Centerfolds in Phoenix to Re-Open

I guess with no luck getting a liquor license, they are re-opening as a nude club. New ownership. Opens on August 16. Thursday-Saturdays 9pm - 5am.
I guess with no luck getting a liquor license, they are re-opening as a nude club. New ownership. Opens on August 16. Thursday-Saturdays 9pm - 5am.
last commentI had heard that too (other than the actual opening date). Wonder how it will affect (if at all) the number of dancers that went to the other clubs. If they'll even want to go back there or not. It's been quite awhile now and will now be a different type of club, but it will be interesting to see how it works out.
Thanks for the info. No liquor and night only means this will have little impact on the Phoenix strip club scene. There are a lot of former Centerfolds dancers spread around the valley who were hoping to return. This doesn’t do it.
Yeah, I can't imagine the girls will be streaming back on those limited/late hours, unless they live close by. I have to imagine they will keep fighting to get a liquor license.
Won't get the license until they show a full separation from current HL ownership. Those guys have tainted their once prime position with area LE and liquor board.
Interesting news RH, thanks for the heads up. I’m sure most of us will check it out and watch for reviews to see how it goes. Don’t they still have to register as a SOB, even without a liquor license?
What about Christie’s on 32nd Street? That remodel is taking What’s the scoop CP?
I would like to see Christie's reopen. Liked it during days...back in the day (sigh).
I still remember my low mileage but fun topless dance at Christie's on 32nd back in 1995....
Why not have a $30 cover and BYOB
Mister W...that's funny. I did go to Christie's back in late 90s (I think 1997 mostly and early 1998). I think I went mostly at nights and it was low mileage but fun dances pretty much all the time.
I had a yearly vip card that gave free admission to me and a friend (one friend per visit) every time. I got it mailed to me by filling out something on their website. Crazy now that I think about it. Both that I would fill out something from a strip club with my real name and address AND that they actually followed through with sending a yearly vip card. There were no other catches, no costs at all and no problems whatsoever (you didn't have to enter a credit card to get it, I'm not nor ever have been that crazy or naive). I may have received a monthly email at the time, but that was it.
The amount of stages in use there and the amount of (incredibly hot) dancers on any given night were just insane from what I remember . I never went days back then (don't know why really).
My first day shift experience, I think, was in 2006. It was with a big titted blond milf (don't remember the name, but it wasn't mustang-that time) who was just amazing. Just floor dances as I couldn't afford vip much less step foot in a champagne room type of thing. I think the dancer could tell it was my first time on days (there as I had been to other clubs days) and wanted to "give me my money's worth" kind of thing.
I remember changing jobs in 2007 and working close to skin (it was fun back then, not the complete waste of money it is now), so I didn't visit Christie's for a long time, day or night shift. I lived in East valley (east mesa) and worked in Scottsdale so distance and time kind of got in the way.
Then one Wednesday in 2011 (I think that's when skin went to shit), I had a half day for some reason-might have been a serious system issue at work but doesn't matter- and I went to Christie's phx after work. I think we were done with work at 11 or 12 so I was still able to avoid rush hour. That day I met Dora (can't remember but may have been from Czech Republic) who gave the most incredible lap dances ever (not even in vip, just on floor). She was so hot, sensual, sexy you name it that I couldn't believe it. It was the first time I ever felt like I underpaid for a bunch of dances. I think I only tipped her 5 dollars on top of the dance (s) cost and actually felt like I should have tipped more (I hadn't planned on going that day and didn't want to use the atm so it was probably only like 3 or 4 dances actually). She was so nice about everything and didn't pressure for anything.
Never saw her again unfortunately, but did meet mustang there (unfortunately only once also as trips were fewer and further between as free time became less and less and then the news of the closing)
Oh yeah, dayshift at Christie’s 32nd St was really special 10-15 years ago. Mustang anchored the dayshift, but there was a lot of great talent. There was a tall busty Vietnamese dancer named Monique that was usually the first dancer on stage every day, spent a lot of time in the corner with her. Piper was a former professional dancer that rocked my world. But, my ATF in that club was Erica, a stunning gorgeous Latina, face and body sculpted from heaven, she’s still one of the hottest dancers I’ve ever known, a solid 10 in my book. Monique moved to LA to model, Piper retired, and Erica went to Vegas. Other than a few ladies at Bourbon, there hasn’t been a lineup like that anywhere in Phoenix since then. Great memories!
According to their Facebook page, no cover opening night. They also indicate no house fees for the dancers, not sure how long that would last. I would assume they will get a few Hi-Liter & Band-Aid girls working initially too.
Maybe things will be better no with no liquor license? Make it harder for LE to enforce. Is this a DV establishment?
Hey RH, can you post a link? I did a search on FB, but didn’t find their page. Do they have an Instagram page (or any other Phoenix clubs) that you know of? Thanks!
Nothing against them, but not going there no matter if they open up or in what format. I was there once and seemed like a cool place, but a clubbing friend of mine told me how he had been extorted out of $200. He went to VIP and did about 2-3 songs because he was drunk and decided he should quit. Dancer said he owed her for 30 minutes of time, or 10 dances. He said “no way” and dancer brought over the big bouncer to settle the score. The final ended up the patron (my strip club buddy) leaving the club with a bloody face and the $200 taken from him to stop the beating. True story, and the guy told me he had to make up a story to his wife how he got involved with a bloody face. He had to tell her he drove a gold cart drunk, and fell out of it taking a corner too fast! Lol
^^^Sorry that should read “drove a golf cart”.
I wonder if that was the same bouncer who later killed the off duty firefighter on crutches. Great people skills.
Here you go azdd: