i like sjguy. he simply needs to visit tijuana at least once. sjguy. take a break from your political wars and visit tijuana zona norte. one day whirlwind tour. i will be your guide ( for what that’s worth. ) hk. adelitas. playboy. las chavelas. tropical bar. chicago bar. la gloria. valentinas. hacienda. la carretta. gold bar. karlas. d+d. street girls. walkers. la maliquera. taco carts. cascadas. hotel coahuila. monte carlo. azul. and sooooo much more. drive down here to san ysidro. fly. bus. ride your huffy. walk. you will be absolutely blown away with the liberty. but bring yer money. i ain’t treating you.
last commenthttps://ddfnetwork.com
"Los Gallos Me Dan Dinero, Las Mujeres Me Lo Quitan"
"The Roosters give me money, the women take it away"
@SJG - Why do you continually visit a website where everyone makes fun of you? Nothing here can make you feel good about yourself. Seriously toxic.
sjguy. take a break from your political wars and visit tijuana zona norte. one day whirlwind tour.
i will be your guide ( for what that’s worth. ) hk. adelitas. playboy. las chavelas. tropical bar. chicago bar. la gloria. valentinas. hacienda. la carretta. gold bar. karlas. d+d. street girls. walkers. la maliquera. taco carts. cascadas. hotel coahuila. monte carlo. azul. and sooooo much more. drive down here to san ysidro. fly. bus. ride your huffy. walk. you will be absolutely blown away with the liberty. but bring yer money. i ain’t treating you.
Justme, I am tied down, fully embedded, 24-7. Not going to keep responding to the same sorts of posts from you over and over.