
OT: The future of marriage in the US?

The percentage of people married in the US has dropped by 9% in the last 25 years after being stable for as far back as tracking goes. I believe this statistic is going to start dropping like a rock.

Millennial's, or whatever we call our youth in America now, are not getting married and have no plans to. Used to be a dude getting married be would lightly chastised, mostly in fun, about getting the ole ball and chain.

Now, young dudes are being inundated by social media about the utter fucking stupidity of getting married and they are listening. Red Pill, MGTOW, Rationale Male. Just an endless stream of media telling dudes how idiotic it is to get married.

And its true. Young men today would be fucking nuts to marry. The majority of divorces are initiated by women. They take half the shit. Keep the kids. And the man gets the pleasure of sending a monthly check to the ex and the new guy she is fucking. Plus, the government enables (almost encourages) women to get divorce by supporting single mom's with social programs. Women don't need men anymore.

And shit, talk about government intrusion. If you have kids after a divorce and ex can make your life a living hell. It is nuts.

Finally, the young dudes are wising up and some are checking out of having relationships all together. The vast majority of young dudes I know have no intention of getting married and just cringe if I bring it up.

This is sad because most women do want a family and fantasize about a beautiful wedding. Also, the breakdown in the family unit does not bode well for the long term stability of this country (reference school shootings).

Are you seeing the same trend?


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Seems young people today don't want much responsibility, many don't want to own a car nor even have credit-cards and rather have a low paying job they enjoy than a high paying one full of stress and that they're just doing for the $$$, and not making a lot of $$$ probably affects their confidence w.r.t. being able to support a family.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Papi: I don't necessarily look at all of that as a bad thing. We get misguided sometimes.

    All we want out of life is to be happy. Is a ton of money worth it if you're miserably stressed out by your job, your family, your responsibilities? And making everyone around you unhappy in the process?

    If anything, I give the younger folks credit. They're figuring out what's really important, maybe better than the older generations, and enjoying life more. Good on them.

    And commitment isn't necessary for happiness, particularly in the age of Tinder.

    I don't blame the kids one bit for going in that direction.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    I don't know your age and don't care what it is, but these "trends", "...breakdown in the family unit...", "...not getting married and have no plans to...", and other social ills are not new.

    I hate to say this, but I place the blame for this on my generation. Started, to some degree, after WWII (I wonder how many here don't even know about WWII) and really got rolling in the mid to late '60s.

    I look at what my parents endured, WWI, the great depression AND WWII. We had perhaps 20 years of the greatest time to grow up before it really got cookin' along and progressed to today's "life".
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Times are changing so fast anymore.

    Young adults aren’t moving out of their parents homes.

    Nobody even wants to get a drivers license let alone a car due to ride sharing.

    For the first time in decades people are saying college is a complete waste.

    The argument that owning a home is a waste of money and even bad for the environment.

    ^ those are facts

    v these are my opinions

    Thanks to the media it doesn’t even seem acceptable to be a male anymore.

    Transgender is redefining traditional relationships

    The “me” generation has developed a bunch of really, really immature and responsibility-avoidance people.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago

    Among other tidbits:

    1) College-educated couples are still getting married at higher rates
    2) The majority of gay couples, who are living together, are getting married.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Seems to me that older folks have been complaining about the youth since the beginning of time but in the end most turn out fine.
    I heard in the 50s & 60s the exact same complaints younger people hear now it’s mostly just bullshit
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    women bought the idea of polygamy when in reality they are monogamus. Men are the polygamus sex.

    if 1 man has multiple faithful sexual female partners, the chances of STDs are low

    if 1 female has multiple faithful sexual males partners i would guarantee someone is getting a sore.

    For my hypothesis to hold truth, no condoms are allowed, and vaginal creampies only.

    @clubber i agree lack of opportunities for men to raise a family and men dont want that burden because the lack of jobs. women suck too if you arent fucking them (key point). furthermore, how do leaders like Hitler, Mussolini rise to power? by offering these helpless men, better opportunities (jobs). and blaming someone. These leaders dangle a carrot of jobs, that would lead to women, then marriage to children.

    *Its my OPINION, and fuck you assholes.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Here have a Snickers, your just not you, when you’re hungry!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Here’s another theory. Since having a child out of wedlock has seemed to become more socially acceptable, think people find less of a need for marriage?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Having a child out of wedlock might be more acceptable, but raising a child is only getting more expensive and complex. Whether or not marriage is part of the equation, it is more than a one-person job. Unless that one person can afford a nanny or works from home.

    We're possibly not the best demographic to debate this issue. I'm guessing that not a lot of guys here are fans of monogamy (just a hunch...).

    I suspect that there's still a lot of people who desire dedicated, monogamous relationships. Whether or not that relationship includes the institution of marriage (or even a civil ceremony) is a whole other debate.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'll amend my previous comment. Raising a child can be a one-person job obviously, but it's harder by orders of magnitude.
  • K
    6 years ago
    Being a single parent is hard. It is much harder to be a parent in a toxic relationship. Why compound one mistake with another?

    At my age i have seen a few generations of "kids these days" the one constant is each generation forgets their own mistakes and dismisses the next generation.

    If today's kids really do suck, it just means we are lousy parents.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Why get married when you can live in your parents' basement for free and spend all day playing video games and watching porn?
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    This thread is click bait for SJG
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    You post, "Seems to me that older folks have been complaining about the youth since the beginning of time but in the end most turn out fine.
    I heard in the 50s & 60s the exact same complaints younger people hear now it’s mostly just bullshit"

    I know you aren't a youngster and don't think your as old as me, but unless we grew up in completely different environments, I'd say your post is way off! Sure, my older folks complained about rock and roll music and perhaps a few other things I don't even recall, but that is NOTHING compared to today.

    A man getting arrested was a disgrace, now, a red badge of courage.
    A pregnant unmarried woman was embarrassed and regretful. Today, often honored.
    The military and first responders were revered by most all. Today often scorned and even targets for murderers.

    I likely could go on forever, but I'll leave with this, I'm DAMN HAPPY I didn't grow up where you did if it was as it is today!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I see a decline in the marriage rates as one of our most constructive trends.

    So much of my life is already gone. I do look forward to making my remaining years as good as they can be.

    But yes, it is a social class or college education based matter.

    College grads are marrying. But in Red Families, there is also a high marriage rate, and religion is a big part of this.


    Tough though if this is due to negative economics, rather than people just becoming more enlightened.


    Where saving is the hardest

    The worst cities in terms of savings potential are largely located in the Western U.S. San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California, came in at No 1.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    FWIW, I think rational male, MG-TOW, and all are just completely wrong headed.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Clubber I didn’t say it was the same as today it was different, what I said was the complaints are the same, you hear about young people doing bad things, unfortunately those that do good are not promoted in the same manner. I am 64 not sure but I know you are a few years older than I am, regardless, there are lots of great kids out there, I have a couple and I volunteer as a mentor to a whole bunch. Life is what you make of it, you should know that by now. If you look for the good you’ll find it if you want to.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    I guess we should just say that things may be the same, but much more intense these days.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    BTW, my age is my favorite number, 69!
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