
Negotiating a flat rate vs buying dances

Off again on again PL
So I have been seeing the same CF for a few months now. I generally hang with her for an hour get a few dances and LDK. Normally with a generous tip that is around $100 but it varies from week to week. I have been considering asking to just pay her a flat rate of $100 each visit.

Any opinions from you guys as to the pros/cons?

Besides making the trip a more fixed expense, I think I would enjoy the fantasy a bit more if there was no counting songs. Additionally this would eliminate her wanting to get an ever increasing amount of regular income from me. The downside I can see is if the quality of the experience decreased at some point but generally she is SUPER generous with me.


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I’m sure that’s a great idea, not.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "I think I would enjoy the fantasy a bit more if there was no counting songs."

    Does the fantasy dissolve when you hand over a $100.00?
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    One other part of this is that she has been super generous in the past. Skip songs and usually whatever half a song I stop after the LDK is usually free. That generosity decreased a bit over time so setting a flat rate sort of solidifies my deal.

    @theOSU - I would say having to keep a count of the number of songs in my head does decrease the fantasy. Also waiting to the start of a song has always felt unnatural/robotic to me I would rather just start when it feels natural.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Hey whatever works, go with what you like.
    Myself, knowing how unpredictable and volatile strippers can be I prefer to take things as they play out.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I'd suggest getting a room or shooting for OTC, but you'd probably have to up the spending fairly significantly for either option. I've never tried to tell a girl here's a fixed price for my visit and only done dances. I'd guess if you did that she'd do the math and still be counting songs.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Dolfan - I am already buying a room. At my club a cabana or VIP is $25/50 to the club for an hour and everything else negotiable with the dancer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If u already spend about $100 total for an hour of her time and the only difference is that u don't wanna count songs then it could be worked out but it'd be kinda odd deciding how much dancing she ends up doing since she's used to going by sonng.

    I guess you can hang for about a half-hour then get dances for about a half-hour and maybe set your cell ph alarm to go off after 30-minutes.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I had one experience where a stripper and I agreed on a set amount for her time in the club. I knew her pretty well and thought it would work great but it didn’t. It seemed like she just kind of mailed it in that day and I wouldn’t want to do that again. I’ve seen her since and paid for dances and that’s worked better. Even with a stripper that does OTC or escorts, there seems to be a certain club mode and it’s hard to break away from that I think, as far as dances in the club.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm with twenty five on this :)

    If she's been super generous already, and you're enjoying her, it's quite a risk to make a proposal that she might view as an attempt to take advantage of her generosity, it could color how she views you and whether you are appreciative of her generosity. My advice would be to not rock the boat on what sounds like a fantastic ITC experience. If you want fixed costs, take her OTC instead.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    I don't think she will agree for $100 Per hour when she can make more than that on average basis.
    You can quote $150 Per hour and she cannot reject the offer.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Feeding her money in small increments should be for the front room, when it is still unclear if you will want private time with her.

    After you have a front room makeout session going and it is time for your own pants to come down, then the flat rate for VIP time.

    But this is only for your first time with the girl. After that, OTC.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Many of our members are cheating on SO's, and this colors how they do everything. Been there, done that. It is chump territory.

  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I think being chincy like that is probably...not the most optimal strategy. Unless you're not getting $100 worth of dances, or drinks, or whatever passes for dancer compensation in your club, and $100 is a very generous amount for what you *are* getting, you're basically asking her to take a loss on her time with you.

    Let us know how that works out for you.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Sounds like a good deal for you, but what’s in it for her? Sounds like she will be making less. Will it be less time?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Seems like you're trying to fix something that isn't broken.

    'Not broken' can be a rare thing amongst strippers. Don't fuck with it.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Thanks for all the good feedback guys. I am going to up the amount I am offering and then make that a guaranteed minimum instead of a flat rate. That way I get more of the experience I want and it is always beneficial to her. I am genuinely not trying to be a cheapskate here.

    Regarding the comments about $100 being really cheap for an hour of time. The club I frequent has dirt cheap fees for dancers and the club takes zero percentage of what the girls make. So it's pretty easy to get an hour of conversation and a 2-3 dances for around $50 (during early dayshift).
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    Money fed in smaller increments for the front room preliminary part of the interaction ( front room makeout session). Then a flat rate for a longer block of back room time ( FS ). Then regular flat rates for OTC time blocks, probably MSOG and extended to overnight sessions, maybe with photo modelling.

    For each of these three intervals the girl will get at least what is customary. Saving money is not an objective, making her feel good about it is.

    As far as what happens inside the club, since the front room makeout session adds to the length of the interaction compared to someone wh just buys dances from a verbal pitch, and then since regular lengthy OTC's will be likely, the girl will be getting more than she would otherwise get.


    Founder, we still don't have the list for our previous posts, and other people's posts.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    UPDATE -

    So offering my CF a guaranteed minimum has been a mixed bag. The lap dances have actually been better and neither of us are counting the songs. So I got the experience I wanted. However she has asked me for more money to help out with random SS. So you guys were right on that one, lesson learned.

    In general the negative side of the experience gave me some perspective on the relationship. I am planning on ending it or making it far less regular. So we'll see how that goes.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Buying dances is a chump's game.

  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Well, $100 per visit to make you cum in your own pants is not exactly a killing for her. It should come as no surprise that she's trying to earn more. I think that it was bound to happen sooner or later regardless of how you structured the cash payment, but putting the payment in play seems to have opened the door for her to seek out other ways to get paid.
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