VIP Without Extras?

avatar for LoneWolf9187
Does anyone ever get VIPs at high mileage clubs without extras? To me that seems pointless I mean why pay over c note for just a dance that doesn't involve anything else instead of just getting a regular LD.


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avatar for roldes
7 years ago
If I go to a VIP I expect extras and make that clear. One man's opinion.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
Trolling ? Maybe , maybe not but I'll bite.

If I'm going to the VIP I do some negotiating before I get up out of my seat. Usually during a private. I'll straight up ask what I'm getting for that price. I learned that lesson the hard way. First time shame on you....... second time shame on me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I’ve done it, if the VIP is cheap enough. Not very often, and only with someone I’ve known for a while. Do it for the MILF fairly regularly.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I always hear to negotiate specifics before going back to VIP. That sounds good in theory...

What recourse do you have if she doesn't provide the agreed upon service?
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
^^^^^ none at all
avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
some clubs that are targeted to newbies and bachelorette parties have fully clothed LD rooms with the ability to go to VIP where a girl can take her top or bottom off. Again these are newbie establishments. The only time I found it worth it was with a girl who just started dancing. She pretty much allowed FIV of the whole 15 minutes which along with her looks made it worthwhile
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I'm sure that some do, but not many. What's fun for me may not be fun for others. I don't like telling people that they're having fun wrong.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Many clubs aren't extras friendly even if they are high mileage. I think a lot of clubs in the East St. Louis area are like that. Extras do happen, but the cameras tend to make the extras less natural and likely. Also the VIPs are also already expensive. Most girls don't do extras for just the base price of the VIP. It's one thing to pay $300 or $500 or more for half an hour or hour of VIP (typical Illinois rates), but if the girl wants another $150-200 more on top of that (since they usually have to pay a lot just to use the room), plus whatever tip you might have to pay the bouncer to leave you alone or look the other way, it can get ridiculously expensive.

Also sometimes, the VIP half hour or hourly rate comes out to be cheaper than getting dances for the same amount of time. So if you like to actually get high mileage lap dances (and i do) and you get enough of them from a particular girl, the VIP might make more sense with or without extras.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
Bachelorette/bachelor parties, birthday parties, drug deal (snorting coke in vip), foot fetish/sucking of feet, cuddling just to hold someone, and back massages... All happen in vip.
VIP is not just about dances or getting your dick played with, dude. Open your eyes.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
Albeit, taking a bachelorette, bachelor, or birthday person for dances does happen. But most of the time it's one or two dances and paid for by someone in the party. Those groups basically go to clubs just to say they went to a strip club.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
"At my club, the VIP rooms are literally in the stage area. Weirdly enough, the non-VIP dance booths are more private than the VIP room is. Its stupid but its true. If you get VIP literally every PL, dancer, waitress, and bouncer in the club will be able to see what's going on so I doubt anything special goes on in there that doesn't happen during a regular dance."

I think the point there is to show off that you're a baller.

At one of my clubs, VIP isn't private. It's just a part of the club that gives you better seating. You get VIP from either buying a membership or a bottle for the night.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
It's like getting VIP at a nightclub.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Did it plenty of times with my FWB girl, usually it’s a prelude to heading out to her place just before her shift ended at 7, it can be hot as fuck and then when we continue after leaving the club, it is spectacular. It’s also a way for me to give her some money as she won’t rake money from me regularly.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
The club I go to is 100% private, but there are two dancers there I like who do no extras and I do rooms with them all the time. One of them is so fucking amazing that I would rather get a full contact lap from her than fuck 99% of the strippers in America. I am not goal oriented so if I don't cum who cares. Saturday we drove 150 miles round trip for a sandwich, this is similar.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I assume there are some areas/cities where local-ordinances make-it where one can only have a good-dance in VIP - under those circumstances I may opt for VIP if it's not too-expensive - but, I've done almost all my SCing in clubs where good 2-way-contact dances can be had w/ the regular dances and under these circumstances I've never done VIP if it was not to get my PL-freak on.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"... What recourse do you have if she doesn't provide the agreed upon service ..."

Yeah, you're often SOL - and why part of my pre-VIP negotiation is for her to know that I don't pay till the end - I may still eat the room-fee that needs to be paid upfront; but will walk out of VIP w/o paying her if I see her trying to bait-and-switch me in VIP (and may try to get my room-fee back) - the fucked-up part is if one is in a prepay club where one does not pay the dancer and one has to pay the club directly b/f going to VIP and the dancer then gets her cut from the club - but I've never been in one of those clubs and would avoid it if I have other options.
avatar for two_bits
7 years ago
"I am not goal oriented"

Great, I'm sure that puts your clients at ease.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Extras? Wrong way to think about it.

Front room makeout session, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, invite your girl to the back room. Then take her home with you and keep on seeing her regularly.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
7 years ago
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san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
avatar for IHearVoices
7 years ago
As a couple posters said above, there are some places where it makes total sense. In the Duncannon (right outside of Harrisburg) clubs, the VIP price is much lower than the per-song rate. You can get 45 minutes for $80 at one club, or an hour for $100 at another. Even if you throw in a tip, you're likely coming out at about $10 a song rather than the $20 for a single.

The trick is finding a girl who's worth it, but that's a separate matter - then again, there will likely only be 1-2 real options out there anyway.

If a club offers extras, then there's almost no point. I'll admit I've somewhat thought about VIP at Tootsies if I could get dances for an hour, but the LD rooms give girls more incentive to work hard since one can stop dances at any point.
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
Vip without extras is like beer without alcohol, car without wheels, tv without a picture, coffee without caffeine, food without taste, a dick without balls, toilet without toilet paper, being in a strip club without money, a phone without a battery or like san jose guy without his goat!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
But "Extras" is just the wrong way to look at the whole thing.

Of course, if the girl likes you, getting her being closed doors, a great deal can happen, and is to be expected. But the extras concept is just not the way.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
7 years ago
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san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
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