Why it's hard to eradicate ROBs

avatar for Papi_Chulo
This guy actually believed this dancer when she told-him she did not get any payment from the $30-dances and that it went all to the club and she just relied on tips (in this club one pays a cashier post-dances instead of paying the dancer directly)r.

From a recent review of "Purple Orchid" Philly:

"... I practically pass Purple Orchid on my commute most days, so I have been interested in checking it out for several weeks. This week I got my chance to visit.

Parking was easy, though there were only one or two spaces open when I got there. I didn't feel any bad vibes about where I was parking; it's pretty near to the airport so lots of airport parking lots (and a few other strip clubs nearby).

Upon entering, there was no cover. I parked myself on the back corner of the bar, and ordered a bottled water. Shortly after getting my water, I was approached by a WOC with an accent, whom I later learned was from Grenada. We struck up a conversation; she was flirty but not overly so. OTC was offered almost immediately, and she told me that I was her type, etc. That kind of talk literally means nothing to me. We talked about what each of us "was into" and I told her. I also noted that I was kind of in a hurry and didn't want to sit there for an hour or two.

We eventually agreed to do a dance. I didn't pre-negotiate pricing or tip. I elected the $30 curtained-off room, which was probably unnecessary. Dances are timed, not song counted. I assume four minutes each, but not 100% sure. Anyway, there was a digital clock in the room and I'm pretty sure we went about 10 minutes. Top came off no problem, her outer bottoms (whatever they're called) came off. "I NEVER do this...you're my first" (in reference to taking off any of the bottoms. Yeah, I'm sure that's true for someone offering OTC. My belt was off to avoid injury and there was some HOP action. Nothing really beyond that besides some grinding. Eventually we finished what we started.

She said that it was three songs and I better take care of her. I asked what the house fee is - in other words, what of the $90 for three songs does she get. She says nothing - zero - and gives me a sob story. I had a $100 bill in reserve but didn't want to use it. She said that she'd ask the bouncer what the ATM shows if I am concerned about something incriminating on the receipt; I didn't really care about that, but I went over to him a second later, before paying her, and asked him if she gets nothing but tip from three dances. He said no, the house gets $10 per dance. Of course, she claimed that she never told me that, and even after giving her the $100 and pointing out that she was banking $70 from a 10 minute dance, she wanted a tip. I gave her most of my remaining ones - which, like the $100, she offered me to put between her boobs, and by that point I was disgusted and ready to leave - and she seemed satisfied.

Most of the experience was a positive one, but the end did leave a bad taste in my mouth (not literally - ha). I'll probably come back someday to see if it works out better with another dancer ...."



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avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i guess one should ask about these things before the dance starts. but this situation is weird. I've never had this kind of situation.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
It seems to me that he was somewhere between knowing the answer and not knowing. This just tells me that he's extremely inexperienced and there's nothing wrong with that. What I do have a problem with if he's been to a SC more than a couple times and haven't picked up on these kinds of things. Where he messed up was giving her a tip after this experience with the dancer. He needs to stand his ground and not tip for terrible customer service. If you receive terrible customer service at a restaurant, you tip them nothing or a penny. Same thing applies to SCs
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I guess as a total-newb I would have believed almost-anything a dancer told me
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Ok, if he’d *really* believed her, he wouldn’t have asked the bouncer. His real mistake was in giving in to her demand for a tip at that point. Fuck that after her lies.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Yeah - he was a newb w.r.t. 2 instances:

1) believing her when she told him about not receiving any payment for dances

2) tipping-her after she lies to him (probably b/c she told him to do so and not b/c he wanted to) - plus she gave him low-mileage by that club's standards thus even less-worthy of a tip especially after paying $30 per dance
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I mention he "believed" her b/c he didn't call her out on her BS right-away and actually had to check w/ the guy that takes the $$$ for the dances to see if it was true.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
As long as there are real PLs, there will always be ROBs. This doesn't just apply to SCs but everywhere. SCs are just more prevalent.
avatar for Spillthebeans
7 years ago
We have developed an entitlement society, ROB's are everywhere around us !!! More and more people want something for doing nothing and use intimidation to push others around. Don't give in to the ROB's. Name them, describe them, even post on Yelp.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
In every form of entertainment you will always have a newbie and some of them get fleeced. Just like the guy who pays $500 for front row tickets at a concert not realizing the $50 seats are a better view. If you’re going to go the “job” route the same applies. How many people are raped each day when they take their car to a mechanic. Chalk it up as lack of experience, lack of knowledge and being too trustworthy.

I wonder how many guys go into a strip club for the first time, never to return again or not making their next trip for several years and only because their friends force them to?

I usually call guys like that homosexuals.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
He sounds less like a newb (uses some PL terminology and seemed skeptical of some of the hustle tactics) and more like the little bitch that got intimidated into tipping ("you better take care of me", and not asking for change after calling her out on her lie) and then tipping some more on relatively low mileage (some grinding and stick shifting, although he didn't mention trying anything else himself) and expensive dances ($30 for a topless dance?). And the dancer doesn't sound quite like a true or obvious ROB (like over counting dances and giving rip-off mileage or waiting for the second song before she takes off her top), but a severe tip hustler. And a lying one at that, but a lot of non-ROBs lie. I mean the dude got 3 dances or about 10 minutes worth. Most ROBs wouldn't last more than one lap dance from the average PL. But ROBs and non-ROBs alike will employ all kinds of SS to "soften" up customers. Maybe many of the Cubans in Florida employ similar or even worse tactics than the ones in the review?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I think the pl was overly concerned with how much the dancer was getting. This - at least to me - seems stupid. I’d be more concerned about how much I was paying. The dancers lies would have made me tip very little.

I don’t care about the club pricing structure. I care how much I must pay. If the dances are over priced - and I don’t get extras - then the tip will be minimal. I don’t give a shit about a sob story - I give a shit about my money and my satisfaction.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago

That dancer probably would have over-counted him if she could - in that club a cashier keeps track of the songs and one pays the cashier not the dancer, the cashier then gives the dancer her cut
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
now that I've read this post again and the comments it is quite clear that the pl got taken. the dancer was a good actress.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
man. now I remember that when i was a totally new newbie this situation happened to me once in vegas.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Yeah, there's a "new PL mistakes" factor here, but more importantly, there's an intimidation factor here. It was clear he was suspicious and unhappy the whole way, but he gave in. That a violation of "Don't be a little bitch", not a new PL thing.

-->"She said that it was three songs and I better take care of her. I asked what the house fee is - in other words, what of the $90 for three songs does she get. "

That's a part that puzzles me. Why in the world would you ask what her house fee is -- that's between her and the house, and if the house takes a lot of it, that's her fucking problem, not mine; the price is the price, we don't adjust mid- or post-dance due to what her house fee is (whether it's her actual house fee, or she lies about it -- either way, I don't care). That part, I suppose, is part newbie PL mistake ... but again, I suspect the reason he asked in the first place was that he was lost and intimidated and hoping to use the answer for leverage
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If you've selected and approached the girl yourself and if a front room makeout session ensues, and if she understands truthfully that you intend to take her home with you and to continue to see her regularly, then probably your chances of encountering an ROB will be much less. Your own judgement and feelings about her will have come into play about which one you select, as well.

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