Do i need fake boobs to be a stripper?

Im a single mom and seriously strapped for cash. I’m really considering stripping for a few months to pay off my credit card and part of my student loans. The problem is, i have relatively big boobs. Also i had a child a year ago so i definitely don’t have perfect boobs. I’m trying to post a photo but i can’t figure out how! Anyways, I’ve never been to a strip club so idk how the girls are supposed to look!
last commentI would suggest going to a club you are considering working at as a visitor. Watch the girls, see what they do on stage, how they interact with customers and what they look like. As far your looks are concerned most clubs have dancers of different shapes and sizes an different guys have different tastes in women. The harder part is deciding if you are capable of doing the job. It’s not your average office to work at. Visit as a customer and pay attention. Then decide if it’s right for you. If you manage to post a picture of yourself you’ll get all kinds of feedback from the members here.
You can upload pics to then post the link here
^such a helpful pervert;)
and you can post pictures on Google Blogger, Sites, or Picasa. Just DO NOT FLAG THE SITE AS ADULT.
They pretty much let you post what you want. Just don't say what the site is for.
Gerry Rafferty Baker Street Long Version
Customers' preferences are all over the place - most of on here are experienced strip clubbers and for the most part in the past it seems more than half of us do not like breast implants.
I prefer them large and natural even if they're not perfect - for me personally implants are usually a deal-breaker but many dancers state they have made more $$$ once they got implants.
Unlike me, seems many on here on avg prefer B-cups maybe C at most.
Don't let people tell you you need fake boobs, or that you need to go some place which is not close to home.
It depends. Are you in the 95th percentile when it comes to looks for a hairless ape?
There are plenty of very attractive hairless apes that have breasts of modest size. If you are very attractive the next question is how you feel about BSLC. Do you like to suck it? Do you enjoy a BSLC in your vagina or rectum?
If yes, you might be able to find a lion daddy. ROAR!
For me it's more about how a stripper's boobs feel rather than how they look. Natural almost always feel better than fake in my opinion.
I'll echo what others have already said, go to the clubs you are thinking about working at and pay attention. Most importantly pay attention to the interactions between dancers and customers throughout the club rather than just watching the stage show. Contrary to what most people who haven't been to strip clubs think, you'll only make a small portion of your money from the stage show.
Real question is, can u tolerate dirty old men groping u? For me it’s a turn on, and I really get off giving them way more than they were expecting.
Papi is right. Perv is the best judge. He’s the one paying money. Boob job does not look good on everyone. There are lasses with mighty fine small tits who think they need boob job. Big mistake.
Hm, the pics will allow me to have a better opinion. The important thing isn’t the boobs but how much stomach fat you have. As long as it’s relatively low (definitely smaller than the size of boobs) then you will be good to go at most clubs.
If you have minor imperfections, the club will most likely be dark and there will be lots of red lights. It will flatter your skin a lot.
You do not need fake babes natural is always better
^ Amen @Countryman5434. All natural is always FTW! I don't ever get dances with strippers with fake breasts.
@ nicespice are you becoming a pervert like Papi? ;)
I wouldn't get fake boobs too soon. Just start dancing. See if you don't hate it. It would suck to get fake boobs real quick then you promptly quit dancing. Unless you totally love the fake boobs in general and want them not just for this job. Then get them. It also depends on the type of club/region how much fake boobs will help or not imo. Some places the plastic wins, other places it's easy to outearn them.
I have zero interest in fake books.
Also listen to blahblahblah23 and just try dancing first. That's the best advice here.
I don’t like fake books either.
Luckily the ones San Jose Guy recommended to me were really real!!
Yes and don't tell customers you have kids. It's not something we want to know.
Updated for picture. Hopefully the link works
I like full-figured women so I like your breasts and I'd think they'd look good in a small tight-top showing side-bood - but many strip clubbers are into slim tight dancers so you'd probably be more of a niche for the guys that prefer fuller-figured girls.
And a lot of clubs will discriminate against your figure-type, i.e. it's not enough for a girl to say I wanna strip for a club to say sure - you may need to try the bit more dive clubs vs upscale clubs.
But you won't know unless you try just know that getting turned down by certain clubs is not uncommon for many dancers for various reasons.
It kinda takes a bit of time and effort to learn the ropes of the strip club world.
If you state what city you're in perhaps some on here can recommend some clubs that may be a fit.
Thank you Papi_chulo. I live in Orange County, California if anybody knows of a place !
IDK the SoCal scene personally but Paradise Showgirls in La Puente hires curvy girls - perhaps others will chime in with some intel:
Anaheim clubs! And no you don’t need fake tits
I am fine with enhanced boobs. I just don't get dances from women who have them.
Based on your description of your body - and your photo - you don’t need any breast surgery. You are a young mother - and your belly is flat - your tits look great - and your body looks nicely tanned. I wouldn’t change a thing.
I’d recommend finding a nearby club with an amateur night - or one that is friendly to female customers. Go and check it out. Also, read the reviews here. If the club is an extras club - where the dancers provide a lot of BJ, FS or FIV stuff - and that’s not your thing - it’s best to be informed ahead of time.
If you have an outgoing personality - you are ok with approaching guys - you don’t mind being touched - and can handle some harsh rejection - you can definitely do the job.
If you're strapped for cash, then how do you expect to pay for fake tits?
Mostly its just a matter of learning to live in Bonobo Mode instead of Chimpanzee Mode.
C.I.M. makes a good point.
A breast lift would probably be helpful, but you could probably just get started in most places.
You are a bit curvy. You might want to club with a lot more minorities first, it would boost your ego, confidence and comfort level, and then you can transition to more mainstream AKA white American clubs.
I actually enjoy a woman having natural looking, saggy tits.
You're not the mainstream for clubs- but I've seen tons of guys spend money on women like OP. In the long run I think the best thing is getting lean and toned- then after that if you are still dancing consider surgery.
I'd also add attitude and being pleasant can be amazing money makers no matter what a girl looks like. I would know from watching those girls and some of them aren't much to look at.
SJG said "I actually enjoy a woman having natural looking, saggy tits."
Your wall of privacy blows.
What the hell is wrong with your boobs now? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Paradise in COI will hire you. But you need to learn the Paradise handhake. Stripping is highly competitive so just be prepared for the cattiness and drama.