

I don't have a family to support and have fairly low expenses, so I usually don't have to save up to SC but when I SC very regularly it can have my savings account thin whereas o/w I could use some of that $$$ for extra investing beyond my retirement accounts or to just have a fatter savings account.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I'm saving for a house. I'm saving more money per month than ever before. I once thought nothing of spending money in strip clubs several years ago if beer was less than $4 a bottle and dances were two for 30 however if beer is $7 a bottle and dances a lot more, I'm in price shock and not buying hardly anything. Sounds like a bad deal so not even visiting strip clubs hardly at all anymore.
When I get a bonus I take $30K and make it rain at the SC. The rest goes to bitcoin.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
^^^ right
Flagooner is doing the Larry Fisherman system.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
It's true. I might be saving 3000 a month but will refrain from spending much in a strip club because I think the beer is way overpriced. I visited one nude club for years and only bought a few dances over years because I thought the dances provided poor value and were overpriced. I believe many guys like to believe they are getting a good deal before they spend money. Maybe younger guys don't care or are used to spending $7 for a small bottle of beer.
early on when i left my ex...I enjoyed strip clubs in vegas way too much. wiped out my savings. butt it was fun...
now i save up denero and visit clubs that are much more reasonable in costs.
I think reasonable cost is obviously dependent upon the personal wants,needs and abilities of the attendee. I have always had a "fun" account that is a certain percentage of my income after all expenses, maxed out 401 contribution, as well as an additional percentage for savings. In the past it was as little as $250.00 a year and when I had kids to send to school it was $0.00. Luckily both of my sons went to school on full ride academics so my fun quotient went up dramatically. I don't care what dollar figure you use to have fun or find acceptable, I was just wondering if others have a strategy to save for fun or just wing it. My goal is to retire in 5 years which will be prior to SS and 401K so I am saving for that event now while still allowing myself some fun.
Been sort of formulating a mongering budget in my head, for now and for when I can access my retirement income in about six years.
Don’t SC much because lap dances are poor value and I’m not into extras or ITC or OTC and don’t want to risk anything illegal. But to each his own.
My mongering consists or 2-3 total trips per year to TJ and/or Toronto. $3,000 total budget.
Once I turn 59 1/2, I’ll probably increase that to $10,000 annually.
This assumes:
1. Mortgage paid off.
2. Kids’ student loans paid off.
3. Still working and earning my current salary or close to it.
Hell, if I check all those boxes, and I’m pretty sure I will, i might even spend $20,000 a year on mongering.
I will NEVER get married again and no desire to go through the dating game or deal with the noise and drama of another relationship. I covet female companionship, but now view it as a business transaction.
I usually spend like an average of $150 -$250 at the club per visit with about 1-2 visits a month.

I literally exactly the same thing that steeldog65 does. However there are other hobbies out there that require a lot more funds ;)
If my bills that month were a little lower, like it's mild out so I didn't need to run the furnace or air conditioning much, I can roll $50-90/mo into my check balance for a few months and club from that. Ditto if the grocery bill was lighter than usual. I spend like $140 visit a couple times a year so it's not too hard to come up with ahead of time but shaving bills here and there helps.
Mostly it's like, "do need to go?" Yep. Do I have some money in the bank? Ok, let's go.

^^not the most responsible. but w/e. I do also get 2 extra paychecks a year as I try to live on 48 weeks pay instead of 52. so that helps.
^ so two weeks a year you live for free;)
Yep, 2 weeks I don't have to be a slave.

I've been trying to make the most of my unemployment to find better paying and meaningful work . So I can save and do more of this.
I’ve been overspending on everything recently. I need to pull things back so I don’t continue to piss money away. I don’t mind paying to play, but the amount of outflows is getting a bit too high.

With two kids in private high schools - and one getting ready to attend a private university - and paying for them to travel internationally (with my ex) - my recent credit card bills have been a bit crazy.

I generally just go when I’m in the mood. I doubt that will change, even with my current expenses.
I don't think it's a bad idea to count what you're spending for the first couple visits to a new establishment. Once you find a place to add to your rotation, bring just enough that you are willing to part with for that visit
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