
Multiple Part Articles, Now Multiple Part Reviews

Strip Club Nation
One thing that is annoying is when people write articles on here, but break it into 2, 3, or 4 parts. As each new piece gets published, you have to go back and reread the first part(s). Why not just publish the whole thing at once so we can read it in one click and one sitting?

Now the same disease is spreading to reviews. I saw a guy publishing Part 1 and Part 2 reviews for a single visit to Baby Dolls. So this guy needs two months of VIP just to talk about one freaking visit to a strip club?

Part 2... 1st Visit Extended
I covered the club layout in part 1, but on my second night I took note of the $2 bills in the register and decided to get a pocket full for tipping. Multiple dancers took note of the $2. Their perspective is that $1 tippers are cheap. The hottest girl working actually called me the “guy who gave her $2 bills.” We found each other at the end of my night for some great dances ($20 a song).

So, I visited the night before and had a great set of dances from a cute blonde natural with pierced nipples. I came back to see her. Unfortunately, after about 45 minutes of turning down dances it was clear that she wasn’t working.

I ran into the cute girl next door from Friday night, the one who warned me not to get dances from Cuban girls. She remembered me and promised to find me for some dances. So, I setup shop at the last small stage and tipped heavily to try and get a dance when she was done. She hopped off the stage and walked over to some other lucky bastard. I hate that guy...

So, I decided to go up the steps to get a good full view for one more look to see if my fav was working. On the way up a super fit and cute Latin girl with long hair grabbed me and asked for a dance. Since I had nothing better going on, I gave in.

She took me up stairs and we sat in a chair. I noticed that she basically had a perfect body. Nice big butt, tight abs, and nice C cup implants. She did the normal chit-chat... where are you from? what’s you’re name? Then, I asked her where she was from...

CUBA. *record scratch

Oh, no! I had been warned and now I was trapped.

Then something unexpected happened... she said let’s wait for this song to end before we start. Then she gave me a great full contact dance. Probably, my best ever. I even noticed her checking around to see if anyone was around before doing some unofficial stuff. I don’t know if we did 5 or 6 songs. But she charged for 5 and I tipped.

Moral of the story gents. Some strippers are liars.


  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    1st Trip, Worth A Second
    It was my first visit to Babydolls. Cover was $7.

    After the register the club entrance is to the right. The layout has a large central room with a bar and stage back from the entrance. A lap dance area is behind the stage and has its own bar. A few small stages go from the main stage and around the main room. Two stages flank the stair case near the main entrance. The upper level has a smaller bar and some lap dance chairs.

    The place was filled with dancers and customers. The dancers were so plentiful that they had every type that I like. I tipped often at the small stage nearest me.

    The girls were super friendly. I had a great time just tipping away. Eventually I figured out that the dancers go on the main stage and then rotate from the entrance side around the room and end at the small stage nearest the main stage and opposite the main entrance. The further you are stationed from the last stop, the less likely you will get a private dance.

    I had private dances with a few different dancers. The dances ranged from great to awesome.

    One dancer, natural girl next door type, pulled me aside and said “dances are $20 a song, and you can touch... just don’t get a dance from a Cuban girl... you have to keep track of the songs and they try to charge you extra”

    We agreed to find each other later... I found someone else and ran out of money... but decided to come back on Saturday, just to see her again. (See part 2)
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I arrived, I came, I conquered.

    No need for a mini-series. I agree.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I was somewhat ambivalent about multipart articles when I first wrote mine. It came down to the fact that I thought that a longer article wouldn’t be read all the way to the end by most people. Shorter ones were more likely to be read. I was not blind to the effect that leaving things on a bit of a cliffhanger might have, though.

    I won’t lie, however, the whole multiple months of VIP *was* a consideration as well, if not a primary one.

    For reviews though, I tend to think that if you’re not putting everything relevant in one review, then you’re rambling.
  • tijuana_tim
    6 years ago
    Hola Mi Amigos, you spend one weekend with me in Tijuana and you’ll have a lifetime of reviews to write when you meet my A-Team.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    If he published them within the same month he doesn't get two months of VIP.

    I'll be honest, I'm doing an article in parts because I think it's too long as a standalone entity. I know for myself, I like things broken into sections, so I write in the same manner. I also have seen many people complain about discussions and articles being too long to read through.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. articles, I see merit to both approaches - breaking it up b/c it's too-long to read in one sitting and not breaking it up b/c of issues of continuity - perhaps a happy-medium would be to break into parts but submit all the parts at the same time so there's not a substantial delay b/w parts and flow is not as easily lost.

    w.r.t. breaking up reviews, yeah that's worse - if it requires breaking into multiple reviews then it's too long and should be written differently.

    IMO a review or article is best written having in mind what's best for the reader, not what's best for the writer.
  • ww
    6 years ago
    Based on what the OP has used to illustrate the point:

    This specific review appears to be covering 2 separate visits of the same club (consecutive days). Also, based on the length of the review, even if it did only cover a single day visit, I'm good with breaking it up in multiple parts. If the review writing is good, a PL will return at some point to read it or go back to the older review to refresh their memory.

    I definitely support multiple review writing as opposed to a crap review. This review is good.

    And now that the peanut gallery gets a say on a review getting published, if the masses feel that multiple review writing is unacceptable then vote that way.

    Since these reviews were published, it appears the masses have spoken on how they feel on this topic.
  • ww
    6 years ago
    Oops...looks like these are still unpublished...so, let's see what happens!
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    To rh48hr’s point, if both reviews were for the same club, and submitted in the same month, the second one doesn’t count for VIP credit, or didn’t when I last looked at the policy.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    Yeah who cares. It was a separate visit, doesn't affect VIP status, and it was a different experience. And they were well-written, quality reviews with good info/intel.

    Guess I'm just not bothered as much as some...
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I don't mind multiple reviews either, as long as they ad to the site. As stated by others, the reviewer doesn't get anything extra by writing multiple reviews about the same club.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I don't see a problem with this. It's just another way to review a SC. I haven't seen many reviews that are broken down like this but I don't think any less of it
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    But if you're talking about multiple separate reviews (and thus separate ratings) being written.. I would prefer the reviewer writing it all in one review
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    impressed by some thinking of doing reviews as part 1 being one paragraph and part 2 being the next paragraph and so on. one could give just enough for each paragraph count as a review. maybe one can milk it out enough to be a whole years worth of vip. wonder if i could score some brownie points doing this?
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