
Encouraging a CF to work a certain day

Off again on again PL
So my CF isn't working the few days a week that I tend to want to go to the club. I can only go 3 days out of the week and one of those is WAY better for my life/schedule. If I wanted to encourage her to shift her schedule I have a few ideas:

1. Pay a lot more - $200 at this club goes a long way and would pretty much buy out a shift. That would essentially double my spending but it is still cheap compared to what a lot of you guys pay in other parts of the country. However this is probably a terrible idea, there are other dancers and I should just find someone else I like.

2. Pay a little more - I have considered offering to pay her house fees on the day I want her to work. That would be $10-20 so probably not enough cash to make a difference, and it is hard to explain with out being needy/weird.

3. Offer to buy lunch - This is the only idea I think makes any sense. It's easy to suggest "Hey on X day I have more free time and would love to buy you lunch." This idea doesn't feel needy/weird and I get a better experience out of it.


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    My CFs have always just tried to come in on the days I'm going in, if I can't make it on a day they're scheduled. I've never had to pay more for that, and think that's a terrible precedent that might bite you in the ass. For me, at least, buying her lunch is something I always do anyway -- in the club if the club has a kitchen, outside the club if it doesn't. Note that while we PLs think "come spend an hour with me before your shift and I'll buy you a fancy lunch" is a huge magnanimous gesture, at least some girls look at that as more like a benefit to you, since you get the pleasure of an hour of their company for just the $25 (or whatever) their lunch and a drink costs.

    All of this is a long way to say: your best bet is to be a good enough customer (whatever that means to her) that she'll just come in to see you, because 1. you're a good customer and she is guaranteed a decent payday, and 2. in the back of her mind she's nervous that you might find someone you like better
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Why don’t you try some new dancers first, if that doesn’t work out then you can go one of your other 3 routes you mentioned above.

    Buying out a dancer for $200 for her entire shift? Damn that’s cheap, where are you located? Somewhere that’s BFE in West Texas or something?
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Have you talked to your CF about this? Dancers like to work on days a customer is coming to see them. She should be happy to come in on the best day for you, as long as you're spending money on her.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    After trying new dancers on your most convenient day as shailynn suggested, I would tell her that Wednesday is the day that would fit with my schedule next week and tell her that I would get dances if she could make it.

    I have seen dancers spontaneously show up on days outside of their normal schedule. Whether she shows might have something to do with whether she is on track to make goal already and the level of importance of any commitments that day - maybe that's one of the days the kids stay with her, so that day would never work.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ OP "So my CF isn't working the few days a week that I tend to want to go to the club"

    Have you thought that maybe she doesn't work those days because she doesn't want to see you?

    Don't commit to some plan without talking to her about the situation first. See if she has a suggestion. This could give you an indication if you want to pursue it or not.

    Also, while this isn't a negotiation per se... a common rule is not to open the bidding and I think that applies here.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Hey Flagooner, just because when you and SJG go into a club and all the dancers hide in the dressing room doesn’t necessarily mean that’s this case in this scenario.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I've got a waitress to change her schedule for me. I just told her for a few months i cant make it on my normal night, but can make it on another, and just said it would be really cool if u were able to flip your schedule, because I'd say rather tip u than these other girls. The group I go with are pretty good tippers so she was happy to flip her schedule for us. All about the $ lost of the time. They'd rather have that sure thing income than to hope they can make the car payment this month.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    Just ask her. I wouldn't offer anything over and above, just simply say its much easier to come in on day x,y,z, are you around on those days? If she needs incentive she'll probably ask.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I'm not saying it is the situation that she doesn't want to see him. I'm saying it is worth finding out why she doesn't work those days before making offers to convince her to do so.

    I speak from experience.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    So this is definitely not a situation where she is avoiding me. She is just working a lot less. In fact there have been a few times where she has contacted me to see which day I wanted to come and then agreed to work that day. But this is after having a financially bad weekend (I go midweek) so I may be the backup plan.

    At this point it is about half the time me saying what day or days I can come in each week and about half the time her saying what day she will be there and I show up then.

    Part of the problem for sure is that I want to come in midweek when this particular club has too many dancers vs customers.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Why don’t you just ask her to OTC with you?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake likes to keep buying dances and paying the house fees so that he can mess his pants.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^You don’t consider yourself a troll, really ?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I gotta admit, that was a pretty funny post by SJG.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    OP, what club is this? Bucks Cabaret?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Not that difficult to get dancers off script, and into OTC intimacies, if that would be what one wanted.

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