Studies have shown that AA women generally have a large ass and AA men generally have a large penis which makes copulation feasible. Asian women generally have a flat ass and Asian men generally have a small penis because anything more would is overkill. Caucasian women generally have an average ass and white men generally have an average penis because it gets the job done.
AA men have big dicks because white slave owners bred AA slaves that way. Then later white women started being with big dicked AA men over white men which then caused white men to start going after Asian women. As a result of all of this, Asian men started strip clubs because no women want their small dicks anymore.
One stereotype that should be mentioned, as it has been proven in this thread, is that people who post on stereotypes on a strip club board are fucking stupid.
Some AA women have very cute, tight asses and some while women have a caboose back there. I think diet is more important than ethnicity. As for Asians, I've only fucked three and one had a perfect ass, one had a fat ass and one barely had any ass at all. I think ass size is more random than some people think.
last commentIts best to not perpetuate stereotypes by restating them.
Moral of the story: white slave owners suck BBC.