
What makes a difficult PL?

Sunday, August 19, 2018 1:25 PM
Not all money is good money, i've heard a stripper say to me when she talked about a certain PL she tried to avoid. This was at a club that had an open communal lap dance area and we witnessed a middle aged Latino PL spend the entire dance grabbing a girl by her hips as she straddled him cowgirl and hard humping/thrusting her quite loudly, almost violently. I'm surprised the bouncers didn't stop him, but technically he and the girl weren't breaking any "rules". He supposedly spent a decent amount of money for his "thing", but no one familiar with him wanted to dance with him. At the same club many months later, as i was leaving the chump station with another veteran favorite, a middle aged South Asian (i don't want to assume Indian even if very likely) standing by the exit motioned to her as if he wanted to take her back right away. I almost did a rookie move and pass her down to him to "help her out", but she just gave me one look and i knew no. When we went back to the table, she clearly explained she wasn't about to dance with him as she had clearly generalized/stereotyped that group as being very cheap but very grabby and sucky, pun intended. She'd rather do no dance than what she assumed she would do with him. Now you might think this discussion is veering toward racial biases, but i'm just giving two different examples that happen to involve certain ethnic groups. Another difficult PL could be the needy or emotionally draining PL, the one that needs a lot of time to air dirty laundry or shit all over a stripper's lawn. Even if they are paying for it, it's not at all enjoyable or an efficient experience for the girl. Of course, there are other types as well. Maybe PLs that are always pushing for things beyond the dancer's comfort level (extras or OTC or LDK even) or whatever. Obviously i don't consider myself a difficult PL. Don't require a lot of time or small talk to start having "fun". Not needy in the sense of having to talk to a stripper about "anything" (although i can definitely hold a conversation or just listen) or even having to have any type of a "relationship" with her beyond the dancer/client services ITC. Generally do fairly lengthy sessions with my preferred/favorite dancers so none of that frenzied get-all-the-mileage-you-can-get-in-one-dance bit. So as long as she continues to do what i like (and i do like very high mileage), i should be an easy regular source of decent money for her in a relatively short amount of time. Now, i have been told more than once, not often, but enough to remember, "You made me work" or something to that effect. It didn't seem like she was really physically exerting herself, but it made me wonder if dances takes a lot more energy than it seems. Often, she even seemed quite relaxed much of the time. Although, occasionally, girls do build up a bit or quite a bit of a sweat. I guess for most girls, it is really work for them even if they try not to make it look that way. So there could be an entire element at work there that i don't see.


  • Rb47
    6 years ago
    I usually go to Tijuana where the females complain about dudes asking for bareback and anal. I believe I'm actually easy money there.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Difficult PL: - being an emotionally needy little bitch - continually trying to do physical things beyond her limits - not paying or compensating her enough for services rendered
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ - physically unappealing in some way - disrespectful
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    In addition to what SirLDA listed: - Bad at conversation - talks too much - Bad at conversation - doesn't talk at all - Toxic personality - Narcissistic personality - Trying to get more for less - Wanting a real romance - Being creepy - Talking about something political or any way divisive that the dancer doesn't agree with Here is a whole thread on the pink forum. As you can see from that thread something might bug the shit out of one dancer but a different dancer wouldn't mind at all: [view link]
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I’d never put any faith in anything they post on the pink site, it’s your money to spend as you see fit, if some dancer finds you difficult fuck her, there are plenty that are more than happy that they are the recipients of your largesse, my advice to you guys here on The New Edition of Cosmopolitan, Millenial Style, is grow a pair and stop whining, about how they pose, and be a man about it. Just to clarify I’m not advocating being a jackass, I’m telling you guys if you want to be treated with respect you need to demand it as well as be respectful.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Dont forget the turnoff of bad hygiene. I rarely use cologne, but take a good shower before clubbing. I always get compliments on how great I smell and im sure this increases the mileage of a dance. If only girls would do the same at some clubs...
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Agreed to take the pink site with a grain of salt but that thread is a good example that the things that can annoy a stripper are like incredibly varied and sometimes things you might not expect.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    In the past I would try to date some of these girls outside the club, so I guess I was a difficult PL in that regard.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It's like anything else - here in Miami I avoid some restaurants even though I like the food just b/c the service is so terrible and I have low-patience due to low EQ thus I don't enjoy being there b/c I get so pissed at the shitty-service (mostly b/c it's Cuban people giving you this service and there's no such-thing as customer-service in Cuba so they don't know any better). But I digress - in the context of SCs, it's not uncommon for me to bypass a dancer I find attractive b/c of how she carries herself (often w/ an air of 24K-GPS) Dancers make choices as to what is worth it - e.g. many don't see extras worth-it even though they can make a lot more $$$, etc - but we all make choices whether it's custies getting w/ particular dancers or just everyday life - i.e. should not be a surprise dancers don't wanna deal w/ every type of custy just as PLs don't wanna deal w/ every type of dancer.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ That thread could be posted by any group of woman not just dancers, that is the fundamental difference between men and women, if you’ve ever been married, had a relationship with a woman, it’s the same thing, I doubt that most here are not clean and well groomed, that’s not my point, my point is simple, you are a customer, do you accept a hamburger when you pay for steak, if you do you’ll get nothing in a strip club. Your money, your desires, if it’s free then you compromise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Another reason some dancers may blackball a PL is if he's a high-mileage seeker and she's not comfortable giving high-mileage - or if a PL gets w/ a dancer(s) a particular dancer considers a "dirty girl"
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Hmmm...toxic, narcissistic, creepy, politically divisive... Good thing none of those apply to us here.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    One of my best night's in a club my CF at the time came desperately to me and said "Please take me back for a dance." We go back, she sits in my lap and tells me that a cop whose been stalking her just came in the building. She had an agreement with management that if he came in, she could take refuge in the private dance area as long as he was in the building. The deal was she would keep dancing for me...no charge...as long as he was there. He knew we were in there and would occasionally pace past the entry and glare in at us. Quite creepy. I totally enjoyed it until it was closing time and I realized he was still there. A bouncer escorted my CF back to the dressing room and then I was on my own getting to my car. Luckily, he was mire pissed at her than me and I got away okay without confrontation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Why couldn't she hide-out in the dressing-room instead - seems you might have been sold a bill of SS goods - that kinda doesn't make sense - why would it be better for her to hide out by dancing for free vs hiding in the dressing room
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Prolly cause he’s a cop and the only way to keep him from starting a fight with her is to have a third party witness, but I agree she put him in a bad spot.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Don't forget smells or has hygiene problems. Most girls comment on how nice I smell and how they hate the guys that are sweaty, smell of ass or some such.
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Hmmm...toxic, narcissistic, creepy, politically divisive... Good thing none of those apply to us here. ^^
  • DrunkPraetorian
    6 years ago
    Papi_Chulo Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club) 2 Hours Ago Another reason some dancers may blackball a PL is if he's a high-mileage seeker and she's not comfortable giving high-mileage - or if a PL gets w/ a dancer(s) a particular dancer considers a "dirty girl" Agree 100% Papi. This happened to me and she cut me off
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    we are the greatest examples of perfect pls. :)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ What was the reason? The first one or the second part? Although they could be related. I don't dance the same way with every dancer just like i assume dancers don't dance the same way with every PL. I'm almost certain of that because one time i was with a dancer that seemed quite comfortable and very natural with very high mileage, ultra high even, despite maintaining that she wasn't an extras girl when VIP was offered. Somehow things escalated quite quickly in our one and only session even to the point of, bean flicking, FIV (multiple fingers), DATY and DFK in a regular dance mind you and in that order, and she came very easily it seemed as she was extremely sensual. Some of the best dances i've ever had with an extremely attractive dancer. After several dances and a hefty tip, we hung out for a bit and almost shared contact information that night (her idea) but then she went off somewhere else in the club and i didn't see her again and i left. I had looked forward to seeing her again but the next time i saw her, she had no interest in repeating that performance, ever, to my genuine surprise and disappointment. First time i had ever run into that and hopefully the last. Who really knows why strippers are the way they are.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Last comment was for DrunkPreaetorian...
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Cumming on her face LMFAO
  • DrunkPraetorian
    6 years ago
    Dirk, it was both reasons for me. She was a absolutely no extras girl but I was dumb and kept pushing the envelope until I finally pissed her off too much....then I started getting dances from a known dirty girl and the other one told me bye.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Q. What makes a difficult PL? A. When he can't get it up in VIP
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