
MLB All-Star Game

Anywhere there are Titties.
I remember as a kid, this was a big game that everyone wanted to watch. But I would not have known that tonight is this year's game unless I had seen it on the news while getting dressed this morning. I just don't pay attention to baseball until the World Series anymore.

Anybody going to watch it tonight ?


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    That's funny. Now I realize that it was last night. Guess no one cared.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Do they still play baseball?
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    No i am a big nfl fan! Never got much into baseball! Go bears!
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Watched it and if you’re an MLB fan well worth it. Great game to catch up on what has happened this season, who to watch for down the stretch towards the playoff race, and live chats with the players out on the field during the game.

    I never watch baseball until all star game due to the season being so long, so the All Star break generally kicks off the baseball viewing season for me. Thoroughly enjoyed this as a baseball fan.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I was at work but my interest towards baseball is indifferent. If someone else was watching it wherever i would've been, then i would've watched. Otherwise like op i forgot about until yesterday. Supposedly was a record game. 10 home runs or something like that.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Being older than most others on this board may be a factor as well as living in one of the hottest baseball market areas, but I watch more than 1/2 of the Red Sox games. As a sport it seems a little more cerebral as opposed to NFL & NBA, and the tradition of the game is a factor. I remember my grandfather sitting listening to Sox games on the radio more than 60 years ago. I saw Ted Williams play at Fenway when I was a kid and just recently bumped into Don DiMaggio at a local restaurant shortly before his death.
    New York, Houston, Seattle & Boston all have very promising teams and I, like many other Bostonians, am marking the calendar for when the damned Yankees are back in town.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    NFL or nothing
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I've never been a big watcher of the games on TV. I go to a few in Baltimore, DC and Cleveland since I am in those cities often.

    I've tried over the years to make it to every MLB stadium for at least one game.

    But I also lost a lot of my interest when they had the labor issues and when on strike multiple times during the 1980's.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I can't watch it on TV anymore but I do enjoy live games.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    When I was a kid I went to a lot of Tigers games and would watch a lot of their games too, since they play so many and they're always televised locally here.

    As a little kid, I even went to plenty of games when it was at Tiger's stadium. My family started going less more into my teenages years, but once I got a job I would buy tickets and go a few times a year, usually take my little brother or go with a group of friends.

    Haven't been to one in a while though. I probably should. I haven't been keeping up much.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    As the attention span of Americans drops to the same level as the average cat with a ball of twine, baseball will keep falling. It is a game for smart people and essentially is the chess of sports. Since it is the ultimate team game, you cannot market ignorant, buffoonish individuals as starts the way the NFL and NBA does. The sport was created to kill time when a weekend day meant 12 hours in the country, away from the tenements of the day. It will die a slow demographic death along with horse racing, golf, cigar bars, steakhouses and strip clubs.
  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    Come on ski! Except for horseracing you mentioned my favorite things!

    I am an older fart on here and have been a baseball fan my whole life....die hard Dodger fan since 1959. I have the MLB.tv package and like a true Dodger fan I try to watch a few innings every night as most of their games don't start until after 10 my time. To me their is nothing like the World Series. But that's just me.

    Saying all that I didn't really have an interest in the ASG. I watched maybe 2 innings in the middle and that was it. So maybe there is no hope.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm a NBA & NFL fan yet don't care about the All Star or Pro Bowl games
  • rattdog
    6 years ago
    magicrat, how do you feel about your latest acquisition?
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I love baseball with its history, it’s quirks and it’s humor. I also enjoy football, hockey and basketball for their own unique auras. I’ve got kids who play multiple sports, including baseball and I think it teaches an approach to the sport (and to life) where one needs to always be thinking ahead to situations and possibilities. I know, baseball is boring to some but all the pauses in the game are what prompt and give opportunity for thinking. I agree that baseball is waning but I don’t think it’s going away.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    How can anyone call themselves an American and not fully appreciate our national past time?

    Fucking Millenials!!!
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    flagooner you answered your question in the first line with the second line...........I've given up trying to understand the millenial mindset.

    Think about it this way...anytime you'd rather watch video on your I phone screen as opposed to your 60 inch flat panel because that way you don't miss a post by a Kardashian on her social media your mother probably did way too much coke when she was carrying you.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    What? No love for hockey on this site?

    And how about lacrosse? A sport where guys (and girls) carry sticks and are expected to beat others with them. Now THAT's a sport!

  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Have you ever played or even watched lacrosse?
  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    rattdogg....it makes them better of course but I would prefer to see another relief pitcher. One has to hold his breath when any of those but Jansen come in. Also if it gets Forsythe out of the lineup I'm good with it!
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