dancer ever put you on stage with her?

avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
shit has always been my fear

One club I used to hit had this one thick dancer, broad as a linebacker, would routinely snatch a random dude from the crowd and throw him on stage with her like a rag doll. Everyone would get a good laugh. Seemed like she could handle any dude. She loved to show she could pick up any dude. Was always worried she'd pick me because after awhile she recognized my face, but thankfully she never did. She gave a good show when she had someone up there. Think Harambe and that kid at the zoo lol

I still got her number. She does private shows of course. One day....maybe


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avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I think the significant majority of clubs would not allow a guy on stage (except for the stoopid bachelor party thing). But if a dancer ever tries to take me up there I will refuse. I do not go to strip clubs to make an scene.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
Been on stage with ALL the dancers being introduced as a friend of a special person in the club.
avatar for gothamyte
7 years ago
JohnSmith, that's the thing, you could refuse all you want, this woman could bring you onstage, kicking and screaming. And she liked a challenge. I'm no challenge for her but for a minute, the club have her this nightly spot to do her 20-minute act. Some nights she scanned for the lowest fruit. But plenty of times she'd pick the biggest dude in the club, because that brought in the tips. If she ever played in the lingerie football league, she'd be a menace
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
If you guys ever see me on stage, you better tip me.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
There used to be a club I enjoyed called the Babylon in Austintown, Ohio...They used to routinely grab a guy...Put him on around him, stand him up and take a belt and whip his ass really was kind of fun, i got to go up myself...They also had a VIP that was an entire different level in the basement, though decked out nicely with couches and carpeting.....I can remember going down there and getting some serious high mileage...But this was many years before TUSCL and know about extras, OTC, etc...I bet I got have gotten some great ITC action down there...Babylon was notorious for OTC though....even among non mongers...I wish it was still there....
avatar for GeneraI
7 years ago
I got kicked out of a SC when I was 19 or 20 because my roommate jumped on stage and started twirling around the pole.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
@ General

Were we roommates?
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
Yes I must have been drunk. I pissed all over and found out when I was outside with the bouncer on top of me beating the shit out of me
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I almost posted about about one incident I didn't care for when a feature entertainer got me on stage. I'm just glad there are no viral videos. I don't trust feature entertainers when they want to include me in their shows unless it's simply me lying down on the stage.
avatar for bang69
7 years ago
Yes the day I turned 21
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I'm a pretty big guy. I wouldn't sit stageside for any dancer who could overpower me, because that dancers would have to be (most likely) another pretty big guy.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
No. There’s never a reason for a guy who looks like me to be on a stage in a club where guys pay to see hot sexy women on stage. That would be a sight that could cause a club to close indefinitely!

I’ve never been on stage at a strip club. I avoided it during my bachelor party - so there’s no chance of it happening again.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
In the US we have Victorian Era Obscenity Laws. Courts have upheld them. So you could do it in a members only non-retail space, but not in any kind of retail venue.

So because these laws are so old, they only recognize sex as being between a man and a woman.

Jim and Arite Mitchell capitalized on this in San Francisco, inaugurating girl on girl action, making it common for dancers to bring another girl up to conclude their show.

Girl on girl kissing, showing open tongue kissing, and DATYing, is a huge turn on in real life, and when she might soon be next on your lap.

There are videos from the TJ HK Bar of uniformed, armed, and badged security guards taking to the stage.

But there are also accounts of girls taking a PL up on stage, getting him naked and handcuffed to the pole, condom on, and riding him.

But never could a US club do this, not in any retail venue.

avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Sort of. I was stage side when I was 19 or 20 at the Gold Horse downtown Cleveland, and the dancer in full-on leathers regalia is on stage with a VERY high energy show. She also had on a dog collar and a leather dog leash. I think she had a leather whip, too. She tied me to the chair with the leash and a couple other props while everyone watched and she did all sort of tense sexy teasing to me.

I enjoyed it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Dominic77, you sound like swinger's club material. Good marriage, sexual wife, and the solid Moderate Republican world view upon which swinger's clubs depend.

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avatar for TFP
7 years ago
I've been pulled onstage one time, at Little Darlings in SF. Had a Latina VIP queen who took excellent care of me every time we went back. Yet still there was this amazing looking AA dancer named Tigress who I wanted to try out. When she went on stage I went stage side to tip. My VIP queen let her know I was a fan, then Tigress proceeded to pull me up on stage and give me a nude dance in front of everyone. Normally I'm too shy for that type of shit but luckily I was fresh from having two AMFs so I was feeling particularly brave.

Took her to VIP after that but was quite disappointed with the mileage. So I took my VIP queen back immediately after and she made it all better.
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