A few days ago, one of you guys local to me, posted a link to an article from the Detroit Free Press regarding this. I posted about it on my Instagram, and then one of my friends dug into the law and compiled the linked image below containing information about the proposed law.
There's a Google Document with annotated notes of the actual proposed laws, but I'm not posting that publicly out of respect to my friend's privacy. I'll copy and paste parts of it if you'd like.
These are some of the highlights of the proposed laws, copied and pasted from a reputable source.
"Some highlights: mandatory Hep and Tuberculosis vaccinations, restricting anyone under age 21 from dancing, a $3 excise tax per customer, boners will be outlawed for male dancers, and of course making us get a license through the state! I would seriously suggest calling your local representatives NOW and telling them to vote no on HB5972-79."
The proposed bills include a State license for dancers ($2,500). This is does not include the $150 cabaret license Detroit dancers would still need to obtain.
Michigan customers and hobbyists, please contact your reps as well. This will have a severe negative impact on the entire State's strip club scene.
Link to find your local rep:
last commentAlways much more harmful than the law against prostitution, as that it extremely hard to enforce.
25 +25
But this also tells you why their bill is unconstitutional. They aren't allowed to eliminate strip clubs just because they don't like them. If they were, no where would have any strip clubs.
Constitutionally protected free speech!
I really hope this bill gets shot down, but I don’t have very much confidence in our elected officials.
We have that in this county and it sucks.
This is the original news article that was posted on here a few days ago.
Obviously, as customers, you guys aren't grasping how shitty this situation would be for dancers in general or who may not have any other choice of employment.
Detroit clubs are not all of Michigan. Extras within Detroit aren't found in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Traverse City, Grand Rapids, Ypsilanti, Lansing, etc.
I have never even gone along with the 'extras' concept.
I am attracted to what is reported about Detroit, mostly the FS clubs.
But as to this proposed legislation, my concern is that it is unconstitutional and it is intended to scare off dancers and because they want to eliminate strip clubs.
Saying "I am not like those dancers at those other clubs" is counter productive and only aids those who should be seen as mutual enemies.
What a dumbass bill that could only appeal to naive "do gooders".
One thing which really opened my eyes was our underground Mexican Bar table dancing circuit. There I encountered 'off the hook' girls. They did all the OTC that they could, and they were doing front room FS in quantity. It was just the way these girls were. They had come to the point where they wanted to fuck as many guys as possible.
After LE shut down Front Room FS, then the core group starting bringing their own mini-van for the parking lot.
These girls were in no way looking to the club management and its rules to protect them. What they most wanted was just to be able to do it their own way. These girls were beloved. Any time spent with them was a real trip, its just in the ways that they look into your eyes and listen.
And of course they also did all the kissing, licking, and sucking that one could ever imagine.
:) :) :)
Haven't you seen SJG in the news the last couple of days?
One such father, I helped put into San Quentin.
Having a $2500 cost won't make a club only have hot girls; it will probably make clubs have a freeze on hot girls while they save for $2500 (not that they shouldn't already have that saved up), but more "career dancers" / ones familiar with dancing will stick around. This would be disastrous.
Nina, I'm going to message you on Facebook and send you the Google Document link. A mutual friend we worked with in downtown (you still work with her) picked apart the bill and compiled all of this information.
Is no one going to comment on the no boner rule for Male dancers? REALLY??
A bunch of bitter female democrats from the Detroit area are the sponsors.
The VIP booth bill ... I mean, c'mon. We treat sex like it's worse than doing drugs. If guys are willing to pay for it, and girls are willing to do it, let 'em freakin' do it. Stop trying to control my dick.
People just want to be happy. Stealing, killing, being forced to do stuff against your will, not stuff that makes people happy, and religion gets that somewhat. Folks willing to trade sex for money and vice versa make each other happy. No one loses. For some reason, religion doesn't understand that, probably because encouraging their congregations to only have sex to have kids is how you get the Duggars, and that means more people to plop their money in the basket when they get older.
If you're going to look at Detroit and say the clubs are the problem, you're looking at a very wrong thing. Real crime, gangs, drugs, lack of economic opportunity, real problems. Guys having an outlet to get off with willing women, NOT A PROBLEM. It's the flower that blooms through the many cracksin the decrepit, crumbling, bullet-riddled sidewalk next to the burned out crack house that is much of eastern Michigan.
So yeah, just keep scapegoating the wrong things and see how much improves.
Just remember, there's one and only one reason I go to Detroit: The clubs. Go ahead, say you don't want visitors or my $400-$1,000 to go into the local economy. Explain that to the Chamber of Commerce and the tourism board. Kill the one reason guys like me come from other cities to visit. See how that works for you.
Needless to say, it's frustrating. People want to have sex and be sexual. It feels good and it's harmless if done right. Let folks do it, figuratively and literally.
Looks like they are using a shotgun approach hoping that at least some of these bills pass to get a foot in the door.
Love said she has five strip clubs in her district and a total of eight along 8 Mile in Detroit. They’ve become a part of the fabric of the city and she’s patronized some for both research and a fun night with friends and husbands, as well as $2 lamb chops and inexpensive buckets of beer.
I thought I saw her at the Coliseum last week.......
Melvin Belli, Carol Doda, other strippers, VIDEO
Mandatory Reading
They should probably take a look at how much these businesses in their territories generate in Property Taxes, Business Taxes, Income Taxes (including City of Detroit), Sales Taxes, Liquor Taxes, etc..