How Do Strip Clubs Handle The Cash?

avatar for san_jose_guy
I see how it is handled in stores and restaurants. We have three armored car companies. One is Loomis. They install their own 'smart safes', and they come every morning to open it and take the cash. For some places they also bring change allotments, and sometimes that being in register drawer inserts.

Loomis is its own bank, so they deposit the money into the clients account. And trying to rob them is a federal offense. Lots of laws still on the book which allow them to shot first to protect the money.

Anyone ever seen armored car runs at strip clubs? Anyone ever seen that they have a safe? I have not.

Do the armored car drivers actually go into the main area where the girls are, or is it just in the entry way and ticketing area?

People always talk about how in retail, the owners try to keep money under the table to avoid taxes. I see this all the time in Viet Coffee.

But usually these kinds of tactics actually limit the size of the business, as the owners have to do it themselves. If it is that loose, then if you let anyone else handle it, they will be stealing money.

Guy who ran George's Rockin' Robin planned to keep working as an electrician. But people were always pocketing the money. So he had to quit and be there to run it himself. At least this is what he said.

So if you want other people to be able to run it, how do you make sure the money is not messed with. Of course then you need clear records, multiple people checking it and making reports. Today it seems best to have a networked computer accounting system that the figures are entered into, so that management can see right off what is going on.

So anyone seen any of this money protection, or the armored car runs, at strip clubs? Should be about $3k per day gross minimum, but often easily 3x that amount, or more.

This is for real retail strip clubs. The kind of alternative thing I am thinking of, maybe $1k per day to $3k per day for the house, more like AMP levels.


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avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
You plan on robbing one with a water gun on your purple Huffy bike you silly fuck?

Everybody knows the mafia and the drug dealers come get it at the end of the night.
avatar for solidmark
7 years ago
Theorycrafting here...

Strip clubs aren't 24/7 operations, so armored cars might come once everything is closed and all the girls have left, which would explain why you never see them.

I'm not 100% sure how a dancer pays the house fee (be it before or after the shift, maybe both depending on the place or dancer?), but I'm fairly certain that there's a system that keeps count. Since dancers are independent contractors, it might be as simple as "buying" a ticket to perform, per se, and having receipts, and then the dancers pocket all they tips and work as such.

There are probably cameras that make sure people don't steal. Computers probably help keep track of everything. My guess is the less technology is involved, the more the owner is involved in the process himself. So, an owner that owns one strip club probably shows up multiple days a week to make sure his money is on point, where as a Rick's, Scores, or Sapphires (are they the same? If they are, excuse my ignorance) probably got systems in place so that CEOs and owners get all the money that capitalism will allow them to get.

But yeah. This is just a theory.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Not planning on robbing anyone, just want to know how it is done, how the money can be kept straight without the owner having to be there.

Anyone ever seen these cash runs, be they Mafia or armored cars?

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^ I have not seen the cash runs or the safes. But I see both in restaurants and stores all the time.

avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
Ocean's 1
avatar for JAprufrock
7 years ago
I’m calling the FBI.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Not planning to do anything unlawful, just want to know how people can run things without having to be there 24-7.

avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Its really not so hard just have some trusted delegates and pay them well.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^ If there are not some actual checks and monitors, in a cash business with little in the way of records, like say a bar, I would not expect the money to be kept straight for long.

If the owner is not there, its cause the owner is off making more money. So if there is a way, people will start to steal from the owner, just out of jealousy.

And then just the practicality, you want to get it into the bank. You don't want people trying to rob you, you don't want people believing that they even could rob you.

Anyone actually seen any of these protections in action?

I see it all the time in stores and restaurants, but not in strip clubs, even though I have often been in such places often enough, long enough, and of all their opening and closing hours, that I should have seen it.


avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Please dummy spare us your idiotic thoughts, I know plenty of guys that own cash businesses, if you know how to hire properly it’s simple to make their self interest align with yours. It just takes some simple people skills which you would be unable to understand.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Sorry, but I think it gets much more dicey when you are talking about a bar or a strip club, or something like an AMP.

Consider all the accounts of strip club credit card fraud. If the staff will do that, of course they will steal the cash if they think they can get away with it. Different types of businesses attract different sorts of workers.

Anyone actually seen how the protections work in strip clubs, multiple persons having to sign safe deposit slips? Reporting to the boss via computer system, where the safe is, the armored cars?

avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
The owner periodically during the day takes cash out of the register and locks it in a safe. At the end of the night he stuffs the cash in a sack and drives to the homes of the police chief and the city councilmen to pay his bribes. Then he goes to his mafia boss and pays his tribute. He then stops by his bank and puts some cash in the night depository. The rest of his money he puts in the safe at his home. He doesn't need no stinking armored car. He carries a Glock.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^ You actually seen any of this?

At Viet Coffee, the owners usually do handle the $ themselves. But part of that is cause they are putting much of the $ under the table. Usually this actually limits their income as they have to be there to do this themselves. So their operation and business portfolio cannot be expanded.

If they don't want to do it themselves, but to be like the fast food industry, then they need clear procedures and records, and all the money has to be accounted for. Usually such places use the established armored car services.

You know, at a place like CH in San Francisco, and some others, they have these reverse ATM machines for dances. So even the girl's money is largely on the books. I am sure they do this as they have had run ins with the feds.

avatar for 623
7 years ago
When crazy horse two was raided in las vegas 15 years ago or so the feds found two garbage bags of cash. Forgot the total but you can guess, it was a pretty big number. In fact that is how they got Rizu (sp) for tax evasion and not for racketeering. Even though he had had guys break necks, etc.

I have owned several cash businesses and its not to hard to keep up with things. Assume that you are going to lose a bit to larceny and punish it severly if you find it via cameras, ledgers, variances from normal, snitches etc. Hire smart managers with something to lose and pay them fairly and you will find that most people are mostly honest.

On a related subject, I was talking to my favorite at a dive club in las vegas a month ago and she related that the club (it’s small non touristy and somewhat out of the way) had their best November last year ever, in that the owners profited $180k for the month. She is a soon to be lawyer who has an accounting degree already, has been there for two years and is in tight with the owners so i trust her info at least 75%. November and December are slow months in LV so I assume they have had better months but she only had data on November. If I wasn’t done building and selling businesses I would be intrigued.

avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
It’s really no more difficult that a large club just like a strip club that handles large sums of cash, if you are an owner or a partner is such an establishment, you find ways of ensuring that the cash doesn’t go awol, there are large restaurant all over the country, some that are family owned and do not take credit cards that take in tens of thousands of dollars every single night and have trusted employees that handle millions of dollars a year, with absolutely no problems. It just takes managerial skills. You really don’t know what you are talking about.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
623, thank you for sharing your experiences.

I know some operators keep it clandestine for tax evasion purposes. But this means that the owner has to handle it themselves. Not everyone wants to be that tied to the biz.

Looking for ways to keep it as straight as possible.

Never seen the safes or the armored cars.

I don't think you really could hire a 'manager' and expect them to take it to the bank. Unreasonable risk. Should be armored car drivers.

avatar for Mtent
7 years ago
They take it to the bank. A stripper sometimes posts videos off annoyed bank workers counting huge stacks of ones and jokes that they all hate her
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
7 years ago
High finance Lloyd Schoene style... can I balance two garbage bags filled with cans and bottles marked CALIFORNIA REDEMPTION VALUE on a purple Huffy bike for the three block ride between Mama-san's parking lot and the redemption center.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Lloyd is so fucking far from reality that he's too fucking gone to understand. Owner takes money out of cash register, puts it in a safe. Then next morning puts the money in a cash bag and drops it off to the bank. Lloyd, most clubs aren't depositing $40,000 in one night like a busy supermarket, so they don't need an armored car. Credit card fraud is a lot harder when now most strip clubs will ask you for a fingerprint and copy your ID and credit card if you're using one. I know, I've done it, and I know, not the wisest choice but when you're in a strip club at 4AM in Vegas with your buddies, and you guys have shared 2 bottles of vodka and a bottle of champagne, you're not making the wisest decisions.

Lloyd I swear, you're fucking retarded.

avatar for impala
7 years ago
I have a friend that has basically ran a small SC for two decades and we have actually had this conversation before. Any cash the club makes (entry fee, dances, bar) are collecting periodically throughout the shift and deposited in a safe in the office. At the end of the night an amount (less cash needed for daily operations) goes into a locked money bag and two or three individuals (usually a couple bouncers and the bartender) stop by the bank and use the night drop slot. A couple of times a week the manager and usually a bouncer stop by the bank during business hours to pick up small bills to make change. At his club the dancers do their payout to club at the end of their shift, and the dancers are responsible for their own money (although they usually cash in singles for larger bills at the bar).
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Impala, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

That idea of a team, including a couple of bouncers, makes sense, and I assume you have seen the club's safe.

I still think the trained armored car people would be safer. And I have seen the Loomis smart safes, no problem leaving money in there overnight. Anyone stupid enough to break in will get busted, caught by the alarm, before they get anything. Fast food and supermarkets can actually take in more money than a strip club.

But my main reason for posting this is that often no owner wants to be that involved, be onsite that often. Think of some of the big operations. People have other stuff to do.

So need to prevent imbezzelment, as well as robbery, and undue risk. Once you have divisions of labor, I still think it better to use an armored car service. Locally I know of 3, all very safe. People don't mess with them or their safes. They have all kinds of laws in their favor, plus gun ports.

Some owners use very loose systems, but that's because they don't want all the money closely accounted for.


avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Some owners want the money to be straight, but they don't want to be there much at all, other stuff to do, better not to know much about what goes on there.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
So thanks to Impala for sharing his experience. Now one else has seen a strip club safe? And no one at all has seen an armored car picking up cash at a strip club?


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Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers / written by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur ; design, Alan Smith ; editor and contributing co-author, Tim Clark ; production, Patrick van der Pijl ; co-created by an amazing crowd of 470 practitioners from 45 countries. (2010 and widely available)…

I likely first read of this in Polly Whittaker's Book

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avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I have seen an armored car/truck outside of a strip club. It was during the middle of the day. I think it was a Garda truck. The guards went in and left with two sacks of (what I assume was cash).

SJG - you know little about the banking world. Strip clubs are a highly suspect operation due to the cash nature of their business. It’s vitally important to operate with regular deposits.

Due to the Patriot Act and anti money laundering legislation - it’s a concern of any financial institution holding balances from a potentially suspect source.

If there are other folks who need to be paid off - it’s done privately - and generally it’s done frequently to prevent any fluctuations in bank deposit activity.

Since criminals know about the cash held in strip clubs - night deposits ar usually not done after closing. The money will be kept in a safe for the morning armored pickup.
avatar for whodey
7 years ago
Everyone knows how strip clubs handle cash. It is deposited securely into seperate Crown Royal bags to be given to the police chief, mayor, local crime lord, drug dealers and pimps.

Nothing is more secure than a Crown Royal bag to protect your cash, as long as you remember to pull the drawstring extra tight.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I know that strip clubs are suspect operations. But also depositing regularly the same amount of money would looked cooked, as it would have to be.

We have four armored car companies, Loomis, Garda, Brinks, and Dunbar.

I just conferred with a friend who has worked security jobs his entire life. He knows a number of people with Loomis.

There was a robbery attempt in San Francisco, at the depot. Even just one car had over $1 Meg.

All the staff locked themselves in the vault, just like they do in regular banks. That set of the alarm and police arrived quickly. They shot one of the robbers.

My friend says that he has never seen an armored car pick up at a bar or a strip club. The owners do it themselves, and the reason they do this is that they are evading taxes with some of the money.

His friend had a bar and was doing that, and he also got busted for having a slot machine.

My friend agrees that if an owner wants to cook the books and hide money, they have to do that by themselves.

If they want the money to be straight, then they would need to use and armored car service.

So if an owner has many clubs, or if they just don't want to be there, then they need to use the armored car services.



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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Check out this BRINKS armored car:…

I say that they have the nicest ones. One piece body. I assume built on a walk-in van chassis. 8 bolt wheels, so likely 14,500 lb GVWR. Maybe Freightliner?

I doubt that any windows roll down, and they are all flat. But overall, nicer than what the other companies use around here.

Anyone ever see an armored car make a pick-up at a strip club?

I see them at retail stores and fast food places all the time.


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avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think a lot of strip clubs are front businesses. i never met an owner or manager who wasnt shady af
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Do you know they were engaging in illicit dealings? How do you know this.

Usually cooking the books limits the scale of the business, means that the owner had to do it themselves. So mom and pop businesses yes, but large corporations no.

And then, how do they get the money to the bank, and can the manager / owner open the safe? Ever seen the safe?

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I know someone who pimped some hoes at a club, the owner let him supply his hoes with drugs and bring trick into the club as long as the club was making money off of it. The owner even bragged about getting a license and being left alone coz he paid some hoes at the club to be with city council members. I believe it coz its a credible source to me.

Ive seen owners and managers have deals with gangs and drug dealers. Managers and owners hire and fire girls based on who fucks them.

The clubs with a lot of Russians are usually money laundering scams. Like Asian massage parlors.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
One time, a club manager introduced my hustler friend to the owner and the owner gave my friend a bouncer to act as a body guard gave him his personal card with cell number written on it and told staff to let him do whatever he wants and get him a free bottle. He got a semi private area blocked off, strawberries and champagne and fucked a hot Persian bitch while the bouncer kinda watched and kept people away.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
And so in that kind of an environment do you expect me to believe that front room DFKing is always prevented?

avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 years ago
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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Usually irregular accounting practices limit the scale of the business. Either the owner has to do it themselves, or with their spouse, or it has to become full blown organized crime.

Otherwise they have to do it totally straight and pay all their taxes.

But anyone see the money pick ups?

avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ SJG is Gay And hasn’t visited a club since his ex wife went menappausal!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I know one small club that has a billboard over it. The owner makes a shit load of cash from the billboard and has the place listed as an empty lot with a billboard lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago

That club sounds like quite a find, a place where there are no rules, where the women can do what they want, an outlaw club.

Those are always the best, and the places where front room makeout sessions are the most likely.

Care to identify it? PM me is you wish.


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