Good sex has nothing to do with good looks
Eva Longoria
Sandra Bullock
Maria Shriver
All stunningly beautiful.
In each case their man went for a non-looker.
Good looks don't translate to satisfying sex.
So much for the $400B industry selling better looks.
Sandra Bullock
Maria Shriver
All stunningly beautiful.
In each case their man went for a non-looker.
Good looks don't translate to satisfying sex.
So much for the $400B industry selling better looks.
I want more. Conflicted.
I could head down my fav strip club for a wild booty call with a blue collar dancer and be back in bed to wake up together.
... there should be sex education for college women.
Here's one…
Well put.
Sometimes I think my subconscious picks looks over passion.
ha ha .... thinking - still have time :-)
Kat Von Dee is attractive.
As far as Arnold Swarzenegger goes:…
I think there are probably other factors involved with those hollywood stars and their spouses leaving them (for less attractive partners). But - an intense connection must be there.
@Lone_Wolf - I'd rank 1. Maria, 2. Sandra and then 3. Eva. Not minding the age. To each its own.
@K - "With some instruction and encouragement, even they can become good sex partners."
Hey K - any more three-somes lately !
@zoey101 & @DC9428 - Sex is awesome with dancers coming from "blue collar" background. That is, Dad a labor worker and mom also with a factory job or something away from sitting in front of a computer all day. These dancers have genetically blessed bodies. Of course my experience and perspective and quite likely a gross generalization.
@liwet - funny video!
@ATACdawg - ha ha that comment applies to many TUSCLers !
As usual thank you for the perspective Warrior, Papi, 25, Cashman.
Yes. At one time i did not think they were worth the trouble. Now that i found the right ladies, it is a regular treat
I have been thinking of posting my thoughts on that subject but it would seem too much like bragging