Good sex has nothing to do with good looks

Eva Longoria
Sandra Bullock
Maria Shriver
All stunningly beautiful.
In each case their man went for a non-looker.
Good looks don't translate to satisfying sex.
So much for the $400B industry selling better looks.
last commentProof?
As I type - my beautiful, educated friend is sleeping like a baby after sex. Done for the night - just past midnight.
I want more. Conflicted.
I could head down my fav strip club for a wild booty call with a blue collar dancer and be back in bed to wake up together.
... there should be sex education for college women.
Here's one
Terminator settled for his housekeeper. Why?
You need some exercise
Well put.
Sometimes I think my subconscious picks looks over passion.
ha ha .... thinking - still have time :-)
Good points
Kat Von Dee is attractive.
As far as Arnold Swarzenegger goes:
What is a “blue collar dancer”
I agree. Looks don’t equate with good sex. There must be a connection between both partners - and passion - in order for the sex to feel intense.
I think there are probably other factors involved with those hollywood stars and their spouses leaving them (for less attractive partners). But - an intense connection must be there.
Good looking people seem to in general have to try less-hard - I think in general good looking people may be a bit more full of themselves - avg looking girls seem to try harder to please and often less full of themselves - but of course this is not universal but on avg it seems good looking girls can have a greater degree of GPS
Good sex is a skill. Everyone can develop it. Often it involves putting your partner's wants ahead of your own. Attractive people often don't realize they are lousy sex partners. They always have a line of people ready to please them and heap praise on them. With some instruction and encouragement, even they can become good sex partners.
Good connections make for good sex !
The other possibility is that those guys were just horndog idiots who don't know how to keep it in their pants.
I'll agree with @DC9428 . I have to be physically attracted to the other person. Doesn't matter how hard an ugly cow tries, I'm not going to get it up for her. But if the girl is at least cute, has a great personality, and does the right things, then I keep coming back to that.
OP: The only stunningly beautiful woman in your list is Eva Longoria. The rest are just mildly attractive.
How about Hugh Grant going for that street walker?
@flagooner - yeah Ms Hurley is a looker too
@Lone_Wolf - I'd rank 1. Maria, 2. Sandra and then 3. Eva. Not minding the age. To each its own.
@K - "With some instruction and encouragement, even they can become good sex partners."
Hey K - any more three-somes lately !
@zoey101 & @DC9428 - Sex is awesome with dancers coming from "blue collar" background. That is, Dad a labor worker and mom also with a factory job or something away from sitting in front of a computer all day. These dancers have genetically blessed bodies. Of course my experience and perspective and quite likely a gross generalization.
@liwet - funny video!
@ATACdawg - ha ha that comment applies to many TUSCLers !
As usual thank you for the perspective Warrior, Papi, 25, Cashman.
Yes. At one time i did not think they were worth the trouble. Now that i found the right ladies, it is a regular treat
^ sweet
I have been thinking of posting my thoughts on that subject but it would seem too much like bragging