Vacation with a Fave-- Is it worth it??

avatar for stripfighter
For those of you who have done it, would you do it again. Depending on place we go, I figure a budget of 1-2.5k for 5 nights (her expenses only, travel, food, entertainment, etc) would be 2-500 a day. Considering if you also enjoy her company, that's about the average range for an OTC encounter.

What other pros and cons would you consider??


last comment
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I had a fantastic time taking the DS on trips. But I would not recommend doing that with the vast majority of strippers. You need to get along very well together and really trust her to take a trip. And you should test it out first by having a few one night sleepovers without traveling, then consider moving on to a trip.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Much easier to get the fuck up and leave after OTC. Amazing how much less interesting dancers become after you come.
avatar for Chilli_Powdurr
7 years ago…

^^^ and you want to take a stripper on vacation and get robbed?
avatar for PutaTester
7 years ago
I have done it, but just for overnights. Try a local trip where you actually go out and explore the area before investing in an expensive week.

Skibum has it in perspective.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
I spent last week meandering down the Atlantic coast with my ATF. We've traveled together before and have not had a problem. As is recommenddd above make sure you're comfortable and comparable before even considering a vacation together.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Yeah Gawker, it has really enhanced your life.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
Flagooner - how'd you know? This trip was to deliver her to Florida & it looks like she'll be settling in the Orlando area. Could be she'll be coming to a club near you. Lol.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Isn't taking a stripper on vacation like taking sand to the beach?

Lets start a pool on how long gawker's ATF stays in Orlando before she goes back up north to him.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
avatar for pistola
7 years ago
Skibum nailed it. Part of the allure of strippers is their independence and not having to deal with them 24-7. That said it depends. If the trip is devoid of options or you just want a sure thing, 2-3 days is fine. A week and you'll likely see the crazy come out. You also better figure out some way to check on the time of the month, is a huge factor.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Absolutely love it, and repeat as often as possible. That said, I'd never go on a multi-day trip with a stripper with whom I hadn't spent a good deal of time with, and know that we are compatible and I enjoy her company even while we're doing non-sexy activities... if you can get away with 200-500 a day, your budget-fu is better than mine :)
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
At this point I question whether she'd really go through with it. It was more of a spur of the moment when we were talking vacation destinations of how we should go together. Didn't think too much about it then, and now just contemplating it.

I don't worry about compatability, what I'm worreid about flakiness. I'm not looking to be the sucka who sets everything up or plans it 6 wks in advance to find out day comes she changes her mind. Probably too big a risk.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
Id never do it. you're asking for trouble unless youve spent a lot of time with her OTC in a non P4P way
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
I've done it. It was a great time. But you have to think about the fact that there is no escape from her. You may think you like a person. But after being with them for 24 hours, are you still going to like them ? I"ve done this twice with two different girls. Had a great time. But on one, my patience was wearing thin by the end of the trip. The first time was just a one night trip. No incidents. The second time was a 3 day trip. That may have been one day too long.
avatar for ellocohombre
7 years ago
avatar for ellocohombre
7 years ago
Sure it is great to spend time with an ATF doing things she likes. It helps build your relationship stronger. Dancers are different away from the club. They like to relax and have fun too.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I'd want to have sex with her first before spending time with her. I spent time with a couple girls and all they wanted to do was party. I wanted more than that at the time.
avatar for jester214
7 years ago
Spending 5 days or a week with someone is very different from hanging out with them for an evening or even a day. It might be great but if it gets bad you don't have a ton of good options and it can go ugly fast.

If you pull the trigger I'd make sure your expectations are clear, though that alone I see as a potential issue. I've taken civilian women on vacation and paid the costs but never a prop. I'd have to be really, really comfortable with them before I'd even consider it.
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