
If you owned a strip club how would you run it ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Legal or illegal

White, Black, Latin, Mixed

Prices cheap or expensive

Allow drugs or crack down on it

Offer ITC or allow OTC

Fire girl's doing OTC or try and get a cut

Dive bar, middle tear or high end club

Offer alcohol or BYOB

Or any other does or don't ?


  • bang69
    6 years ago
    No holds bard any thing goes resonaly priced. Alcohol, dancer mixed. No Drugs, itc I get a cut
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    To paraphrase Kid Rock - I’d start a strip club for all the right reasons...

    It would be a legal club. With a mixed set of dancers to cater to all types of customer likes.

    The club prices would be cheap. I would be a major extras place - so I’d make sure the whores did their drugs outside of the club.

    If I found out about girls doing otc - there would be a fee paid to me.

    If drug dealers came by - I’d make sure they knew to keep their sales off property.

    I’d run the club like a brothel with booze, music and dancing - so I’d try to keep the drugs away to lessen one thing...

  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Sounds like an amazing Club to patron

    But are you willing to risk your freedom and get dirty with most likely Mafia ties and paying off dirty cops

    That's gotta be the only way to pull it off right

    I honestly don't have the balls

    I love the idea of owning a club and if I ever did

    It would be a clean Club...I'd fire dancers over drugs and sex inside or outside

    I'd price Things far like $15 dances and $75 champagne for fifteen minutes but I'd comply with regulation and disciplined girl's that pushed the envelope

    Funny how my view changes if I was a owner verses a patron

    Actual has given me more appropriate for guy's trying to run a clean ship
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    There's places that serve alcohol and are full nude- no need for byob. But it is relatively rare in much of the US.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t know about other parts of the country - but here in Northern NJ - any strip club will get a visit from wiseguys.

    You need to make a crazy amount of money to keep things going due to the payoffs required.

    It’s a cool fantasy - but reality is very different.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    ^Makes me wonder if they take a huge cut from the girls in NNJ? Or do they make most of it off alcohol sales or something?
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    It's a win win for them.... if they get paid they got some nice loot and if not they just beat the pussy up LMFAO
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Usually the NNJ extras clubs make money by the volume of dances sold. If they charge $20 a song - use imported talent (from Brazil or Eastern Europe) - the girls will rotate around to a few clubs nearby. That keeps the variety going.

    The extras can be a distraction from possibly the other reason for the club - which is to clean some mob money...
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Run that shit gangster style
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    The most important thing for my club would be to make sure that the front room is conducive to make out sessions.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I would prefer not to micromanage the club and focus too much on who is doing extras and how many black people there are.

    My main vigilance will be during hiring. In most clubs, they judge you based on body and race and afterwards, a dancer is good to go.

    My hiring process would be more thorough. There will be some staff members who will be hired part time specifically for screening. (They will be compensated well, but I want them not involved in the day to day matters of the club to reduce petty politicking when hiring)

    They will be would be a mixed group of four tables with 4 different customer personality types and scenarios. And the applicant would have to approach the different groups and be observed on how the customers are being approached. I want to see whether someone can adjust conversation/pitch based on another person’s personality.

    Because of this, auditions would be on Mondays and Wednesdays, and must be scheduled in advance. And of course the auditions would be in the dance wear so that their body can be judged too.

    If a dancer fails on body, she will be bluntly told to lose weight. If she fails on the interview, she will be given constructive criticism. And she would be referred to some materials that dancers themselves have put out there as advice for baby strippers. There are some paid and unpaid resources. Then she would be welcome to schedule another audition a week from that date.

    Individual dance prices would be $25/song as a couch dance.

    Then we get into VIP dances. The VIP area would be separate from the main floor, so that music couldn’t be heard.

    Then we get into VIP. It will be booths with sheer curtains. (Visible enough to cut down on extras) Dancers have their own Username/password that they log into with. This will electronically let the club know not to put them on stage soon.

    Because it will be away from the main area, the volume would be much lower. Ideally, there would be just enough soundproofing so that a customer can select, based on genre, what kind of music to hear in his booth without interference from other booths doing the same thing.

    Customers select whether to pay with cash or card.

    If cash, then the customers will be alerted to pay the full amount immediately. There will be no manager or bar staff handling this transaction. The booths will notify the manager how much the dancers owe and they will collect it from a dancer at different time.

    There will also be a credit card processor on the booths a customer can swipe. There will be a 10-20% surcharge added for this. (Or however much is standard for club funny money.) In which case, the dancer will be owed money at a later time.

    In all cases, the dancers gets an 80% cut and the club gets 20%

    3 songs for $100
    15 minutes for $120
    1/2 hour for $220
    1 hour for $420

    Once in the booth, there will be a touch screen that allows ordering if the customer would like food/drinks. With something like 5%-10% off prices for ordering in the cabana instead of the main floor.

    Oh, and there’s no reason not to let a computer system allow the DJ to be “automated” One less person to tip out for dancers! There will also be a jukebox provided. There will still be a 2/2/2 stage rotation with three states. For main stage, dancers choose the first song. Customers are allowed to select for the second.

    Probably other stuff I’d do, but that’s what I can think of.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "If a dancer fails on body, she will be bluntly told to lose weight."

    I take it you don't want Papi as a customer. He would prefer this crieria:

    " If a dancer fails on body, she will be bluntly told to eat exclusively at Dunkin Donuts and try again next week."
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    The important thing would really be stomach fat/tits ratio, since that’s what “full figure” models get judged on as well.

  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ remember your customers are probably going to be a lot less picky a out what a dancer looks like than you, especially since you’re a female judging the appearance of another female. 25% of all your customers would say “does she have a pussy? Does she weigh less than me? Okay then I’ll buy a lap dance regardless.”
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'd never own a strip club or work in one. Be careful about turning something you enjoy into your job.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    A Total clip joint
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - An automated DJ is a great idea. Would be even better if dancers could pull up an app to see where they are in the rotation and bid on or off stage. However without a DJ I think you would have to pay royalties for playing the music.

    If I were to make a club it would be basically a disguised brothel. Super high end prices, all overnight sessions. Put it on a nice yacht that goes out into the ocean every night. No direct discussion of sex acts until the boat is in international waters. Almost impossible to get raided that way.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I like most of nicespice's ideas. I'd just flat out have a fucking iq test. Some of these bitches I've worked with are so stupid I wonder how the fuck they even get dressed or arrive to work.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Illegal all latinas and white chics with natural red hair! Pimpin' aint easy!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “remember your customers are probably going to be a lot less picky a out what a dancer looks like than you, especially since you’re a female judging the appearance of another female.”

    Most hiring would be done by the third party I was referring to. And practically speaking, the standards would be be based on the location and how popular such a club would be.

    But at the price point dances are, it would be easier to be picky. And if dancers look a certain way it bring in the crowd.

    @PaulDrake that would be a good idea with the app thing. The closest I know to that is Yellow Rose in austin. They display the lineup of dancers on their TVs so people know the next five who are coming up.

    Also that boat thing is very feasible. I’ve heard of that business model for women from countries who can’t legally get an abortion on their own legal territory.

    @blahblah I thought of it, but I’m not sure. I am guessing San Jose Guy has a decent enough IQ, but as far as in other areas... :p
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "A Total clip joint"

    Haha. Yeah theres enough suckers i could get rich if i owned a strip club.

    I think id want an expensive high end club. All white girls but high mileage. $50 lapdance i get half. Otc fine but i want a fee if i find out. Nothing else matters.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    My club would be simple

    Cover Charge: 40 dollars, this creates a better crowd of customers. Regulars who won't be afraid to spend which in turn helps you maintain a lineup of hot girls who are most importantly loyal to your club. There is nothing worse than having a strip club where the girls change every week and the ones who show up are newbie low mileage college students
    Ethinicity: 90% brazilian, Brazilian girls come in all shades (some even look asian), but provide GFE like no other. In Brazil pleasing your man provides a sense of accomplishment whereas American women tend to make relationships feel transactional.
    Girls on Staff: 30 girls, 10 on stage and 20 roaming around at all times. Sitting down and conversing with clients would be encouraged
    Atmoshphere: The best club Ive been to was Olympic Gardens in Vegas. Large open area with leather loveseats and couches. Some couches and loveseats were set up in areas with limited privacy for lapdances. Nothing like LDK with 10 people around you occupied by staring at other dances
    VIP Rooms/Extras: id probably have 10 of those, but they would be expensive. Im not too big on FS/BJ in clubs. The right girls can blow your mind with thier body and make you LDK with just thier ass. Clients who want FS could just get the girls number and call her off hours
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Just as every soldier knows the battle plan never survives past the first shot fired, a good business owner knows that the business plan will change the minute your first customer arrives.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    ^he did say only 25% which i think is still understating it. Probably 50% of men/customers.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Surprised noboday has mentioned IG. Id be promoting the hell out of it on IG and Twitter. And have roll calls like they do at COI so you can know who is working.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I like NJBalla’s ideas! Definitely some wisdom in his post.
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    Legal or illegal - 100% legal, making money isn't worth going to jail.

    White, Black, Latin, Mixed - mixed brings in a wide variety of customers and more money. Plus, it eliminates possible discrimination lawsuits.

    Prices cheap or expensive - average for the market with dancers getting slightly above market average in order to attract quality dancers.

    Allow drugs or crack down on it - illegal drugs in the club would be a one and done situation, dancers would be fired and customers woild be banned for using in the club. Dealers would have the cops called on them.

    Offer ITC or allow OTC - No ITC (see first response) as to OTC they had better keep it so UTR that no one suspects anything.

    Fire girl's doing OTC or try and get a cut - if they aren't discrete enough to keep me from finding out they deserve to be fired.

    Dive bar, middle tear or high end club - middle teir so I can make more money than a non extras dive bar would be capable of but not so upscale as to run off blue collar regulars.

    Offer alcohol or BYOB - alcohol is where a lot if the profits come from.

    Of course , I would never go to a club like this since I prefer to have fun at extras friendly dive bars but those have too high of a risk/reward ratio for the owners.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Prize for the Stripper who is tops in sales for the night: Gift basket of "Stripper's Best Friend" (Redbull and meth)

    Prize for the stripper who is 2nd in sales for the night: dick pics from me

    Prize for the stripper who is 3rd in sales for the night: two dick pics from me
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